
  1. 他们可以发表他们对产品满意的意见。

    They can express their satisfaction with the products .

  2. 努力使我们的客人对产品满意,对我们的服务满意。

    We endeavor to make our customers satisfied with good service and good quality products .

  3. 若我们对该产品满意,我想我们会下更多的订单。

    If we are satisfied with the product , I think we will place more orders .

  4. 公司理念:以技术吸引客户;以产品满意客户;以服务感动客户。

    The company tenet : Attract the customer with technology , satisfy the customer with product , move the customer with service .

  5. 其中影响顾客产品满意的主要属性包括整车性能和经济性,服务属性中有形性、可靠性和移情性则显著影响顾客的服务满意。

    The vehicle performance and the economical performance are the main attributes to influence customer product satisfaction ; tangibles , reliability and empathy influence the service satisfaction significantly .

  6. 其中,信任就是信任一个维度,关系利益包括关系利益(社会、经济利益)和心理利益,满意包括服务满意和产品满意(或核心服务),联系包括便利联系、经技联系和法律约束。

    Trust is one dimension of trust , relational benefits include social and economical benefits and psychological benefits , satisfaction includes service satisfaction and product satisfaction ( or core service satisfaction ), bond includes convenience bond , economical and technological bond and law bond .

  7. 这些新用户对我们的产品很满意。

    The new users are satisfied with our products .

  8. 到了这个时候我们执行了客户的验收测试,在验收测试中有非常少的问题在,ASDI也对产品表示满意。

    By the time we ran the customer acceptance tests , there was very little question that ASDI would be happy with the product .

  9. 本厂的质量方针:让我厂生产的产品客户满意。

    Our quality policy is to let our products satisfy our customers .

  10. 我们将竭力为你提供优质的产品和满意的服务!

    We will strive to provide you with quality products and satisfactory service !

  11. 我们对这些水健康产品很满意。

    We have been very happy with these products .

  12. 基于竞争性顾客价值的中间产品顾客满意

    The Practice and Probe into Customer Satisfaction for Semi-finished Products based on benchmarking customer value

  13. 我们对你方的产品非常满意,正欲订购。

    720 We are delighted with your products and are thinking of placing an order .

  14. “以优质的产品、满意的服务,实践以客户为中心的目标”是我们的承诺。

    " High-quality products , satisfactory service , practice customer-centric goal " is our commitment .

  15. 您对我们的产品不满意吗?

    Are you unhappy with our product ?

  16. 我们竭诚为广大国内外客商提供优质价廉的产品和满意的服务。

    We wholeheartedly to provide inexpensive high-quality products and satisfactory service for domestic and foreign merchants .

  17. 施耐德公司将在贵项目中一如既往的提供优质产品和满意的服务。

    Scheider Electric will all along provide the project with high quality products and satisfying service .

  18. 而销售环节直接面对顾客,是了解顾客需求和顾客对现有产品质量满意程度、提升产品竞争力的窗口。

    And marketing is the window for enterprise to know the customer 's requirement and satisfaction .

  19. 为顾客生产,并提供了价廉质优的产品和满意的服务。

    Customer production , and provides a low price and high quality products and satisfactory service .

  20. 我们确信贵方的客户将继续对我们的产品感到满意。

    We are sure that your customers will continue to be satisfied with our products as usual .

  21. 倘若你对我们的产品不满意,请把它寄回来,我们会按价格全额退还。

    If you are unsatisfied with our product , please send it back for a full refund .

  22. 不同寻常的是,库克建议对苹果公司产品不满意的用户应该尝试其竞争对手的服务。

    Unusually , Cook recommends that users who are dissatisfied with Apple 's offering should try rival services .

  23. 另一个好处是你不用担心你的产品不满意顾客回流。

    Another advantage is that you don 't have to worry about unsatisfied customers returning the product to you .

  24. 产品价格满意承诺产品价格不高于其他厂家,高则退差价的承诺。

    Product price satisfaction pledge The product price is not higher than other factories , Gao Zetuithe price difference pledge .

  25. 如果证明贵方产品令人满意,我们将准备就长期合同举行谈判。

    If the quality of your products prove to be satisfactory , we will be prepared to negotiate a long-term contract .

  26. 欢迎和感谢您的垂询,我们将随时提供给您高品质的产品和满意的服务。

    Welcome and thank you for your inquiry , we will always provide you with high quality products and satisfactory service .

  27. “优质的产品,满意的服务”是我们的经营理念,“诚信经营,真诚服务”是我们不变的承诺。

    " Quality products , satisfactory service " is our business philosophy ," honesty , sincere service " is our constant commitment to .

  28. 我厂愿为新老客户提供优质、优价的合格产品以及满意的服务。

    We are pleasure for best quality and best price on our best products , as well as good service for all customers .

  29. 始终坚持以纯电子商务模式运营,缩减中间环节,为客户提供优质的网货产品及满意的服务。

    Always adhere to the puree-commerce mode operation , to reduce intermediate links , to provide high quality network products and satisfactory service goods .

  30. 通过顾客反馈信息了解顾客对公司产品的满意程度、消费偏好、对新产品的反应等。

    Customer feedback information can help collect information related to the customers'satisfaction , consumption preferences and responses to the new products of the company .