
rén zhōng
  • Among people;philtrum
人中 [rén zhōng]
  • [philtrum] 位于上唇中线的垂直沟,人体穴位之一

人中[rén zhōng]
  1. 穴在人中沟中;人中沟形似水沟。

    The point is in the philtrum which lacks like a water groove .

  2. 针刺人中的抗休克作用及其血流动力学特点

    The anti-shock effect of philtrum needling and its hemodynamic character

  3. 参加问卷调查的所有人中有四分之一没有表示明确意见。

    A quarter of all the people surveyed were don 't-knows .

  4. 在所有的人中,唯有她最应知道那个问题的答案。

    She of all people should know the answer to that .

  5. 她是她那一代人中最聪慧的人之一。

    She was one of the greatest minds of her generation .

  6. 那部电视连续剧在年轻人中拥有一批狂热的迷恋者。

    The TV series has a cult following among young people .

  7. 这些偏见在北方人中尤为常见。

    These prejudices are particularly prevalent among people living in the North .

  8. 回复调查的人中60%同意这项建议。

    60 % of the respondents agreed with the suggestion .

  9. 在那些生活贫困的人中,老年人占有很大的比例。

    Older people comprise a large proportion of those living in poverty .

  10. 她的确是那批人中的精英。

    She is really the cream of the crop .

  11. 寻求避难的人中有几个将遭递解出境。

    Several of the asylum seekers now face deportation .

  12. 在所有面试过的人中,仅有五个合适的人选。

    Out of all the people interviewed , there are only five possibles .

  13. 这些人中,有两位是左派,有两位是中间派。

    Two of the men were leftists and two were centrists .

  14. 上这门课的人中有40个被该公司聘用。

    40 of the course participants are offered employment with the company

  15. 每3个英国人中就有两个已经有了录像机。

    Two out of every three Britons already own a video recorder

  16. 这两名候选人从所有人中脱颖而出。

    The two candidates stood head and shoulders above the rest

  17. 和我谈过话的人中没有一个怀疑他作为一个政治家的诚意。

    Nobody that I spoke to doubted his sincerity as a politician .

  18. 福克纳被誉为他那一代人中最伟大的美国小说家。

    Faulkner has been hailed as the greatest American novelist of his generation

  19. 约翰尼是追她的人中最痴心、最没有心机的一个。

    Johnny was the most persistent and most harmless of her admirers .

  20. 他是伊娃最深恶痛绝的那种人中的典型。

    He was the quintessence of all that Eva most deeply loathed .

  21. 二人中任意一个遇害,都会严重扰乱本已非常棘手的谈判。

    If either were killed , delicate negotiations would be seriously disrupted .

  22. 新来的人中很大一部分是技术熟练的专业人士。

    A high proportion of the new arrivals are skilled professionals

  23. 这些参加聚会的人中至少有一半不到15岁。

    At least half the partygoers were under 15 .

  24. 被捕的那些人中有一人可能被判死刑。

    One of those arrested could face the death penalty

  25. 与此案直接相关的人中没有人怀疑他。

    No one directly involved with the case doubted him

  26. 他的起跑近乎完美,迅速从那群人中蹿了出去。

    He got a near perfect start , streaking away from the pack .

  27. 赔偿金将在140名索赔人中分配。

    The compensation will be split between 140 claimants .

  28. 这种行为在年轻人中司空见惯。

    Such behaviour is common to all young people .

  29. 长期以来,戴维·马梅特一直被视为同代人中最杰出的美国剧作家。

    David Mamet has long been considered the leading American playwright of his generation .

  30. 受影响最大的人中很多都是上了年纪的。

    Many of those most affected are elderly .