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rén yíng
  • Renying
人迎[rén yíng]
  1. 运用人迎寸口脉法指导实施针刺补泻手法治疗Ⅱ期高血压病患者60例,随机分为3组,每组20例。

    Acupuncture with reinforcing reducing maneuver chosen based on the Renying and Cunkou diagnosis was used for treating 60 cases of hypertension , which were evenly divided into 3 groups at random .

  2. 中医三部九候的人迎脉与西医的颈动脉搏动相对应,但西医的腹主动脉搏动,肝脉搏动及桡动脉搏动等都无中医的对应。

    Although , the Renying pulse of TCM has identical pulse with the carotid pulse of WM , but they are not sorted on abdominal , hepatic and radial puse in TCM yet .

  3. 方法:用微循环显微镜观察34例高血压患者氦氖(HeNe)激光照射15min两侧人迎穴前后球结膜、甲襞微循环的变化,并量取血压。

    Method : Changes of conjunctiva and nail-fold microcirculation in 34 hypertensive patients were observed under vital microscope before and after He-Ne laser irradiation 15 minutes on " Renying points " of both side .

  4. 目的:研究人迎寸口脉法对针灸临床的指导意义。

    Objective To study on clinically guiding significance of Renying-Cunkou pulse diagnostic method .

  5. 方法:取人迎、廉泉穴位注射利多卡因与地塞米松混合液。

    Methods : people Ying , Lian-chuen point injection of lidocaine and dexamethasone mixture .

  6. 声带小结:18例(早期8例,后期10例)〕进行人迎、合谷穴位刺激治疗,治疗前后分别行喉镜检查及声学测试,观察喉部病变及嗓音声学特征变化以评价疗效。

    Laryngoscopic and acoustic examination were performed before and after treatment in all patients to evaluated the effect of the treatment .

  7. 第二天,他们下了山,就有许多人迎见耶稣。

    And it came to pass , that on the next day , when they were come down from the hill , much people met him .

  8. 这两人就要迎来自球队2013年打入西部决赛以来的第四任主教练了。

    Those two now will be on their fourth coach since making the 2012 Western Conference finals .

  9. 以利沙对他说,那人下车转回迎你的时候,我的心岂没有去呢?

    But Elisha said to him , 'Was not my spirit with you when the man got down from his chariot to meet you ?

  10. 六十二个县的成千上万的纽约人把我迎进了你们的学校、你们的风味小餐馆、你们的工厂、你们的起居室和前廊。

    Thousands of New Yorkers from all62 counties welcomed me into your schools , your local diners , your factory floors , your living rooms and front porches .

  11. 有人驾驶飞机大迎角限制功能研究

    Study of high AOA limitation function of piloted aircraft

  12. 这人策马疾驰,迎向巴拉瑟夫,帽上的羽毛、宝石、金色的衣饰在六月的阳光下闪亮和飘动。

    This personage galloped towards Balashov , with his jewels and gold lace and feathers all fluttering and glittering in the bright June sun .