
  • 网络profit ratio of production
  1. 浅谈施工企业产值利润率下降的原因及解决的途径

    On the Reason and Approaches of Decreasing of Production Profit Rate of Construction Enterprise

  2. 小区内农户资金利润率达到167.30%,成本利润率达103.52%,产值利润率达51.03%;招商小区,资金利润率达到138.29%,成本利润率达40%,产值利润率达28.57%;

    Farmers ' fund profit ratio in area reaches 167.30 % , profit ratio of fund gets to 103.52 % , profit ratio of output value reaches 51.03 % ;

  3. 本文通过对近三年甘肃省地矿局所属地勘单位地质市场经营现状的分析,认为存在的最主要问题是产值利润率十分低下。

    A fairly low ratio of profit to output value represents the major problem in the operation of Gansu 's prospecting units in the geological market over the past three years .

  4. 目前,建筑企业普遍存在着产权关系不明晰、管理制度不完善、经营结构单一、产值利润率低下、信誉状况不佳等问题。水量状况;

    At present , such status is popular in building enterprises : property relation is not transparent , management system is incomplete , the operating structure is single , the profit rate of output value is low , prestige state is not good .

  5. 选取的S建筑公司是当地比较大的企业,但是近几年出现了很多经营管理上的问题,比如产值利润率低、劳动生产率低、员工大量流失等。

    S selected local construction companies are relatively large companies , but in recent years there has been a lot of problems on business management , such as low production value profit margins , low labor productivity , such as the loss of a large number of employees .