
rén ɡé mèi lì
  • personality charm
  1. ZMD公司是一个以IT为知识背景的涉足军用单板机行业的私营企业,公司经历了以集权为主的人格魅力管理的起步初级阶段,逐步走向制度管理的发展阶段。

    ZMD is a private enterprise with background of IT knowledge industry , involved in military SBC . After the centralized management of the initial personality charm period , ZMD is entering the phase of system management .

  2. 很多教育家对教师人格魅力的影响给予了充分重视。

    Many educators gave full attention on teachers ' personality charm .

  3. 论人格魅力,约翰很一般。

    John doesn 't do too well in the personality stakes .

  4. 这些事情证明了他非凡的人格魅力。

    They testify to the extraordinary potency of his personality

  5. 论高校学术带头人的学术魅力和人格魅力

    The academic charisma and personality of an academic leader in university

  6. 富有德性智慧的人是具有极强的人格魅力的。

    People with moral intelligence are possessed of strong personal charm .

  7. 他的成绩和人格魅力使我们的球队焕发光彩。

    His exploits and personality elevated the franchise to the heavens .

  8. 他所具有的优良品质及人格魅力深受人们的敬重和爱戴。

    His lofty characters and personality fascination are respected and beloved .

  9. 他的思想和人格魅力永远鼓舞着一代又一代人。

    His charisma is always thinking and inspired generation after generation .

  10. 论高校政治辅导员人格魅力的构建

    How to shape the Personality Charisma for the College Political Tutors

  11. 教师的人格魅力与两课教学

    The character charm of teachers and " two courses " teaching

  12. 论音乐教师人格魅力的培养

    On the Cultivation of Teachers Personality Charm in Music Education

  13. 自我付出是一种人格魅力的释放。

    Somehow , the act of self-giving is a personal power-releasing factor .

  14. 高校德育教师人格魅力对人才培养的影响力

    Influence of Personality Charm of Moral-Education Teachers in University on Talents Training

  15. 教师的人格魅力,本身就是强大的教育力量。

    Charisma of teachers , the education itself is a powerful force .

  16. 教师的人格魅力及其德育价值

    Teacher 's Personality Fascination and Its Value of Moral Education

  17. 论新世纪中学语文教师的人格魅力

    On Personality Effects Middle School 's Chinese Language Teachers in the Century

  18. 苏轼的人格魅力,主要表现在四个方面:一是奋厉有当世志。

    His personality charm was best presented in four aspects .

  19. 充分发挥“两课”教师的人格魅力

    Fully develop personality charm of teachers of " two-course "

  20. 论大学生党员的党性修养与人格魅力

    On the Party Spirit and Personality Charm of College Student Party Member

  21. 浅谈新时期学术期刊编辑人格魅力及人格塑造

    Personal Charm and Personality Shaping of Academic Journal Editors in New Era

  22. 人格魅力:做好统战工作的基础

    The noble character 's charm : the basis for the united front work

  23. 塑造思想政治教育工作者的人格魅力

    Mould the Personality Glamours of Ideology and Politics Educators

  24. 我们做的每件事都会提升我们的人格魅力。

    Each thing that we do adds a new dimension to our personality .

  25. 她环绕着一股压倒性的人格魅力。

    She had an almost overwhelming charisma about her .

  26. 这是一个讲述巨大人格魅力的故事。

    And it is a tale of immense personalities .

  27. 提升教师人格魅力,提高“两课”教学效果

    Improving Teaching Effects of " Liang Ke " to Upgrade Teachers ' Personality

  28. 他的人生价值观、他的人格魅力尤为令人敬佩和赞叹。

    His life value and charming personality are admired by all of us .

  29. 试析教师人格魅力在健美操训练中的作用

    The Effect of Teachers Charisma in the Aerobics Training

  30. 论教师的人格魅力在教学中的积极作用

    On the teachers ' charms of personality in teaching