
  • 网络Phoxim;Phoxime
  1. 虾类中五氯苯酚残留的气相色谱分析HPLC测定辛硫磷·五氯硝基苯悬浮种衣剂

    Determination of the Pentachlorophenol Residue in Shrimps by Gas Chromatography HPLC analysis of a phoxim and quintozene SE for seed coating

  2. 以黄河水及沉积物为研究对象,探讨了有机磷农药水胺硫磷和辛硫磷在黄河水体中的迁移规律,同时还研究了pH值和离子强度等因素对迁移规律的影响。

    An investigation was conducted to trace the transfer and conversion of two organophosphorus insecticides : isocarbophos and phoxim in water body of the Yellow River .

  3. FID检测器,甲基硅酮柱并采用程序升温,QP-5000GC/MS对辛硫磷鉴定,辛硫磷在本实验条件下稳定。

    The stability of phoxim was identified by GC-MS in the condition .

  4. 本文以红富士苹果为试材,用高效液相色谱(HPLC)法和分光光度计法对多菌灵和辛硫磷两种农药残留进行了测定;

    In this paper , we select analysis methods of HPLC and spectrophotometer to determine the residues of Carbendazim and Phoxim in red Fuji apple ;

  5. 该方法的精密度为辛硫磷乳油中辛硫磷的相对标准偏差4.3%,神光乳油中辛硫磷的RSD是3.6%;

    The relative standard deviation is 4.3 % of phoxim in phoxim emulsifiable concentrate , 3.6 % of Shenguang emulsifiable concentrate .

  6. [目的]研究辛硫磷(phoxim,pho)对大鼠卵巢抗氧化系统功能的影响。

    To investigate the effects of phoxim on the ovarian antioxidant function .

  7. 辛硫磷LD(10)剂量连续诱导棉铃虫4代,对AChE比活力和V(max)作用表现为先抑制后诱导增加,但变化幅度较小。

    The specific activity and the Fmax value of AChE were increased after firstly and then decreased with induction of sublethal dose of phoxim over 4 generations .

  8. 结果表明,辛硫磷、甲氰菊酯及其混合剂对鹌鹑的急性毒性均为高毒,3种制剂对鹌鹑的急性LD50分别为:甲氰菊酯24.32(22.42~26.22)mg/kg;

    The results showed that the LD50 and its 95 % confidence limits of pesticides for quail were fenpropathrin 24.32 ( 22.42 ~ 26.22 ) mg / kg ;

  9. 选定了制剂适宜的分散剂F和稳定剂H,成功地研制出理化性能高度稳定的35%辛硫磷微胶囊悬浮剂小样。

    After selecting an appropriate dispersing agent , F , and a stability agent , H , a small sample of phoxim 35 % microcapsule suspension concentrate with good chemical and physical properties was successfully produced .

  10. 环境水中甲基对硫磷、对硫磷和辛硫磷农药残留的SPE-HPLC分析

    Analysis of Phoxim , Methyl Parathion and Parathion Pesticide Residues in Water by SPE-HPLC

  11. 考察了农药抑制时间、酶催化反应时间、pH值及底物浓度对反应体系的影响,完成了对不同浓度辛硫磷农药的快速检测,达到了检测农药的标准。

    The effect of the time of inhibition , pH value and concentration of substrate to reaction system was studyed . In addition , different concentrations of phoxim were tested and reached the standard of the detection of pesticides . 3 .

  12. 哈伯因(HupA)对急性水胺硫磷和辛硫磷中毒的预防作用比较

    Comparison of preventive effects of HupA between isocarbophos and phoxim poisoning in mice and rats

  13. 第2组为HupA预防组:在水胺硫磷或辛硫磷染毒前2h经口给予HupA;

    Prevention group , the animals were administrated with HupA by oral ( 2 h ) before phoxim or isocarbophos exposure .

  14. 辛硫磷的最小检出浓度为0.02mg/kg。

    The lowest detectable concentration of the method is 0.15mg/kg and Phoxim is 0.02mg/kg .

  15. 第4组为联合治疗组(HupA、阿托品联合):在水胺硫磷或辛硫磷染毒前2h经口给予HupA,染毒后立即注射阿托品。

    , soon after OPs exposure . ( 4 ) combined treating group , the OPs exposed animals were simultaneously received HupA and atropine treatment .

  16. 在室内用辛硫磷对采自江苏东台的棉铃虫Helicoverpaarmigera连续筛选了12代,平均成活率为376%,抗性上升了49倍。

    Continuously selected with phoxim for 12 generations at the average survival percentage of 37 6 % , the strain of Helicoverpa armigera , collected from Dongtai County , Jiangsu Province , had a 4 9-fold increase in resistance to phoxim .

  17. 但处于高抗的抗辛硫磷家蝇则对有机磷类药剂表现出中等水平的交互抗性,对灭多威和abamectin无交互抗性。由于本杀虫剂与传统杀虫剂作用机制不同,故无交互抗性问题。

    However , the strain that has high level resistance to phoxim showed moderate level cross-resistance to organophosphorus . Mechanism of action of this insecticide is completely different from that of traditional insecticides . So cross-resistance does not exist .

  18. 套袋果实的辛硫磷含量未检出,符合NY5011-2001国家农业行业标准无公害食品苹果的要求,而未套袋苹果的辛硫磷含量超出国家标准。

    Fruit phoxim in bags haven 't determined by instrument that meet the national agricultural standard of green apple fruit ( NY5011-2001 ), But phoxim content in control was slight higher than the national standard .

  19. 黄河水体沉积物对水胺硫磷和辛硫磷的吸附

    Adsorption of Isocarbophos and Phoxim on Sediments of the Yellow River

  20. 马铃薯淀粉深加工废液可溶性糖含量的测定高效液相色谱法测定废水中的辛硫磷、毒死蜱

    Determination of Soluble Sugar Content of Potato Starch Deep-processing Waste Liquid

  21. 50%辛硫磷乳油对毛豆的安全性试验

    Safety Test of 50 % Phoxim EC on Young Soybean Plants

  22. 植烟土壤及烟叶中辛硫磷残留量分析方法

    Residue analysis methods of Phoxim in tobacco-planted soils and tobacco leaves

  23. 棉铃虫对辛硫磷抗性的风险评估与预报

    Risk assessment and prediction of resistance to phoxim in Helicoverpa armigera

  24. ~(14)C-辛硫磷的土壤环境学性质

    The Environmental Characteristics of ~ ( 14 ) C-Phoxim Applied Soils

  25. 气相色谱分析辛硫磷、水胺硫磷、灭多威混合农药

    Gas Chromatographic Analysis of Mixture of Phoxim , Isocarbophos and Methomyl

  26. 复合凝聚法制备辛硫磷微胶囊剂的研究

    Study on Phoxim Microencapsules Prepared by Gelatin-Peach Gum Complex Coacervation Process

  27. 荧光法检测辛硫磷残留量及其分析应用

    Determination of Phoxim Residues by Fluorescence Spectrometry and its Analytical Application

  28. 基于氧化锌纳米棒的乙酰胆碱酯酶生物传感器用于辛硫磷农药测定

    Determination of Phoxim Pesticides Using Acetylcholinesterase Biosensor Based on ZnO Nanorods

  29. 3%辛硫磷微胶囊种衣剂对玉米的安全性研究

    Study on Security of 3 % Phoxim CS PS to Maize

  30. 其中,温度对辛硫磷的毒力几乎没有明显影响。

    Temperature almost has no effect on the toxicity of phoxim .