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  • 网络antique jade carving;ancient jade
  1. 古玉器的仿制工艺历来是玉器加工业者难以适从的问题,探讨其中的奥妙,对传承和推动中国古玉器的发展和繁荣具有重要意义。

    It has long been a puzzle for jade carvers in antique jade article imitating , a discussion of which is of great importance to succeed and promote the development and prosperity of Chinese antique jade carving .

  2. 古玉器的无损检测体系

    An introduction of the non-damage system checking up on ancient jade

  3. 本文介绍采用天平法和X射线衍射法(XRD)无损分析测定福泉山出土三件新石器时代古玉器。

    This paragraph presents us non - destructive analysis by using scale and X - ray Radiation Diffraction to evaluate three ancient jades of the Neolithic era found on Fuquan Mountain .

  4. 古玉器的基本特征及其仿制工艺的探讨

    General characteristics of antique jade article and its imitating technology

  5. 靖安古玉器的环境扫描电子显微镜表征

    Environmental Scanning Electronic Microscope Representation of Ancient Jades from Tomb of Jing'an

  6. 红山文化古玉器到底有多少?

    How many does the Hongshan-Culture ancient jade have ?

  7. 在古玉器的研究中经常遇到一个问题,就是玉质问题。

    Often meet a problem in the research of ancient jade articles , but the jade interrogates the question .

  8. 不同产地软玉的拉曼光谱分析及在古玉器无损研究中的应用

    The Raman Spectroscopic Analysis on Several Nephrite Jades from Different Provenances and the Application in Non-destructive Study of Ancient Jade Artifacts

  9. 我国有悠久独特的龙文化,古玉器的龙最初表达人类先民希求衣食丰足的朴素愿望。

    China have long history of dragon culture . Jade articles in dragon shape expressed wish of warm clothing and enough food in original .

  10. 红山文化古玉器,朴拙而智慧的艺术造型;精湛而独特的加工工艺;神秘而深厚的文化内涵;这一切,无不为世人所震惊。

    The ancient jade articles shock people all around the world for its amazing artistic style as well as its beautiful craftwork and mystification .

  11. 利用拉曼光谱对云南腾冲出土的新石期的石斧和北京古玩市场上的古玉器进行成分分析。

    Raman Spectroscopy method is employed to respectively analyze the compositions of the stone-axes unearthed from Tengchong Yunnan , and the jade from Beijing curio market .

  12. 古玉器内部与表层在颜色、致密度等存在差异,但主要物相组成相同。

    Although there are differences in color , density and etc. in inner and outer surface of the ancient jades , principal phase compositions are identical .

  13. 彻底排除玉器内空气的影响,比重法分析可准确判定严重受沁古玉器的物相组成;

    If the influence from air within the samples could be thoroughly eliminated , the components of the ancient jades can be precisely distinguished by gravity test .

  14. 从机理层次探讨埋藏环境下古玉器的化学风化过程,将有助于认识出土古玉器内、外层物化性状的形成原因。

    Exploring the chemical weathering process of the buried ancient jade from the level of mechanism would help to understand the formation of the physical and chemical properties of the inner and outer part .

  15. 通过对古玉器基本特征的进一步的认识,以及对仿制工艺的学习和实践,在琢工、伤残及沁色等仿制工艺上作了归纳和讨论。

    The imitating technologies about carving , incompleteness and color seeping are summarized and discussed through the further understanding of the general characteristics of antique jade articles and study and practice of the imitating technology .

  16. 这两件半成品玉残件保留了加工制作的痕迹,为研究古蜀玉器制作工艺提供了重要的实物材料。

    The fragments left many marks of being manufactured in the body , which provides substantial materials of great significance for the study of manufacturing technique of ancient Shu Jade ware .