
rén tǐ ɡōnɡ xué
  • ergonomics
  1. 杜克大学人体工学主任塔马拉?詹姆斯(TamaraJames)告诉那些把笔记本电脑带到课堂上的学生们说,把电脑放在一个两、三英寸高的活页夹上也会达到同样的效果。

    Tamara James , ergonomics director at Duke University , tells students who bring laptops to class that setting them on a two - or three-inch binder will have the same effect .

  2. 基于装饰和人体工学的服装结构设计方法研究

    Study on garment structure design based on the decoration and ergonomics

  3. 其他符合人体工学的小袋能收纳手机、PDA、笔、记忆卡、备用电池与钥匙等等。

    Other pockets will hold cell-phone , PDA , media cards , keys and more .

  4. 我最初的计划是:测试这个WiFi鼠标的安装简易程度、性能以及人体工学表现。

    My original plan : Test the Wi-Fi Mobile Mouse for ease of setup , performance and ergonomics .

  5. 在我的测试中,一款革命性的鼠标脱颍而出:那就是微软(Microsoft)的Sculpt人体工学鼠标(SculptErgonomicMouse)。这款鼠标外观特立独行,同时又有着自然舒适的抓握感。

    One reinvention stood out during my testing , a mouse whose unconventional look belied its natural grip : the Sculpt Ergonomic Mouse by Microsoft .

  6. 我最喜欢的鼠标就是伊迪的团队研发的,即微软的无线Sculpt人体工学鼠标(售价为60美元或更低)。

    My favorite mouse was one she worked on , Microsoft 's wireless Sculpt Ergonomic Mouse ( $ 60 or less ) .

  7. 我们已将诺基亚C6-01的整体尺寸最佳化,兼顾小型化和优质人体工学。

    We have optimized the overall size of the C6-01 for a great compact size , and good ergonomics .

  8. 基于人体工学的动车组检查库作业面设计

    Based on Ergonomic Design of Working platform in EMU Inspection Shop

  9. 有几种简单的方法可以让使用笔记本电脑更符合人体工学。

    There are simple ways to make a laptop more ergonomic .

  10. 人体工学课桌椅的设计原理

    Design Principles of Classroom 's Tables and Chairs with Physical Engineering

  11. 电脑桌和迷你支架让笔记本电脑在使用中更加符合人体工学。

    Lapdesks and mini-stands make laptops more ergonomic on the go .

  12. 合乎人体工学之机台振幅调整方式。

    Ergonomic method to tune the amplitude of machine unit .

  13. 符合人体工学,保护使用者健康。

    Suitable for the ergonomical , to protect the user 's healthy .

  14. 高层建筑风振动的人体工学分析

    An Ergonomics Analysis on Wind Vibration in Tall Buildings

  15. 人体工学产品帮助改善工作环境使人与工具更吻合

    Product aims to improve working environment to fit between persons and their work

  16. 他曾在大学讲授运动营养,健身,人体工学等方面的课程。

    He has taught university level classes in sports nutrition , fitness and ergonomics .

  17. 从人体工学的角度分析领部在结构设计中的处理方法

    Design method of the collar structure based on the feature of neck Neck Care

  18. 人体工学专家多年来一直在提醒笔记本电脑的问题,但是往往是徒劳无功。

    Ergonomics experts have warned about laptop problems for years -- mostly in vain .

  19. 显然,所有典型的老板都必须首先配一把符合人体工学、能托腰的椅子。

    Obviously , any self-respecting leader must first acquire an ergonomically designed lumbar-supporting chair .

  20. 人体工学设计,附有耐磨损图层,持久耐用,工作安全舒适。

    Human engineering design , with abrasion layer , durable , work safety and comfortable .

  21. 人体工学操作高度。

    Ergonomic working height for the operator .

  22. 小贴士:可以考虑买个能减少背痛和脖子疼的人体工学椅子。

    Tip : Consider investing in an ergonomic chair which can reduce back and neck pain .

  23. 纯网吧在装修布局上,需要注意的是人体工学方面的内容。

    Net cafes in the decoration and layout , should be noted that the ergonomic aspects .

  24. 美人鱼尾瓶启,优美曲线,符合人体工学轻松撬开啤酒瓶盖。

    American Cub bottles Kai , a beautiful curve , ergonomic easy to open the beer cap .

  25. 电脑桌和迷你支架(4-50美元)让笔记本电脑在使用中更加符合人体工学。

    Lapdesks and mini-stands ( $ 4 to $ 50 ) make laptops more ergonomic on the go .

  26. 因此,有相当大的兴趣了解的命运,人体工学的要求,在这种环境中。

    It is therefore of considerable interest to know more about the fate of ergonomics requirements in this environment .

  27. 三段分体式手工制作座垫、头垫、背垫,蝴蝶状座垫固定板,更符合人体工学原理,锻炼效果更佳;

    Three sections hand made upholstery , butterfly shape fixing plate , quite match ergonomics and offer comfortable training .

  28. 这是一个预览的办公室人体工学-风险的工作,在桌面工作站以及如何避免他们。

    This is a preview of Office Ergonomics-Risks of working at a desktop workstation and how to avoid them .

  29. 它采用流线型人体工学设计,握持操作舒适;

    The utility model has the advantages that the streamline ergonomic design is adopted , the holding operation is comfortable ;

  30. 人体工学上设计不良的常用工具有雪铲、计算机或打字机的键盘。

    Examples of common devices that are poorly designed ergonomically include the snow shovel and the computer or typewriter keyboard .