
  1. 关于完善地勘财务约束机制的建议

    Suggestion on perfecting binding mechanism of geological prospecting Finance

  2. 公司内部财务约束机制主要包括信息披露制度和内部审计监督两部分,如何强化这两种约束机制以提高公司治理的效率是一个亟待解决的问题。

    Financial control includes information disclosure and internal auditing . How to enhance those two controls is an urgent problem now .

  3. 对财务约束机制和财务激励机制的目标、原则、手段、环节及其相互关系作了系统的探讨;

    It systematically discuss the goals , principles , methods , links and their interrelation of the financial restricted mechanism and financial stimulating mechanism ;

  4. 上市公司经营者有效财务激励约束机制的构建

    The Construction of Managers ' Effective Financial Incentive and Restrictive Mechanism in Listed Company

  5. 国内商业银行在财务激励约束机制建设方面一直进行着有益的探索和实践,并取得了一定成效。

    Domestic commercial Banks has been exploring in financial incentive and restraint mechanism area , and have achieved some results .

  6. 其二是形成一种财务激励约束机制,从制度上影响企业治理。

    Second , it helps to set up financial motivate and restraint mechanism , affecting company governance from the system .

  7. 论文对财务激励约束机制的发展、措施和方法提出建设性的方案及意见,力图为商业银行建立有效的财务激励约束机制在提供一些有价值的参考和帮助。

    Further more , this paper tries to providing some valuable reference and help on commercial banks to establish their effective financial incentive and restraint mechanism .

  8. 在所有权与经营权分离的条件下,如何准确衡量公司价值,完善财务激励与约束机制,降低代理成本以实现出资者财富最大化问题是出资者最为关心的问题。

    Based upon the separation between ownership and managing right , it is key issues to evaluate the qualities of entrepreneurs and incentive & disciplinary mechanism of operators and to measure maintaining and increasing the value of shareholder wealth .

  9. 本文提出了财务运行机制、财务约束机制和财务激励机制的概念和相互关系。

    This paper raised the concepts of financial operating mechanism , financial restricted mechanism and financial stimulating mechanism , and their interrelation .

  10. 财务治理机制主要是指财务激励约束机制,在设计激励机制过程中,要做到物质激励与精神激励相结合、个体激励与团队激励相结合、短期激励与长期激励相结合。

    Financial governance mechanism includes incentive mechanism and constraint mechanism . When designing incentive mechanism , combination must be well done between physical and psychological incentives , individual and organizational incentives , short-term and long-term incentives .