
  • 网络Industrial merger
  1. 最后,本研究比较市场绩效与创新绩效之建模关系,以发掘较适合衡量高科技产业并购活动效益的绩效指标。

    Third , this paper will compare the market performance model with the innovation performance model , in order to look for an appropriate indicator of M & A performance in high-tech industries .

  2. 结合国际金融业重大的并购案例,说明跨产业并购的背景、原因及其对金融业融合的影响;其四,金融业的战略联盟。

    Major international financial industry with the acquisition cases to illustrate the cross-industry mergers and acquisitions background , the reasons for the financial industry and its integration ; Fourth , the financial sector strategic alliance .

  3. 中国家电产业整合并购问题研究

    A Study on Chinese Electric Home Appliances Industrial M & A

  4. 第五,对农业产业外资并购的政策建议。

    Policy suggestion to Foreign M & A in agriculture .

  5. 近几年,国内钢铁产业的并购重组进入全面加速期。

    In recent years , the M & A of China steel industry has stepped into a full accelerating stage .

  6. 我国房地产业的并购战略主要包括并购的时机选择、模型选择、目标企业的选择、并购整合等四个方面。

    Chinese real estate M A strategy majorly includes the timing of M A , model selection , the choice of target enterprises , the integration of M A.

  7. 结果表明:跨国公司对中国汽车产业的并购明显提高了产业的生产集中度,并且对新进入者构建更高的进入壁垒,使得中国汽车产业呈现中高寡占市场结构的特征。

    The results show that : Foreign Capital M & As have increased the concentration of automotive industry significantly and built higher barriers to entry for new entrants , making Chinese automotive industry became middle high oligopolistic market structure .

  8. 未来产业内的并购整合以及产业链上企业合作将增多。

    Integration of future mergers within the industry and the industrial chain business cooperation will increase .

  9. 我国房地产业上市公司并购财务协同效应的实证分析

    The Empirical Analysis of Chinese Listed Real Estate Companies ' Financial Synergy in M & A

  10. 中国汽车产业的跨国并购现状及策略研究

    The Study of Automobile Industry of China 's Transnational Mergers and Acquisitions ' Current Situation and Strategy

  11. 京华产业集团跨国并购英国约翰逊安全有限公司分析报告

    The Analysis Report of International M & A between Jinghua Group and English Johnson Security Co. , Ltd

  12. 产业周期、并购类型与并购绩效的实证研究

    The Empirical Study of Industry Life Cycle , the Types of M A and the Performance of M A

  13. 我国现在对中国战略产业的外资并购的立法尚处于起步阶段,还存在着许多不完善的地方。

    Our legislation on China 's strategic industries and merging-acquisition by foreign capital is still in its infancy , and need to be improved .

  14. 医药行业作为一个科技含量极高、集约化国际化程度很高、高投入高收益的产业,通过并购来优化资源配置是其发展趋势。

    As a high-tech , high-intensive , high-international , high-input and high-production industry , to optimize the resources through M & A is the development trend of medicine industry .

  15. 据现有的资料来看,与之前国有企业贱卖及其所引起的国有资产流失之争相对应的是,发生在进入管制渐进放松的产业内的并购,大多出现了溢价现象。

    Comparing with the Sells Cheap of national enterprises and the controversy of state asset outflow , we found that the M & A premium phenomenon frequently arise in the regulated industries .

  16. 重组后的湘火炬引入新观念,确定战略规划,以行业研究为前提,通过战略规划夯实基础做产业,进行并购扩张,以产业整合铸造企业核心竞争力。

    After restructure , Torch introduced new philosophy and redesigned strategies which is led by industry research and strengthen developing sector by strategic planning and which cultivating core competence by M & A and consolidation .

  17. 外资之所以选择在我国汽车产业进行跨国并购,一方面是由于我国充裕且高质量的生产要素供给、不断成长且规模较大的汽车市场需求、外商投资政策的松动等环境因素;

    The reason why those giant companies choose China 's automobile industry is that , on one hand , we have abundant production factor supply with high quality and large automobile market demand , they can find excellent environment and favorable policy ;

  18. 信息产业类上市公司并购分析与绩效评价

    Analysis and Appraise on the Performance of Merge and Acquisition in Listed Information Company

  19. 今年头九个月宣布的中国海外并购交易规模达1910亿美元,这些交易中有多宗交易都发生在旅游和娱乐产业。携程此次并购为上述交易又增添了一笔。

    The deal adds to the $ 191bn worth of Chinese overseas acquisitions that were announced during the first nine months of this year , with a number of those deals taking place in the travel and entertainment industries .

  20. 我国也非常重视产业安全,尤其在外资并购中,对于与国防、军工有关的产业的并购审查也渐趋严格。

    Industry safety has been attached great importance in China , especially in the sphere of foreign capital merger and acquisition . China has been making strict review gradually .

  21. 结合大量实证案例总结外资并购在我国汽车产业的发展,系统分析外资在我国汽车产业并购的动因、模式及影响。

    Use material case to summarize the development of multinational merger acquisition in the automobile industry in China , systemic analyze the incentive 、 pattern and effect of multinational merger acquisition in the automobile industry in China .

  22. 导致产业融合发生的动力机制主要有四个因素,分别为:技术创新、规制改革、企业跨产业并购以及战略联盟。

    Fusion led to the industry dynamic mechanism main there are four factors , namely : technological innovation , regulatory reform , cross-industry mergers and acquisitions and corporate strategic alliances .