
  1. 实践训诂研究与文献阅读相结合的教学理路

    Practice the Teaching Way Combining the Annotation Research with Literature Reading

  2. 李善《文选注》修辞训诂研究

    The Study on Rhetorical Exegesis Annotation to Selected Literature Li Shan

  3. 古诗文名句训诂研究训诂术语札记

    Study of Exegesis of Ancient Texts Notes on the Terms of Interpretation of Ancient Language in Texts

  4. 校勘训释出版了一批中医经典著作,为中医学术研究奠定了基础,并掀起了中医训诂研究的热潮。

    Some collated and annotated classic works of TCM have been published , which has laid a foundation of further study of TCM and started an upsurge of the study .

  5. 在提倡多学科融合的今天,我们更应该将汉语史研究与训诂研究有机结合起来,隔绝则互损,沟通则双赢。

    In this time of advocating disciplinary studies , the organic combination of the exegetical studies and the research of Chinese language history should be carried out to realize the double wins .

  6. 二十世纪训诂学研究的得失

    The Advantages and Disadvantages of Exegetical Studies in the 20th Century

  7. 古音学上的成果为训诂学研究提供了重要的条件,加速了清代训诂学的繁荣。

    The achievements of archaic Chinese sounds provided important conditions for textual exegesis research and cause the prosperity of it .

  8. 他的庄子学研究始于20年代末,终于40年代初,经历了从文学欣赏到训诂考据研究再到思想文化研究的复杂过程,构成了闻一多在不同层面上对庄子学的系统研究。

    He had began his Studying with the end of 20 's years and ended at the beginning of 40 's years .

  9. 从另一方面来看,文字训诂的研究者,也应关注古代文学作品的鉴赏。

    On the other hand , the researchers majoring in the explanation of words in ancient books , should also pay attention to the appreciation of the ancient literary works .

  10. 我们应该将汉语史研究和训诂学研究有机结合起来,充分发挥训诂材料在汉语史研究中的作用。

    We should give full play to the exegetical materials in the research of Chinese language history , with organic combination of the research of Chinese language history with the exegetical studies .

  11. 本文只对《尔雅》前3篇中的同源词作全方位、穷尽性的研究。后16篇主要作为名物训诂来研究,不在本文的研究之列。

    This article only comprehensive , exhaustive research on the cognate words in the first three chapters of " ER YA " . The latter sixteen chapters are mainly the name and substance of exegetical study , not of this study .

  12. 宋代笔记中训诂学问题研究

    Hermeneutic Studies in the Literati 's Note of Song Dynasty

  13. 我们以《尔雅义疏》的训诂成就为研究课题,正可以填补这块空白。

    Study in g it would just fill the gaps .

  14. 对训诂学性质研究的审视

    An Examination of the Study of Chinese Exegetics Property

  15. 20世纪中国训诂义训法研究演进及概况

    The Stages of Study on Yi Xun of Chinese Exegesis in the 20th century

  16. 希望能为《楚辞》学和训诂学的研究提供参考。

    We hope to provide the reference for Chuci study and exegesis of ancient texts .

  17. 对天文、数学、经学、历算、地理、方志、音韵、训诂均有精深研究,为乾嘉时代皖派考据大师。

    He commanded profound knowledge of astronomy , mathematics , Confucian classics , calendar calculation , geography , local gazetteer , phonology and exegesis .

  18. 训诂与词汇史研究

    Scholium Acts on Research Into History of Vocabulary

  19. 传统训诂学与语境研究

    Traditional gloss and context research

  20. 从春秋三传注看古代训诂学家的语法研究成就

    Achievements of Chinese Ancient Exegesis Interpreters ' Grammar Research Probed in the Spring and Autumn Commentaries ' Notes

  21. 研究整理传统训诂学中语境研究的成果,对于发展汉语科学,建立中国式的语境学将是必要的,有益的。

    To study and arrange the achievements of context in traditional Gloss will be very important to develop Chinese science .

  22. 此外,出土文献研究与文学研究在治学方法上都注重文化背景,出土文献研究借助文化考察对文字作出新的训诂,为文学研究提供新的视角和空间。

    In addition , they all pay attention to the culture background in the methods , the research of unearthened document makes the new critical interpretation to the characters through culture , offer new visual angle and space for literature research .

  23. 训诂术语是训诂学研究的一个重要方面。

    These terms are an important aspect of the study of the critical interpretation of ancient tests .