
  1. 在国际上ICSC翻译软件中,英汉翻译软件的技术水平和功能都居前列。

    Among all the ICSC translation softwares that are on the market worldwide , this English-Chinese translation software is deemed to be superior in technology and function .

  2. 中部地区是我国重要的粮食主产区,种植业和养殖业都居全国重要地位,粮食总产量占全国45.8%。

    The middle region is China 's major grain production area .

  3. 我国的地震史料在质和量方面都居世界前列。

    Both the quantity and quality of the Chinese historical earthquake records rank forefront in the world .

  4. 作为世界性的高产作物,马铃薯在我国的产量和栽培面积都居世界首位。

    As a worldwide yielding crops , the potato of production and cultivated is the highest in the world .

  5. 中国是茶叶的发源地,茶叶的产量和出口都居世界前列。

    China is the birthplace of tea . Its production and exports are in front rank of the world .

  6. 我国锡资源丰富,锡的储量和开采量都居世界之首。

    Ch tin resources in China , the reserves and the exploitation of tin are highest in the world .

  7. 河南是我国小麦的主产区,种植面积和总产量都居我国首位。

    Henan province was the main wheat production , and its planting areas and total output ranked first in China .

  8. 暴雨洪水损失除粮食减产一项不如干旱造成的严重外,其他各种经济损失都居各种自然损失之首。

    Besides reduced output of food , the economical loss of the other is first due to cloudburst and flood .

  9. 就其影响范围和发生频率来看,都居各种气候灾害首位。

    Impact on the scope and frequency of their terms , are home all kinds of weather disasters in the first .

  10. 无论是已经投运还是在建、拟建的百万千瓦超超临界机组,我国都居世界首位。

    Both the number of having already run and being under construction of the USC , our country occupies the world leader .

  11. 2008年,她在全世界女星片酬榜单,票房号召力榜单,权势榜单,影响力榜单都居第一;

    In2008 , she should in the world list , box-office power highest-paid actresses topped the list , power , influence is the first ;

  12. 你们将能够去拜访文明的家园,这些都居身在更高的维度中,你们会成为他们中的一份子。

    You will be able to visit the home of civilizations that dwell in the higher dimensions , and will be accepted as one of them .

  13. 他也成为了唯一一个得分、篮板、助攻、抢断、盖帽都居全队之首的球员。

    He also became only the second player ever to lead his team in points , rebounds , assists , steals , and blocks per game .

  14. 杭州市和宁波市作为浙江省旅游业的龙头城市,从1997&2008年接待旅游人数与产业收入都居全省的前两位。

    Hangzhou and Ningbo are main tourism cities in Zhejiang Province , its reception traveling population and industrial income are both in the first two place from 1997-2008 .

  15. 我国铜板带的产量和消费量都居世界第一,但铜板带的供应却存在着结构性矛盾。

    The output and consumption of copper plates and strips in our country have ranked first in the world , but there is a structural contradiction with the supply .

  16. 经过多年的勘查和开发,我国煤炭的探明储量和产量都居世界首位,并且具有很好的发展前景。

    Afteer years of exploration and prospecting , it is clear that the reservation and productivity of coal in china is in the leading position in the world , which has a prosperous future .

  17. 我国稀土矿石和稀土永磁的产量都居世界前列,大力研发高效以及适用于不同场合的永磁同步电机,对节能减排和发展绿色能源有着重大的意义。

    China has a high output of rare earth ore and rare earth permanent magnet , developing efficient and suitable PMSM for different situations is greatly signify energy conservation and the development of green energy .

  18. 和上面一种格式一样,这种格式也是所有的段落都从居左。

    As in the full-block format , all lines in the simplified format begin at the left-hand margin .

  19. 根据考古学的证据,史前的人类祖先,例如能人,智人和山顶洞人都是居无定所的游民。

    According to archeological evidence , prehistoric human ancestors such as Homo habilis , Homo erectus , and Homo ergaster were nomadic .

  20. 同时,在过去的两年时间里,中国给低收入国家更多的贷款,其中主要是非洲国家,世界银行都列居其次。

    In the past two years China has given more loans to poor countries , mainly in Africa , than the World Bank .

  21. 斯蒂格还提到,两种性别的人都喜欢居眠,但女性更有可能因之受到指责,尤其是在一个小睡会被视为不得体的职位上。

    Both sexes indulge in inemuri , but women are more likely to be criticized for it , especially if they sleep in a position that is considered unbecoming , Dr. Steger said .

  22. 每个人都有权居有其所,即使他们信用很差或者毫无信用这就是“美国梦”的版本之一。

    Everyone was entitled to a home , even those with little or no credit . That was one version of the American dream .

  23. 全年各类群生物中,平均生物量及栖息密度都以软体动物居首位。

    The molluscs were the first in biomass and density of the benthos .

  24. 我国的国有森林资源无论从面积上,还是从蓄积上都占半壁江山,居重要的战略地位。

    State-owned forest resources of our country occupy the important strategic position in quantity , pay and account for the .

  25. 几百年来,美国印第安人部落都临湖而居,以湖中的鱼为食。

    For hundreds of years , Native American tribes lived near this lake , feeding on the fish from its clean waters .