
  • 网络Periodization;training period
  1. 实际应用表明:改进的CP网络训练周期短、识别准确率高,完全可以用于油、水层等的快速识别,具有广阔的应用前景。

    Practice shows that the training period of the improved CP network was short and its identification ratio was very high . It can realize the quick identification of oil-water layers and will hence have a very wide application prospect .

  2. 运动训练周期的生理、生化基础

    The physiological and biochemical basis of the training period of sports

  3. 无氧耐力训练周期中血清睾酮(T)与血清皮质醇(C)比值和个体无氧阈(IAT)发生变化。

    The ratio of blood serum testosterone and cortisol ( T / C ) and individual anaerobic threshold ( IAT ) changed during anaerobic endurance training .

  4. 高水平耐力性项群运动员年度训练周期特征

    Annual Training Period Features on High Level Athlete of Endurance Event-Group

  5. 新赛制下全年训练周期的安排

    The guidance of arranging annual periodicity training in new competition system

  6. 划分运动训练周期的理论依据:突变论

    Theoretical basis for dividing sport training periods : mutation theory

  7. 女子2000米赛艇运动员不同训练周期中有氧和无氧代谢能力变化

    Changes of Aerobic and Anaerobic Capabilities in Female Rowers During Training Season

  8. 试论训练周期的结构、类型及其功能

    On the Structure and Pattern and Effect of the Training

  9. 运动训练周期性理论在新赛制中应用的若干思考

    The Reflect on the Theory of the Periodicity Principle in New Competition System

  10. 运动训练周期理论与现代运动训练理论及实践

    Study of Traditional Sports Training Cycle Theory and Modern Sports Training Cycle Theory

  11. 运动训练周期理论辨析

    Argument and Analysis about Periodicity Theory of Sports Exercise

  12. 对全年训练周期划分理论与实践的探讨

    A Study of the Theory and Practice of Cycle Division in Year-Round Training

  13. 损伤发生与其专项运动特点及训练周期较长等因素有密切的关系。

    The injury is related to specific sport peculiarity and length of exercitation .

  14. 对高水平竞走运动员高原训练周期安排及调控的研究

    The research about plan and control of Walking training of high level in altitude

  15. 我国体育院校田径专项训练周期理论特征研究

    Research on Characteristic of Periodization of Athletics Training in Chinese Sports Universities and Colleges

  16. 他已跟他们计划好要在新生训练周期间进行篮球比赛。

    He has already made plans with them for basketball matches during orientation week .

  17. 优秀拳击运动员一个训练周期某些血液生化指标的动态研究

    Dynamic Research on Some Blood Biochemical Indices of Excellent Boxing Players During a Training Cycle

  18. 对现代运动训练周期的再探讨

    Further discussion on modern sports training period

  19. 拳击训练周期的合理安排

    Reasonable arrangement of boxing training cycle

  20. 对优秀运动员冬训期间训练周期进行生理、生化指标测定,旨在评定身体机能状态和评价运动训练的效果。

    Certain physiologic and biochemical indices from male rowing athletes were taken daring a short period of training using .

  21. 优秀赛艇运动员2008奥运会前多年度训练周期机能特征的研究

    The Study on the Physiological State of Elite Rowers during the Training Preparation Period for the 2008 Olympic Games

  22. 总结优秀运动员一年训练周期中红细胞和网织红细胞相关参数的变化,分析运动性血红蛋白降低在不同训练周期的表现特点。

    Summarizing the changes of the parameters of red blood cell and reticulocyte during one year 's training period ;

  23. 如果你是初学者,随着你正常的训练周期,每周做一次训练就好。

    If you 're a beginner , throw in one session a week , along with your normal routine .

  24. 为了满足理论与实践的需要,对不同项目高水平运动员运动训练周期特征进行研究已是势在必行。

    For satisfying the demands of the theory and practice , studying the periodization features in different event-group is necessary .

  25. 山东省女子手球运动员赛前训练周期生理生化指标监控研究

    The Study on Supervising The Bio-chemical Index of Physiology in Precompetition Training of The Woman Handball Player in Shandong Province

  26. 提出了一种简单的误差传播的判定准则,依据该准则自适应地调整训练周期。

    We propose a simple criterion for error propagation detection , based on which , the training interval is adjusted adaptively .

  27. 在体育商业化进程迅速加快的过程中,传统的训练周期理论已不适宜指导优秀田径运动员的训练与比赛。

    With the development of commercial process in the sports , the traditional periodic theory already can 't guide the training and competition to the excellent athletes .

  28. 作为一位指导或训练员,你是负责观察、带领、或许更是评估训练周期和客户表现的人。

    As an instructor or trainer , you are the one who sees , leads , and perhaps even evaluates the training sessions and performances of your clients .

  29. 竞技体操优秀运动员要经过一个很长的训练周期过程,是由选材、训练、竞赛及管理等若干因素部分组成的系统工程。

    Athletics gymnastics outstanding athletes to go through a long training period , by material , process and management training , contest of several factors component system engineering .

  30. 结果显示:经过一个训练周期,运动员的最大摄氧量相对值具有显著性提高,无氧阈速度具有非常显著性提高;

    The results show : after a training period , the athletes have the relative values of maximal oxygen uptake increased significantly , anaerobic threshold velocity increased very significantly ;