
  • 网络ancient coin
  1. 鉴于出土古钱币往往存在磨损、锈迹等不同程度的残损,且所获得的古钱币图像有光照、尺度等不同,提出了一种KPCA与SIFT相结合的古钱币多尺度图像识别方法。

    As the varying degrees of wear , rust of unearthed ancient coins and differences of the lighting , scale of acquired images , we proposed a multiscale image recognition method which combined KPCA with SIFT .

  2. 在流通的古钱币也不能卖。

    Ancient coins once in circulation are not to be sold , either .

  3. 第一个称为质心距离直方图(HCD),它是一种基于边缘的形状特征描述子,可以根据古钱币的外轮廓形状来粗略的区分古钱币,用于判断是圆形的还是刀形的古钱币。

    The first feature calls histogram of centroid distance ( HCD ) which is a contour based shape feature descriptor . The HCD is used as a coarse retrieval and can discriminate two antique coins that have obviously different outer contours .

  4. 哦,是的。我在搜寻古钱币。

    Oh , yes . I 'm looking for old coins .

  5. 这便是古钱币对于老年人同样也是对年轻人的魅力所在。

    Such is the fascination of coins for old and young alike .

  6. 你对古钱币有兴趣吗?

    Do you have any interest in ancient Chinese coins ?

  7. 我永远也不会忘记是在我的花园里发现那个罕见的古钱币。

    Ill never forget finding that rare old coin in my garden .

  8. 古钱币展很有趣。

    The exhibition of the old coins is very interesting .

  9. 他佯装为古钱币专家。

    He posed as an expert on old coins .

  10. 古钱币中铜、锡、铅的测定

    Determining cu , sn and Pb in ancient coins

  11. 收藏史前史、石头雕刻品、古钱币、织品和陶制品。

    Collection includes prehistory , stone sculpture , numismatics , textile , and ceramics .

  12. 沈阳方圆大厦是一个古钱币的形状。

    The Fangyuan Building in Shenyang is in the shape of an ancient coin .

  13. 中国古钱币的艺术源流

    The artistic source of Chinese ancient coins

  14. 跟我说说古钱币!

    Tell me something about coins !

  15. 中国花钱是我国庞大的古钱币家族当中最为独特的一个分支。

    Chinese Numismatic Charm is the most unique branch of the huge family of Chinese ancient coins .

  16. 吉姆有许多旧币,他把它们擦了一下,冒充稀有的古钱币,以此骗外国游旅者。

    Jim has a supply of old pennies which he polishes up and passes off to foreign tourists as rare coins .

  17. 古钱币的搜集与整理在我国有着悠久的传统,但是真正形成比较成熟的学科只是近代以来的事。

    Collecting ancient coins had long history in our country , but it just became a science till the modern times .

  18. 我知道,中国各地发掘出大批作为古钱币的海贝,称作贝币。那么硬币呢?

    I Know that sea shells used as money in ancient times were unearthed in many parts of China . How is the coin ?

  19. 提出古钱币图像的多尺度相对矩检索方法。在不同尺度下提取相对矩特征,对特征向量归一化并进行相似性度量。

    Put forward an ancient-coin-image multi-scale relative moments retrieval method , which extracted relative moments feature at different scales , normalized feature vector and performed similarity measure .

  20. 古钱币的价值不仅记载了中国文化的历史,也反映了中国文字的演变过程。

    The value of ancient coins records not only the history of Chinese culture , and also reflects the evolution of the process of the Chinese text .

  21. 该算法能够提取在不同尺度下提取古钱币彩色图像由细到粗的轮廓边缘信息,便于古钱币图像分类与检索。

    The algorithm can extract the Numismatic color image from fine to coarse contour edge information at different scales , easy-to-the Numismatic image classification and retrieval . 3 .

  22. 你很可能会走进一家书店,本想寻找一本关于古钱币的书,可出来时却拿着一本最新的畅销小说。

    It is very easy to enter the shop looking for a book on ancient coins and to come out carrying a copy of the latest best-selling novel .

  23. 十二属相是中国特有的艺术形式,设计采用中国特有的古钱币组成猪年形象,具有强烈的民族风格和文化氛围。

    The12 zodiac is traditional Chinese arts , this design using the ancient currency as an image for a pig year , it has rich folk art flavor and cultural tastes .

  24. 从大师的绘画作品,设计者的模式,以风景,花卉,鸟,龙,凤,瓦片和古钱币,似乎都可以成为刺绣的话题。

    From the paintings by masters , to patterns by designers , to landscape , flowers and birds , dragons and phoenix , tiles and ancient coins , it seemed all could be the topic of embroidery .

  25. 面对书店各色各样的图书的吸引,你得格外小心,你很可能会走进一家书店,本想寻觅一本古钱币方面的书,可出来时却拿着一本最新的畅销小说。

    You have to be careful not to be attracted by the variety of books in a bookshop . It is very easy to enter the shop looking for a book on ancient coins and to come out carrying a copy of the latest best-selling novel .

  26. 每个人都公认他是当今研究古罗马钱币的最杰出的行家。

    Everyone recognized him to be the greatest living authority on ancient Roman coins .