
  • 网络Cost Center;cost centre;costcenter;CCA
  1. 例如,订购表单可能有一个成本中心(costcenter)字段。

    For example , a purchase order form might have a cost center field .

  2. 因为一个IT机构在传统上是成本中心,因此很难讨论development在利润上的软件开发。

    Because an IT organization is traditionally a cost center , and not a profit center , it is very difficult to discuss the development of software in terms of profitability .

  3. IBMRational的构想是帮助企业将开发组织的内部关注点从成本中心转型为业务价值的生成。

    IBM Rational 's vision is to help enterprises transform the internal view of development organizations from cost centers to business value generators .

  4. 但不管怎么说,成本中心1号现在是单身,换言之,正如他Facebook页面上写的:目前没有恋爱。

    Anyway , CC # 1 is now single , or , as his Facebook page says , not currently in a relationship .

  5. 本月晚些时候,我会和成本中心1号一起重返苏格兰,进行我们一年一度的爱丁堡边缘艺术节(EdinburghFringe)朝圣之旅。

    I will return later in the month with Cost Centre # 1 , on our annual pilgrimage to the Edinburgh Fringe .

  6. 谁一路上为成本中心们裁决谁拿了谁的iPod无线耳机,以及其它类似的争论?

    Who then spends the journey arbitrating between Cost Centres about who has whose iPod wireless headphones and other such disputes ?

  7. 最后,通过前文设置的作业流程及作业成本中心分别从ERP、CRM、SCM三大系统进行企业信息管理框架建设。

    Finally , with help of processes and activity costs from the Center which are set previously , enterprise information management framework from ERP , CRM , SCM systems is established .

  8. 刚刚成为GMAC掌门人,威尔逊就立刻把他的会计技能应用在了最大的成本中心ETS身上。

    Once in charge of GMAC , Wilson immediately applied his accounting skills to his biggest cost center , ETS .

  9. 1999年,F集团为发挥全集团铸造资源的整体优势,对旗下七个成本中心铸造厂进行资源整合,成立了CFC公司。

    In 1999 , in order to give the full play of the overall advantages of the foundry sources , F group integrated the seven foundries which were cost centers and established CFC company .

  10. 一位女士写信告诉我,她的几个成本中心都出生在那里,他们把从机场乘坐成田特快(naritaexpress)当做“美丽的归家路”。

    One lady wrote to tell me that her cost centres were all born there and that they think of the journey on the Narita express from the airport as " a beautiful ride home " .

  11. 啊,对。这就是所有成本中心服务,对不对?

    Ah , yes . That 's cost centre services then ?

  12. 成本中心1号问他能否带三四个朋友回来过夜?

    Could he bring three or four friends back to stay ?

  13. 成本中心一号吃了一顿一顿饭又一顿饭。

    CC # 1 ate meal after meal after meal .

  14. 心想这又是成本中心1号的哪个狐朋狗友?

    Which of CC # 1 's friends was this ?

  15. 阐述了成本中心运作的三阶段模式;

    The second part explains how the cost is operated .

  16. 管办的成本中心控制;

    Controlling of the cost center of management office ;

  17. 我们应该直接使我们的销售成本中心分裂成间接和直接销售吗?

    Should we split our sales cost center into direct and indirect sales ?

  18. 成本中心们的开支与日俱增。

    Expenditure on the Cost Centres escalates daily .

  19. 对,就是成本中心服务。

    That 's cost centre services , right .

  20. 这个选中的值随后将更新订购单中的成本中心字段。

    This selected value would then update the cost center field in your purchase order .

  21. 成本中心是一个向其他部门提供服务或产品的部门。

    A cost center is a serpent that provides service or products to other segments .

  22. 项目作为成本中心,是企业效益的源头。

    As the core of the cost , project is the source of enterprise benefit .

  23. 成本中心1号17岁了,今年将申请上大学。

    Cost Centre # 1 is 17 and will be applying to university this year .

  24. 将组织分为利润中心和成本中心两块目标。

    The organization will be divided in two objects , profit centre and cost centre .

  25. 成本中心1号想养只狗已经很多年了,但我们总是不答应。

    CC # 1 aspired to owning a dog for years and was always denied one .

  26. 从代理理论来看,传统内部审计部门属于成本中心。

    From the prospect of agency theory , traditional internal auditing department is a cost center .

  27. 本质上,管理层将这些开发组织看作价值中心,而不是成本中心。

    In essence , management treats these development organizations as value centers rather than cost centers .

  28. 成本中心模型;

    The model of cost centre ;

  29. 把培训从成本中心变成利润来源,以增强培训职能的可信度和力量。

    Mprove the credibility and power of the training function by becoming profit instead of cost centered .

  30. 分步法的第一步是建立成本中心。

    The first step in developing a process costing system is to establish specific process costing centers .