
tuō lā sī
  • trust
托拉斯 [tuō lā sī]
  • [trust] 某些国家生产同类产品或生产上有密切关系的企业的联合组织,参加的企业要服从总部的领导

  1. 她接任书业托拉斯的总裁。

    She took over as chief executive of the Book Trust .

  2. 机车建筑有限公司是该托拉斯的全资子公司。

    The Locomotive Construction Company Ltd is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Trust .

  3. 于是西尔斯提起反托拉斯诉讼进行反击。

    Sears then countered by filing an antitrust lawsuit .

  4. 一些规模很大的反托拉斯案子都是由向司法部的申诉开始的。

    Some of the biggest antitrust cases were initiated by complaints taken to the justice department .

  5. 第二次世界大战以来,政府积极地进行着反对托拉斯的检举活动

    Since World War II , the government has been active in its antitrust prosecutions .

  6. 同时,苹果也在创建自己的电子图书业务,而且该业务还成了美国司法部(JusticeDepartment)反托拉斯法的调查对象。

    Apple also is building its e-book business , the subject of a Justice Department anti-trust investigation .

  7. 但据印度报业托拉斯通讯社(PressTrustofIndia)报道,最高法院立即阻止执行这一决议,并在9月宣布其无效。

    But the Supreme Court immediately stayed that order , then struck it down in September , the Press Trust of India reported .

  8. 去年七月BarnesNoble向美国司法部反托拉斯部门做了一个演示。

    LAST July Barnes Noble gave a presentation to the antitrust division of America 's Department of Justice .

  9. 1995年,司法部正式指控犯有固定的法学教授的薪水等谢尔曼反托拉斯法的行为,ABA的。

    In1995 , the Justice Department formally charged the ABA with fixing law professors'salaries , among other Sherman Anti-Trust Act violations .

  10. 去年七月Barnes&Noble向美国司法部反托拉斯部门做了一个演示。

    LAST July Barnes & Noble gave a presentation to the antitrust division of America 's Department of Justice .

  11. 上周,我参加了一场晚宴,在晚宴上,黄金反托拉斯行动委员会(GoldAnti-TrustActionCommittee,简称GATA)财务官克里斯鲍威尔(ChrisPowell)发表了讲话。

    I attended a dinner last week where Chris Powell , the treasurer of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee ( Gata ), was talking .

  12. 传统的资源配置的pareto均衡无论是市场竞争机制还是权威型政府的国家托拉斯体制均已过时,取而代之的是竞争与合作的分层次重复博弈均衡体制。

    The traditional Pareto equilibrium of resources allocation , either mechanism of market competition or a governmental and national trust in type of authority is outdated .

  13. 但这还不足够给反托拉斯者带来麻烦,因为实际上,在欧洲,相对于唱片公司的龙头环球唱片来说,索尼BMG的表现也未免相形失色。

    This is not enough clout on its own to trouble the trustbusters : in fact Sony BMG has a smaller European presence than Universal , the leading record company .

  14. 另一种顾虑是使用UPP及类似方法可能给了反托拉斯者太多空间去阻碍本可能造福消费者的合并。

    Another fear is that the use of UPP and the like will give trust busters too much leeway to block mergers that might benefit consumers .

  15. 随着反托拉斯检察官挑战卡耐基和约翰??D??洛克菲勒(JohnD.Rockefeller)(他于1913年创立了自己的慈善组织)这类“橡胶大亨”,一波波涌起的新的大型商业和创造它们的富人的合法性越来越受到质疑。

    The legitimacy of the wave of new big businesses and of the wealthy men who created them was increasingly questioned , as trustbusters challenged " robber barons " such as Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller ( who created his charitable foundation in 1913 ) .

  16. 即使是思想进步的新闻记者林肯·斯蒂芬斯(LincolnSteffens)也评论道:“托拉斯是在我们的社会与经济条件下,自然、不可避免的趋势,没有人能用武力、用法律阻止它们。”

    Even the progressive-minded journalist Lincoln Steffens remarked : " Trusts are natural , inevitable growths out of our social and economic conditions * . You cannot stop them by force , with laws . "

  17. 陆波良思基(Lupolianski)先生,因创建出借医学设备的盛大慈善托拉斯,被国家誉为极端正统的领导人,于4月14日被捕。

    Mr Lupolianski , an ultra-Orthodox leader honoured by the state for creating a now-huge philanthropic trust that lends medical equipment , was arrested on April14th .

  18. 《谢尔曼反托拉斯法》缘何使用普通法条款

    Political Intentions of Common Law items in the Sherman Antitrust Law

  19. 欧盟竞争政策是世界上第一项跨国反托拉斯政策,在过去半个世纪中取得了成功。

    European competition policy is the first transnational anti trust policy .

  20. 美国反托拉斯法上的外资并购控制及启示

    Regulation of Foreign Acquisition in US Antitrust Law and Its Significance

  21. 法务部官员正在调查该合并案是否违反反托拉斯法。

    Justice officials are investigating whether the merger violates anti-trust laws .

  22. 智慧财产及反托拉斯法之间,先天就有所冲突。

    A fundamental tension exists between intellectual property and antitrust law .

  23. 尽管如此,反托拉斯者应该按兵不动。

    Even so , the trustbusters should stay their hand .

  24. 他们为其孙子孙女成立了家庭托拉斯。

    They set up a family trust for their grandchildren .

  25. 报业联合体是一码事,肥皂托拉斯则是另一码事。

    Newspaper combines were one thing , soap trusts another .

  26. 联邦政府为了解散这个托拉斯而提出起诉。

    The federal government brought suit to dissolve the trust .

  27. 托拉斯试点除工业、交通外,还包括商业物资流通领域;

    Trust experimental units include the field of commerce and material cirulation ;

  28. 美国反托拉斯法的司法特点及其启示

    Judicial characteristics of Anti-Trust in America and the Inspiration to China 's Economy

  29. 作为总统,他发起了80项反托拉斯诉讼;

    As President , he initiated 80 anti-trust suits ;

  30. 如何对托拉斯进行管理与监督等。

    Methods should be explored as to how to manage and monitor trust .