
  • 网络Urban Planning and Design;urban planning design;Urban Planning & Design;urban design
  1. 如何合理利用大量的不同信息,通过计算机和GIS技术分析组合使其变得易于操作和理解,如何针对规划设计中的各个流程提供有效的相应模块化应用手段,成为城市规划设计方法面临的新挑战。

    How rationally use a amount of different information through computer analysis and GIS technology portfolio to make them easy to operate and understand how to contrapose the corresponding modular application of the planning design processes has become a new challenge for urban planning design .

  2. 城市规划设计中的问题蕴含系统及其表达方式

    Problem Comprising System and Its Expression Way in Urban Planning Design

  3. 延安新区城市规划设计中GIS技术的应用是对基于GIS技术的城市规划设计的一次尝试性探索,为GIS技术支持下的规划设计工作方法及应用思路的更新完善提供参考和建议。

    Application of GIS technology in Yan ' andistrict is a tentative exploration basing on GIS provides reference and suggestion forthe method and idea of the planning and design with the GIS support .

  4. 污水、雨水线型的定制本文利用AutoCAD的线型定制技术,很好的解决了原来城市规划设计中绘制污水、雨水线费时、费力、效果不好等问题。

    Definition of Sewage and Rain Linetype This article perfectly resolve the problem that the designers must use much time and energy but get bad effect in drawing sewage and rain line in city planning design by the technology of definition of AutoCAD linetype .

  5. 这个巨型设计项目是由荷兰设计公司MVRDV与天津城市规划设计院的本地建筑师共同设计的。

    The enormous design project was helmed by Dutch design firm MVRDV in collaboration with local architects from the Tianjin Urban Planning and Design Institute .

  6. 浅论城市规划设计与建筑设计的关系

    Discussion on the relationship among city planning design and architectural design

  7. 计算机网络在城市规划设计中的应用及经验

    Application and experience of computer network in urban planning and design

  8. 城市规划设计市场透视

    The Perspective of the Market for Urban Planning and Design

  9. 城市规划设计院的责任与使命

    The Responsibilities and Missions for Urban Planning and Design Institutes

  10. 中国城市规划设计的思维转型。

    The thoughts transfer in Chin-ese urban planning and design .

  11. 论城市规划设计对建筑设计的影响

    The City Planning Design Influence upon the Building Design

  12. 初论城市规划设计与城市建设艺术

    First discussion on city planning and design with the art of city building

  13. 中国城市规划设计研究院总规划师王健平谈总体规划修编中值得注意的几个问题

    Some Key Issues for the Revision of Master Planning

  14. 大规模开发活动中的城市规划设计思想与实践

    Planning Theory and Practices for Large Scale Urban Development

  15. 国内城市规划设计国际竞赛的困境

    Reflection on the International Competition Dilemma and Vision of Urban Planning and Design

  16. 地方政府角色转换与城市规划设计市场的基础建构

    Role Transformation of Local Govern-ment & Foundation Building of Urban Planning and Design Market

  17. 小城市规划设计中若干问题的思考&从平泉县城总体规划调整谈起

    Some Thoughts on Problems of Planning Small Cities

  18. 《行政许可法》与城市规划设计市场规范化

    The Administrative license Law and Standardization of the Market for Urban Planning and Design

  19. 城市规划设计市场管理制度化建设刍议

    My Humble Opinions on Institutionalization Building for Current Urban Planning & Design Market Management

  20. 本次线网修编采用招标方式,由中外两家咨询单位分别同时编制,最终方案由北京市城市规划设计研究院汇总综合。

    The final scheme is integrated by Beijing Municipal Institute of City Planning and Design .

  21. 开放空间历来就是城市规划设计的一个重要概念。

    Open space is always one of the most important concepts in the city planning theories .

  22. 台湾的城市规划设计

    Urban planning and design in Taiwan

  23. 深圳市城市规划设计院

    Shenzhen urban planning & design Institute

  24. 城市规划设计中的计算机仿真技术及其应用

    The Approaches of a City 's Plan and Design Based on Artificial Technology of the Computer

  25. 北京姚建伟城市规划设计有限公司是我国城市视觉设计先锋公司。

    Yao Jianwei Urban Planning and Design isa pioneer of urban visual design of our country .

  26. 黑、白、灰&中国城市规划设计研究院办公楼设计随笔

    Black , White and Grey : Notes on Building of China Urban Planning and Design Institute

  27. 希望对今后的山地城市规划设计工作具有一定的指导借鉴意义。

    Hope for the future of the mountainous city planning and design work has certain directive significance .

  28. 象天法地就是典型的中国古代城市规划设计原则之一。

    The principle of Modeling Heaven and Earth is a representative one in city design in ancient Chinese .

  29. 以虚拟现实技术为核心的虚拟现实景观设计,将是开展城市规划设计的最佳辅助手段之一。

    Using virtual reality landscape whose core is virtual reality technology , is the optimum of urban planning modeling .

  30. 研究首先从文献入手,分析了城市规划设计的基本伦理和伦理原则。

    Firstly through literature review , the author analyses the basic ethics and principles of urban planning and design .