
  • 网络Artificial stone;Engineering stone;precast stone;Cast Stone
  1. 具体描述:适用于大理石,花岗岩,混凝土,瓷砖等天然和人造石材的打磨和抛光。

    Suitable for grinding and polishing marble , granite , nature and artificial stone , concrete , tile , etc.

  2. 本文探讨了用氯氧铁水泥与不饱和聚酯树脂复合一种墙砖的可行性.结果表明:该种墙砖有较高的强度和表面光泽度,而且没有无机人造石材常见的泛霜现象。

    This paper discusses the feasibility of compounding magnesium oxychloride cement and unsaturated polyester resin to a sort of wall brick .

  3. 水泥混凝土是由水泥、粗集料、细集料和水按适当比例配合,经一定时间硬化而成的一种人造石材。

    Cement concrete , formed with cement , coarse and fine aggregates and water in appropriate proportion before a period of hardening , is a sort of stone material .