
xīn dí jiā
  • syndicate
辛迪加[xīn dí jiā]
  1. 就像任何一个出色的辛迪加,塔利亚布先生领导下的nfl也成功地打出了政治牌。

    Like any good syndicate , the NFL under Mr Tagliabue has also mastered politics .

  2. 电视节目辛迪加是一个节目分销系统,辛迪加节目中最具代表性的就是美国电视剧。

    The TV program syndicate is a program distribution system , the most representative one of syndicate program is American TV series .

  3. 神秘组织辛迪加,密谋扰乱社会治安。

    The mystical organization syndicate , conspires to harass the social order .

  4. 如何转化按照是否有第三者介入分为两种情况,分别引入了青木昌彦的银行辛迪加方案和哈特的AHM程序,并简要阐述了作者对这两种方式的看法。

    The scheme of bank syndicate and AHM procedure explain transitional process .

  5. 在很多市场上,公司借款人纷纷准备对辛迪加贷款(syndicated-loanfacilities注11)进行再融资,将给它们的外国银行债权人带来重大考验。

    Corporate borrowers in many markets are about to put their foreign bank creditors to the test , as they prepare to refinance syndicated-loan facilities .

  6. 美国投资者对欧元区外围成员国银行发行的债券感到更加放心了,高盛投资级债务辛迪加主管乔纳森法恩(JonathanFine)表示,他们对风险回报和债券定价感到满意。

    US investors are feeling more comfortable with bank bonds issued by eurozone peripheral countries , says Jonathan Fine , head of investment grade syndicate at Goldman Sachs . They like the risk reward and the pricing of debt .

  7. 比如,当房地产投资信托SLGreenRealtyCorp需要为纽约时代广场的一栋写字楼进行再融资时,就接洽了中行,请中行牵头一个贷款辛迪加。

    For example , when SL Green Realty Corp , a real estate trust , needed to refinance an office building in Times Square , New York , it turned to Bank of China to lead the lending syndicate .

  8. 瑞银(UBS)权益辛迪加欧洲主管加雷思麦卡特尼(GarethMcCartney)表示:上市活动正在升温,这是因为市场对诱人的估值感到振奋,并且市场状况预计也将保持良好。

    Gareth McCartney , head of equity syndicate at UBS in Europe , said : Activity is picking up because markets are buoyant with attractive valuations and market conditions are expected to remain good .

  9. 瑞银(UBS)负责亚洲债券辛迪加业务的弗格斯爱德华兹(FergusEdwards)说:过去五年来,中国国内债券市场逐步前进,市场深度和老练度不断增强。

    Fergus Edwards , head of debt syndicate in Asia at UBS , said : Over the past five years we have seen Chinese domestic bond markets take incremental steps forward , adding both depth and sophistication .

  10. 将来它们还能够重返这个市场,继续在这个它们视为快速增长且日益重要的市场得到资金,汇丰(HSBC)亚洲货币辛迪加主管詹姆斯费德勒(JamesFielder)表示。

    They will be able to come back to the market in the future to continue to obtain funding in what they deem as a fast growing and increasingly important market , said James Fielder , head of Asian local currency syndicate at HSBC .

  11. 辛迪加贷款和借款者联盟与中小企业融资

    Alleviating the Trouble of Medium and Small Size Enterprises ' Loan

  12. 他的专长是案例研究??把大家组成一个个辛迪加。

    His speciality is case-studies ? he organizes people into syndicates .

  13. 这家银行经常通过辛迪加向其他银行发放大量贷款。

    The bank often syndicates large loans among other banks .

  14. 在风险投资领域,战略联盟主要通过辛迪加方式来实现;

    The strategy alliance is realized through Sydicate pattern in venture capital field .

  15. 向采访者介绍用辛迪加贷款为大型项目融资的情况。

    He talks about syndicated loans as a means of financing major projects .

  16. 我们并没有通过辛迪加和他们做这笔交易。

    We didn 't syndicate the deal with them .

  17. 辛迪加向出售团成员提供的折扣。

    The discount given by the syndicate to members of the selling group .

  18. 辛迪加贷款、项目融资、透支、信用证及联行往来。

    Syndicated loans , project finance , overdrafts , documentary credits and correspondent banking .

  19. “辛迪加贷款,银行团贷款”抵押银行的借贷政策

    A syndicate loan Lending Policies of Mortgage Banks

  20. 刺杀由日本最大的犯罪辛迪加组织长崎分支机构策划实施。

    The assassin belonged to the local Nagasaki branch of Japan 's largest crime syndicate .

  21. 什么是辛迪加和案例研究?

    What are syndicates and case-studies ?

  22. RSS:打造教育资源辛迪加

    RSS : Syndicate the Educational Resource

  23. 三是借款者自身原因;辛迪加贷款和借款者联盟与中小企业融资

    Credit side 's reasons ; Alleviating the Trouble of Medium and Small Size Enterprises ' Loan

  24. 阿拉伯战争险保险辛迪加

    Arab War Risk Insurance Syndicate

  25. “辛迪加贷款,银行团贷款”谁来承担贷款风险?央行、行、府还是中介?

    Who will bear the risk loans ? The central bank , banking , government or intermediary ?

  26. 辛迪加被授权作为债权人参与部分贷款事务的银行联合组织。

    A group of banks authorized to be involved as the creditor of part of loan transaction .

  27. 欧洲货币辛迪加贷款利息

    Interest on syndicated Eurocurrency credits

  28. 美国海上保险辛迪加

    American Offshore Insurance Syndicate

  29. 代理银行:为外国银行作代理的银行或管理辛迪加(银行集团)贷款的银行。

    Agent Bank : Bank acting for a foreign Bank Or Bank handling administration of loan in a syndicated credit .

  30. 作为降低风险的有效手段,辛迪加被广泛应用于商业领域,特别是风险投资领域。

    For its efficiency in reducing risks , syndication is widely used in business , in particular in the venture capital industry .