
  • 网络training material
  1. 与一个软件开发过程相似,ADDIE模型提供了一个通用的过程,借助该过程适当的质量训练材料可以被开发以满足任何培训需要。

    Similar to a software development process , the ADDIE model provides a general process by which the most appropriate set of quality training material can be developed to satisfy any training needs .

  2. 声乐练声曲不仅是一种特殊的音乐体裁形式,更是一类十分重要的声乐演唱训练材料。

    Training Tunes are not only a special form of music , but also a very important training material in Vocality .

  3. 科研方面,发表了从PSC看普通话教学对策的一系列论文6篇,选编了两种训练材料;

    As to the scientific research a series of 6 papers have been published on standard Chinese teaching methods for the sake of PSC and two kinds of training materials compiled .

  4. 合作社管理训练材料和技术

    Material and Techniques for Cooperative Management Training

  5. 根据最新提议,赛百味将采用新训练材料,确保员工销售的三明治足够12英寸。

    As part of the new proposals , Subway will provide new training materials to make sure staff sell the full 12 inch sandwich .

  6. 二是为学生提供以汉译英为主的新、真、全的应用语篇训练材料,切实提高学生的应用文体翻译能力;

    Secondly , new , authentic and various kinds of practical translation materials must be provided to students with priority given to C-E translation ;

  7. 训练对于材料的结构、质、程及性能等有统合性了解及兼具实作能力的高素养学生。

    Educate highly valued materials science and engineering students with advanced and fundamental understanding of material properties , processing and applications .

  8. 三个训练组训练材料相同,都是欺骗游戏任务。

    The training materials of the three training groups were games of deception task .

  9. 肌肉伤后静力训练对其材料力学性能影响的实验研究

    Experimental Research into Effect of Post-injury Muscles Static Training on Its Material Mechanism Properties

  10. 单声调感知的进步和单声调发音的进步都可以迁移到未经过训练的新材料上,说明声调作为一种超音段音位,其感知和发音是独立于音段音位之外的。

    Improvement of both tonal perception and tonal pronunciation can be transferred to new materials that have not been trained , which indicates that as a supra-segmental phoneme the perception and pronunciation of tone is not dependent on segmental phonemes , such as vowels and consonants .

  11. 理及其可训练性的研究材料,旨在为该领域的研究提供参考。

    In this paper , mechanism and exercising of sarcopenia were studied .

  12. 训练学生结合本土材料科技产业特色,提升其科技创新能力与国际竞争力。

    Provide an education that allows students to link with local ceramic and glass industries to improve their global competitions with imagination , innovation and creativity .

  13. 培养学生思考、判断美的能力,训练运用工具、材料,融合技法、创造各种形式之造形。

    Train a student to consider , judge beautiful ability , train usage tool , material , blend a skill and create the style of various form .

  14. 在过去的几十年里,许多外语教师,教材编著者以及研究人员都主张在听力训练中使用真实材料以迎合现实生活交际的需要,即使在英语学习的初级阶段也是如此。

    In the past decades many specialists , material designers and researchers have been advocating that the use of authentic materials rather than inauthentic materials in listening training can meet the needs of real life communication in the world even at an early stage of English learning .