
  • 网络hostile takeover;Hostile M&A;hostile acquisition;unfriendly takeover
  1. 从上个世纪90年代开始,敌意并购开始走进中国企业管理的视野。

    Hostile takeover has been into the sight of Chinese enterprise management since the 1990s .

  2. 在我国,针对敌意并购的研究目前多集中于个案分析和反并购措施的运用,很少有人站在并购方的角度以实证方式对这一特定并购现象进行系统深入的研究。

    Nowadays , while much of researches as to hostile takeover inside China are cases analysis and exertion of anti-merger measures , few positive studies go deep into it from the point of the buyers .

  3. 本文收集了1993~2006年间30起有上市公司参与的敌意并购事件,通过筛选后,选取有效样本,从并购方角度对上市公司敌意并购绩效进行实证研究。

    This paper collects the cases from 1993 to 2006 involving listed companies and chooses valid ones with filtration of them to work over the financial performance after their hostile takeover from the point of the buyers .

  4. “我们国家取消了强制性的公开招标和对外资股份投资的上限,这使得敌意并购行为十分容易,”韩国司法部表示,它补充称,迄今尚无任何方法来防止敌意并购。

    " Our country has made hostile mergers and acquisition attacks easy by removing a mandatory public tender and a ceiling on foreign stock investments , " the Ministry said , adding that it had thus far not had any means to prevent such approaches .