
  1. 他一整天都坐着不停地写文章。

    He sat bashing away at his essay all day .

  2. 要是你们都坐好了,那么我就开始。

    If you 're all sitting comfortably , then I 'll begin .

  3. 他大部分晚上的时间都坐在电视机前。

    He spends most evenings just sitting in front of the telly .

  4. 我一天之中大部分工作时间都坐在办公桌旁。

    I spend most of my working day sitting at a desk .

  5. 他们都坐在桌子周围。

    They were all sitting round the table .

  6. 整场表演我都坐在场边前排座位上。

    I had a ringside seat for the whole performance .

  7. 他们都坐在桌子旁,有说有笑地讲述各自的故事。

    They all sat together at table , laughing and swapping stories .

  8. 他连几分钟都坐不住。

    He was unable to sit still for longer than a few minutes .

  9. 大家都坐下来,让自己舒服一些。

    Sit down and make yourselves comfortable .

  10. 凯奇一上午都坐在书桌前,但她却没有写多少东西。

    Cage sat at her desk all morning but she didn 't write much .

  11. 围绕心理学、历史学和工程学的咖啡馆开始流行起来,从早到晚都坐满了人。

    Cafes focused around psychology , history , and engineering are catching on , filling tables well into the evening .

  12. 在救火中受伤的人,特别是那些伤得焦头烂额的,都坐在上座,主人却没有邀请早先曾经劝他修烟囱的那个老头。

    Those who had been injured , especially those badly burned , were given the seats of honour , but the old man who had advised him beforehand was not invited .

  13. 黄昏,街上已经收了市,村里的孩子们都坐在妈妈的膝上时,夜鸟便会讥笑地在她耳边说:

    When the marketing14 is over in the evening , and the village children sit in their mothers ' laps , then the night birds will mockingly din15 her ears with :

  14. 高闻说,最近他在沃顿商学院(Whartonbusinessschool)演讲,前来听讲座的学生两间教室都坐不下。

    He said he recently spoke at a Wharton Business School and that there were two overflow rooms of students .

  15. 家人和夫妻都坐在一起只有巨型喷气式飞机的座椅才会排到K还有55排所以机顶上还有一层

    Families and couples sitting together . Only a Jumbo 's wide enough for a letter ' K ' or rows past 55 , so there 's always an upstairs .

  16. 也许你想知道为什么他们都坐在一起?

    You 're wondering maybe why are they all sitting around ?

  17. 你们都坐得离屏幕够近吗?

    Are you all sitting near enough to see the screen ?

  18. 我每天都坐在织布机旁边织这块布。

    I will sit at my loom and weave the web .

  19. 李明和我都坐公共汽车去学校。

    Li Ming and I both come to school by bus .

  20. 我们都坐在后院的草地上。

    We all sat on the grass in the back yard .

  21. 铃声一响,学生们都坐在自己的座位上。

    When the bell rang , the students took their places .

  22. 因为我一整天一直都坐着在工作。

    Because I sat and kept working for the whole day .

  23. 事实上,所有的桌子都坐满了,只一张除外。

    In fact , all the tables were filled but one .

  24. 当他进来时,客人们都坐好了。

    When he came in , the guests were all seated .

  25. 大家都坐好,否则旁听的人一律退席。

    Unless everybody is seated , all spectators will be dismissed !

  26. 所有的座位都坐满了,听众都很齐整。

    Seats were all seated , and the audiences are all groomed .

  27. 我们许多晚上都坐在咖啡馆中看街头戏剧表演。

    We spent many evenings sitting in cafes watching the street theatre .

  28. 她等他靠近都坐过站了。

    She waited for him to come closer and missed her stop .

  29. 他听到“所有人都坐在座位上”

    He said something about ," everybody stay in your seats . "

  30. 于是他们都坐了下来。

    So they sat down , and nobody spoke for some minutes .