
  • 网络Industrial chain integration;integration of industry chain
  1. 互补性资产、产业链整合与创意产业集群&以动漫产业为例

    Complementary Assets , Integration of Industry Chain and Creative Industry Cluster

  2. 产业链整合理论述评

    A Literature Review about Integration of Industry Chain

  3. 同时,C公司面临的威胁有:产业链整合、行业获利能力较低、监管更加严格等方面。

    At the same time , threats to C Company : industrial chain integration , low profitability of the industry and stricter regulatory aspects .

  4. 闽台农业产业链整合的战略思考

    Strategy of integration of agriculture industrial chains between Fujian and Taiwan

  5. 基于产业链整合的产业集群创新机理研究

    Research on Industrial Cluster Innovation Mechanism Based on Industry Chain Integration

  6. 上下游互动,产业链整合&‘2006国际手机产业展览会暨论坛’后记

    2006 International Mobile Industry Exhibition and Forum Forge the Whole Chain

  7. 中国乳业的产业链整合

    The industry chain of the Chinese milk industry is combined

  8. 产业链整合与中小企业经营策略

    Industrial Chain and Working Strategy of Middle and Small Enterprises

  9. 基于全球视角的区域产业链整合对策

    Integrating Policy of District Industrial Chain Based on Globalization

  10. 基于信息技术的纺织产业链整合与敏捷体系

    Integration of Textile Industry Chain and Quick Response System Based on Digitalized Information Technology

  11. 基于资源观的闽台农业产业链整合分析

    The Analysis of Fujian and Taiwan Agricultural Industrial Chain Combination from the Viewpoint of Resources

  12. 第五,对湖南省卷烟产业链整合与产业链优度的实证研究;

    Fifthly , positive research of integration and excellent degree of the industry chain in Hunan Province ;

  13. 东博将机床产业链整合起来,努力推广面向汽车工业的品质卓越的机床设备。

    EASTPO will spare no effort to provide high quality machine tool equipment for automotive industry with integrated industrial chain .

  14. 最后,针对这些影响因素,结合广西的实际情况,提出具体的产业链整合策略。

    Finally , the response to these factors , connecting with the actual situation in Guangxi , specific strategies of industry chain integration will be proposed .

  15. 最后,本文从已有的理论命题出发,对产业链整合、企业成长战略、政府政策制定和企业成长提出了一些建议。

    Finally , I made some suggestions from the existing theories proposition on integration of industrial chain , enterprise development strategy , government policy formulation and business growth .

  16. 通过对钢铁企业案例分析,实证了产业链整合是提升企业竞争优势的有效手段。第7章钢铁产业的空间整合。

    At last I demonstrate that industry chain integration is an effective way of enhancing the competitive advantage of steel companies . Chapter ⅶ Spacial integration of steel industry .

  17. 信任合作机制、利益分配机制和沟通协调机制是区域农业产业链整合三个最基本的运行机制。

    Trust cooperation mechanism , interest distribution mechanism as well as communication and coordination mechanism is the three most basic operation mechanism in the integration of regional agricultural industrial chains .

  18. 明确了汽车产业链整合模式选择的思路,分析模式选择的依据和方法,构建了模式选择模型。

    And this dissertation clears the way of the selection of the automobile industry chain integration mode , analyzes the mode selection basis and method , and constructs the selection model .

  19. 各煤炭类上市公司与金融市场结合,通过技术创新和升级以及兼并收购等措施,进行内涵式和外延式并重的企业扩张,进行产业链整合。

    Integrate with financial markets , and through technical innovation and upgrading , as well as measures such as mergers and acquisitions , the coal companies carried out extensive and intensive expansion .

  20. 通过对天语手机的发展路径进行分析,从产业链整合及品牌创建的角度探讨山寨机手机未来的发展方向。

    Through the analysis of the development of brand " k-touch ", to discuss about the orientation of emulational mobile phone from industry conformity and brand creation in the future . 4 .

  21. 智能电表作为智能电网建设的重要基础装备,加快智能电表产业链整合,促进其产业化,对于电网实现信息化、自动化和互动化具有支撑作用。

    Smart meter is an important fundamental device for the construction of smart grid . It accelerates the integration of smart meter industry , facilitates its industrialization , and supports the information , automation and interaction of power network .

  22. 适合产品、价值和知识三种形态整合的组织模式分别是供应链战略联盟、核心企业协调下的网络组织和知识联盟,而在空间形态上产业链整合的组织形式是产业集群。

    According to product , value and knowledge integration , the suitable organization structures are separately strategic alliance of supply chain , netted organization dominated by core enterprise , and knowledge union . The dimensional organizational structure is industrial cluster .

  23. 本文正是基于此,对相关问题进行了进一步研究分析,提出产业链整合后要使它产生最大效率和保持稳定性应当重视公平合理的利益分配机制。

    This article is based on this , make further study of related issues , propose that attention should be paid to the fair and reasonable interest distribution mechanism if we want integrated industrial chain to produce the greatest efficiency and maintain its stability .

  24. 不仅通过博弈模型和数学模型等方法分析、论证了产业链整合组织确有其存在的意义,还具体给出了如何分配利益以保持产业链整合组织稳定性的方法。

    This thesis not only through the game and mathematical models and other methods demonstrates the integration of industrial chain organization has its meaning of existence , but also gives the specific method of interest distribution to maintain the stability of the industrial chain integration .

  25. 其实产业链整合具有巨大的优势已是公认,但关系到产业链整合的成败问题,即整合形成后是否具有稳定性和如何维持其稳定性却鲜有学者深入研究。

    In fact , industrial chain integration has a huge advantage is recognized , but the relationship to the success of the industrial chain integration , namely stability of integration after the formation , whether and how to maintain its stability , few scholars are in depth .

  26. 建立了汽车产业链整合模式的运行及保障机制,包括信任机制、沟通协调机制、利益分配机制等运行机制和市场环境机制、政策机制、服务机制、平台机制等保障机制。

    Furthermore , this dissertation puts forward the operating mechanisms of the automobile industry chain integration mode which include trust mechanism , communication and coordination mechanism , interest distribution mechanism , and the safeguard mechanisms which include market environment mechanism , policy mechanism , service mechanism , platform mechanism .

  27. 加入WTO后,随着全球经济一体化和市场经济的发展,业务转型升级与产业链的整合已成为中国企业参与全球竞争、挖掘深度潜力、谋求创新发展的必由之路。

    With the opportunity of entering World Trade Organization , the economic globalization and the development of market economy , the business transformation and upgrading and integration of industrial chain has become the only way for Chinese enterprises to participate global competition , explore potential opportunities and seek innovative developments .

  28. 关于区位名牌农产品的产业价值链整合的思考

    The Integration of Industrial Value Chain of Regional Branded Produce

  29. 北京服装产业链的整合探究

    Discussion on Adjustment of Beijing Apparel Industry Chain

  30. 文化创意产业价值链整合及其发展路径探析

    Research on the Value-chain Merge and the Development Path of the Cultural and Creative Industry