
  1. 但事实证明我们的训练科目是可行的。

    But our program has been proven to work .

  2. 我国飞行员有必要增设有针对性的呼吸肌训练科目;

    It is necessary for pilots to have a special respiratory muscle training course ;

  3. 即使是职业选手也会把直击主球球心练习作为其日常训练科目。

    Even the pros incorporate hitting the cue ball on its centre line into their practice routines .

  4. 本文分析研究了外军心理训练科目设项的指导思想、特点和给我军的启示。

    This article studied polestars and characteristics of foreign military mental training , and gave some apocalypses to our army .

  5. 卡灵顿对于曼联的青训非常重要,有一流的硬件可以安排所有的训练科目。

    The move to Carrington has been a major factor in helping United develop young talent and provide first-class facilities for all the staff with more enhancements of the complex planned .

  6. 分析了主要训练科目对仿真系统的要求,在此基础上提出并论述了以定量和定性两种方法综合评估现代军机仿真逼真度,建立了评估数学模型。

    The requirements of those main training subjects to simulation systems were analyzed . Based on these discussions , two methods to evaluate the modern avion simulation fidelity were put forward quantificationally and qualitatively .

  7. 目前,部队工作繁杂、训练科目重多,而对于目前训练成绩登记和评定来说,目前还没有一套完整的、统一的系统。

    At present , the local force work is involved and the training courses are heavy . As for the registration and assessment of training results , there is not a complete and unified system .

  8. 心理素质包含心理健康、心理角色与心理能量三个层次,对应此心理素质结构,特警心理训练科目构成包括基础科目、专项科目及综合科目三个部分。

    Psychological quality includes three aspects : mental health , sychological role , and psychological power . Corresponding to this pattern , the construction of raining subjects for SWAT includes elementary subjects , special subjects , and comprehensive subjects .

  9. 调查问卷内容包括:乘员的人口学特征、职位、训练科目、训练时间、场地、受伤原因、受伤时间、伤害部位、处置情况、对乘员心理及生活的影响等。

    The contents of investigation include : demographic character of armored soldier , job , training course , training time , sites , causes of injury , injury time , injury part , medical treatments , psychological and physical influence .

  10. 机载相控阵雷达模拟器可实现操作员在地面训练空中科目。

    The simulator of airborne phased array radar can be used to train the radar operator on ground .

  11. 结论:最容易引起训练伤的科目是5km越野,损伤最常见的类型是疲劳性骨折、膝关节滑囊炎。

    Conclusion : The subject of training injury occurrence frequently is 5km cross-country . The most common types of injuries are the fatigue fracture and the bursitis of knee .

  12. 警察格斗是警察体育训练的主要科目之一,也是每个警察行使警察职务时必须具备的警务技能。

    Grapple is not only one of important subject of police sports training , but also the key skill for policemen .

  13. 速写是美术专业基础训练的重要科目之一,它不仅是锻炼造型能力、收集创作素材的重要手段,同时也是一门具有独立审美意味的艺术形式;

    Sketch is one of the important subjects of basic training of fine arts ; it is not only a vital means to train the sculpting ability and to gather source material , but also an artistic form with unique aesthetic value at the same time .

  14. 车辙桥地形是履带式车辆训练中的重要科目。

    Going through treadway bridge is important to driver 's training .

  15. 目的探讨装甲步兵在春季共同科目训练期间,训练科目与训练伤之间关系和分布特征。

    Objective To study the occurrence , diagnosis and treatment of training trauma of anticraft artillery soldiers .

  16. 该系统克服了传统军事射击训练存在的训练科目单一,无法提供情景射击训练,难以统计分析射击训练数据的缺点。

    The system has overcome the disadvantages of traditional military shot training , such that the training subjects are too few , scene training can not be provided , and overall shot data is hard to be obtained and analyzed .

  17. 负重行军、5km武装越野是部队日常训练中极其重要训练科目。

    The weight-bearing March , 5km armed cross-country is extremely important in the daily training troops trained subjects .

  18. 射击训练是基本的军事训练科目,改善训练环境、改进训练质量,在现代军队建设中具有重要的意义。

    Firing practice is the basical unit of the military training . It is important to improve the training condition and the training quality in the process of the ARM construction .

  19. 有人可能争辩说,直到最近军方和学者都还在把组建、训练和使用战术队形作为地面作战力量的主要训练科目。

    One could argue that until recently , military art and science has aimed at building , training and using tactical formations as the primary expression of ground combat power .

  20. 飞行训练部门可以通过本系统实现对飞行员在航班飞行和日常训练中存在主要技术问题进行快速分析,并在训练中有针对性地调整训练科目,以提高培训质量,增强培训效率。

    The airline flight training associated departments may make quick reference via this system to analyze the major technical problems the pilots may have during daily flights or routine training , and adjust training subjects to suit individual needs for the purpose of improving training quality and increasing training efficiency .