
  • 网络Financial Integration;Financials Integration;Financial Consolidation
  1. 财务整合有利于给公司带来规模效应和协同效应。

    Financial integration can bring scale effect and synergy effects to the company .

  2. 利用全新的财务整合框架进行案例分析。

    Case analysis by the new financial integration frame .

  3. IMC战略实施的路径包括:提高市场感知能力、战略与财务整合、优化组织结构流程。

    The implementation of IMC Strategy includes improving the institutional perception , combining strategy and finance and optimizing the procedure of institutional framework .

  4. 而企业并购后财务整合又是决定并购后整合成功的关键。

    The financial integration is the key to success after the enterprise merge .

  5. 第二个方面就是财务整合具有资源重新配置的作用。

    The second aspect is that the financial resource integration plays a re-allocation role .

  6. 将平衡记分卡引入财务整合的评价。

    The balanced score card is led into evaluation of financial integration . 3 .

  7. 然后讨论了财务整合对公司的积极意义。

    Then , there is a discussion on the positive significance of financial integration .

  8. 第六部分,我国企业并购后财务整合存在的问题及应对措施。

    The last section is about the problems and countermeasures of Post-merger financial integration in China .

  9. 从某种意义上讲,A公司已经具备了财务整合的必要性和可行性。

    In a sense , A Company has possessed the necessity and feasibility of the financial integration .

  10. 论资产重组中的财务整合

    Financial Integration in Asset Restructuring

  11. 第一个方面就是财务整合具有协调的作用。通过财务关系的整合,有利于企业更为平稳和协调的发展。

    The first aspect is that financial is conducive to make business more stable and coordinated develop .

  12. 然后探讨了A公司财务整合的必要性和可行性。

    Then , there is a discussion on necessity and feasibility of financial integration of A Company .

  13. 这几项主要问题为:并购价格确定、并购成本-效益分析、并购融资策略和并购后的财务整合。

    The several problems are price-determination of business mergence , cost-benefit analysis , financing strategy and financial integration .

  14. 企业进行财务整合的必要性越强,企业进行财务整合的动力才会越强大。

    For enterprises , the stronger the need for integration , the more powerful enterprise financial integration will drive .

  15. 在本文中首次提出了财务整合的构架及其具体内容。

    It put forward the framework of the finance integration and its concrete content for the first time in the article .

  16. 第五,从战略整合、组织与制度整合、人力资源整合、企业文化整合、财务整合等五个方面介绍了哈尔滨医药行业企业并购后的整合管理。

    Fifthly , it introduces the integration management from strategy integration , human resources integration 、 financial integration and so on .

  17. 重新构造了关于战略并购后财务整合的新框架。

    There are the following contributions . 1 . Reconstruction of new frame of financial integration after strategic mergers and acquisitions . 2 .

  18. 最后,在企业并购的整合阶段,在阐明财务整合的意义、内容的基础上介绍了帐务整合方法和整合效果评价的方法。

    At last , it describe the content , role , method of accounting integration and integration effect evaluation in the third part .

  19. 分别就战略整合、文化整合、组织人事整合、管理和制度整合、财务整合进行了论述。

    It formulates the strategy integration , culture integration , organization and HR integration , management and system integration and finance integration respectively .

  20. 该部分首先分析了战略并购财务整合的模式问题,主要是选择移植模式和融合模式进行财务整合。

    This part analyses the mode problem of mergers and acquisitions and financial integration and mainly chooses transplanting and fusion mode to financial integration .

  21. 第三、四、五章分别详细论述了财务整合的模式、内容以及效果评价。

    Then the third , fourth and fifth chapters give detailed description of the patterns , contents comprised in financial integration and its effectiveness appraisal .

  22. 其中,第三部分分析了财务整合的基本理论,包括必要性、理论基础、整合的模式及内容。

    The third part has analyzed the basic theories about financial integration , such as the necessity of financial integration theoretical basis , pattern and content .

  23. 但目前的研究工作大都集中于企业文化整合、人力资源整合、财务整合等方面,在品牌整合方面涉及较少。

    However , present research mainly focus on enterprise culture integration , human resource integration and finacial integration etc. , with a little on brand integration .

  24. 作为并购实施得以成功实施的保障,并购整合不容忽视,而财务整合又是并购整合中的必须要面对的问题。

    As the implementation of protection , M & A integration can not be ignored , financial integration is in merger integration issues must be faced .

  25. 在本文的第一部分中也重点讨论了财务整合的理论基础。财务整合的理论基础主要是来源于经济学的理论。

    In the second session of the first part , there is a discussion on the fundamental theory of financial integration from the perspective of economics .

  26. 整合包括人力资源整合、企业文化整合、财务整合、经营战略整合、组织制度整合和资产债务整合等多个方面。

    The integration includes human resources integration , corporate culture integration , financial integration , business strategy integration , organizational systems integration and other aspects of integration .

  27. 本文的创新主要体现在三方面:(1)本文较为全面地分析了公司内部财务整合的基本内容。这不同于已有的研究,往往只是局限于对并购后公司财务的整合。

    Firstly , the paper comprehensively analyzes the basic content of internal financial integration , which is different from the past research which focuses on financial integration after merger .

  28. 其中并购前主要表现为定价风险,并购实施中表现为融资及支付风险,并购后主要是财务整合风险。

    And price risk mainly manifest before merger , financing and payment risks appear in the implement of M & A , risk of financial integration always appear later period .

  29. 在案例研究中提出了财务整合的成本效益分析模型,引用此模型的目的是通过此财务模型的核算结果来确定企业整合的必要性。

    It proposed a finance integration cost-effective analysis models in the case study , and using this model purpose is confirming the necessity of enterprises finance integration through calculation result .

  30. 根据这两个因素对企业并购后财务整合模式进行了分析,得出了三种财务整合模式:移植式,分立式,融合式。

    After the financial integration model analyzing according to the two factors , we have obtained three kinds of financial integration models : Transplanting type , separating type , merging type .