
  1. 应征者以A4规格纸张附上设计说明。主要阐述城市标识的设计思路,理念和含义,以简洁为宜。

    The Design Explanation shall be printed on A4 papers , concisely illustrating the idea and the meaning of the work .

  2. 文章首先从城市标识系统开始研究。

    Firstly the thesis studies the urban sign system .

  3. 城市标识的功能、形态和工程原则

    Multifunction , Forms and Construction Principles of City Indications

  4. 未来城市标识系统的发展方向

    Development Directions of Urban Sign System

  5. 城市标识系统设计

    Systemic Design on the City Sign

  6. 它们已成为城市标识、发展动力和经济成功的密码、图表中指示用的大头针。

    Skylines have become logos , ciphers for dynamism and economic success , tell-tale spikes on a graph .

  7. 内容是组成城市标识系统的元素,主要包括定位、导向、信息、法规和商业标识;

    The contents are urban sign system elements , mainly including location , direction , information , regulation and business signs .

  8. 各种理论也被运用到城市标识规划设计中,起关键作用的是城市设计和城市公共环境方面的理论。

    Some theories are applied for the planning and design of urban signs , especially for the urban design and public environment theories .

  9. 这种千人一面、形式单一、缺乏内涵和情感的标识,让人觉得单调乏味,很快就会退出城市标识的舞台。

    The sign with character of single form and lack of connotation and emotion make people feel tedious , and will soon drop out of city sign stage .

  10. 而城市标识环境在世界信息化潮流的发展过程中也变得越来越重要,它的合理设计必将成为指引人们生活、交流、提高人们生活质量的重要因素。

    At the same time , the urban sign environment becomes more and more important in development of the information-based trend in the world , its rational design will change and guide people 's life , and improve people 's life quality .

  11. 有关作品知识产权的归属,以《深圳城市形象标识设计应征承诺书》的相关约定为准。

    R.C.The belonging of the intellectual properties of the bidding work shall be subject to the relevant clauses in the Commitment Letter of Global Solicitation of Shenzhen City Logo Design .

  12. 城市景观标识设计中富含城市特色的视觉造型基础元素之提炼&以南京市历史街区景观标识设计为例

    Extractions of the Basic Elements of Visual Forms Full of Urban Characteristics in Design of City Mark and Sign & Taking Design of City Mark and Sign in Nanjing Historical Street as an Example

  13. 最后,尝试结合南京市地铁标识系统的实例,通过对现状的调查和分析总结出其成功与不足之处,进一步探讨了未来的城市环境标识系统发展趋势。

    Finally , tried to integrate examples of Nanjing subway sign system , through the investigation and analysis of the current status summed up their success and inadequacies , and then further explore the future development trend of urban environmental sign system .

  14. 西安城市历史文化标识系统初探

    Study on the Historical and Cultural Sign System of Xi'an City

  15. 城市公共环境标识设计人性化研究

    Humanization Study on Sign Design about Public Environment

  16. 标识、游乐、人&城市公园景观标识设计的新趋向

    Logo , Entertainment and People & The New Trend in Designing Landscape Logo for Urban Parks

  17. 城市导向性标识系统是城市公共空间的五官,城市景观的一部分。

    Logo urban-oriented system is the features of urban public space , part of the urban landscape .

  18. 经过对西安城市环境公共标识系统的研究分析具有现实和展望意义。

    After the public identification of Xi ' an urban environment analysis system and the prospect of practical significance .

  19. 因此需要建立一个具有展示城市特色的标识体系,但目前尚处在初步阶段。

    Therefore need to establish a unique identification system for displaying the city , but still in the preliminary stage .

  20. 利用射频电子标签对城市部件进行标识,利用倾斜传感器等采集城市部件的信息,利用无线传感器网络接收和转发采集到的城市部件数据。

    Using RFID tags to identify city parts , using tilt sensors to capture information of city parts and using wireless sensor networks to receive and forward the collected information .

  21. 城市公共环境标识设计已成为现代城市公共环境整体设计中一种全新的,正在成长中的并且是非常重要的一部分。

    City public environmental logo design method , which is a new and budding concept , has become one of the most important parts of the whole modern public environmental design .

  22. 文章通过城市公共信息标识现状的介绍,总结和分析了标识行业在标识设计中没有普及使用国家标准的原因。

    By introducing the present situation about public information signs in big cities , the paper summarizes and analyses the causes that some corporations did not use national standards in designing public information signs .

  23. 针对我国城市公共环境标识设计存在的突出问题,提出了建设系统、规范的城市公共环境标识系统的一些看法和建议。

    This paper analyzes the problems existing in the design of our country 's public environmental labels , and puts forward some opinions and suggestions on constructing a systemic and normalized urban public environmental labels system .

  24. 加利福尼亚州伯克利市很可能成为美国第一个要求在加油站张贴警示标示的城市,警示标识上要注明燃烧汽油将释放导致全球变暖的二氧化碳。

    City of Berkeley , California is likely to become the first in the nation to require warning labels on gas pumps saying that burning gasoline will release carbon dioxide which is been led to the global warming .

  25. 构成的视觉语言和其思维方式对工业设计、建筑设计、城市设计、标识设计、广告设计、舞台设计、雕塑设计、服装设计、家具设计、环境设计等产生重要影响。

    The visual language and thinking methods of construction have affected industrial design , architecture design , city design , trademark design , advertising design , stage design , sculpture design , garment design , furniture design , environment design deeply .

  26. 管窥城市历史文化遗迹标识系统的创立与构建

    Restricted View to Establishment of Historical Cultural Relic Logo System of City

  27. 本文主要研究的是城市步行系统中的城市标识。

    The thesis mainly studies the urban sign in urban pedestrian system .

  28. 未来城市发展呼唤和谐的城市标识系统。

    Harmonious and efficient urban sign system is needed for the development of city in the future .

  29. 由于城市发展水平不同,各城市之间导向标识的设计规划水平也有好有坏。

    Because of different levels of urban development , the cities oriented logo design and planning levels identified good and bad .

  30. 其主要表现在几个方面:色彩基调不统一,城市色彩混乱;城市色彩视觉污染严重;城市色彩标识性不强等等,因此,对长沙市进行城市色彩研究与规划已刻不容缓。

    The main problems can be manifested in in several aspects : the color tone of the building is not uniform , urban color is confusion ; some polluted color vision ; urban color is not symbolically and so on .