
  • 网络Classical Piano
  1. TheOne是由一位没有音乐背景的工程师创办的,这个名为小叶子科技的公司的雄心在一个广告中一览无余:见证古典钢琴的重生。

    Founded by an engineer with no background in music , the company that produces the One , Xiaoyezi Technology , has not been shy about its ambitions . " Witness the rebirth of the classical piano , " reads one advertisement .

  2. 艾米莉目前正研究影片配乐及古典钢琴。

    Emily is currently studying film scoring and classical piano .

  3. 我已经研究了10年的芭蕾和古典钢琴。

    I have studied ballet and classical piano for10 years .

  4. 来自德克萨斯州的古典钢琴演奏家范·克莱邦送给布什价值650美元的金链扣。

    Classical pianist Van Cliburn from Texas gave Bush $ 650 gold cuff links .

  5. 在20世纪50年代早期,尼娜在纽约的朱利亚德学校学习了古典钢琴。

    In the early 1950s , she studied classical piano at the Juilliard School in New York .

  6. 格雷同时还学习弹奏古典钢琴曲,一学就是七年。

    At the same time , Gray was studying classical piano , which she pursued for seven years .

  7. 在布莱金的早期学习生涯中,他的梦想和追求是成为一名古典钢琴演奏家。

    In the early years of Blacking 's study life , he dreamed to be a classical-piano player .

  8. 全安琪在密歇根州的“美国小姐”之夜,演奏了一曲古典钢琴曲。

    Arianna Quan performs a classical piano piece during the final night of the Miss Michigan Scholarship Pageant .

  9. 大卫曾学习数年古典钢琴,毕业于作曲专业,作品从流行音乐中吸收了大量影响。

    David 's work draws its main influence from popular music but is strengthened by several years of classical piano training and a graduate degree in music composition .

  10. 但是古典钢琴糟透了,当琴槌敲出音调时到处都是压抑的声音,让他在弹奏他钟爱的莫扎特时大受打击,至于现代钢琴,简直糟得无法形容。

    But fortepianos were awful , the sound muffling all over the place when the hammer hit the keys , which put him off playing his beloved Mozart ; and modern grands were unspeakable .

  11. 可以确信的是,郎朗的选择肯定会在中国引起共鸣。在中国,郎朗每次演奏后都会被乐迷的鲜花包围,他被盛赞为再次引发了中国人对学习古典钢琴的热情。

    You can be sure that Lang 's choice will resonate in China , where his fans shower him with flowers after every show and he 's credited with inspiring a renaissance in studying classical piano .

  12. 从巴罗克到古典的钢琴演奏艺术

    On the Performing Art of the Piano from Baroque to Classical

  13. 作曲、乐理、音乐史、古典大钢琴、电子琴、影片作曲技巧以及其他相关课程。

    Courses include composition , music theory , music history , class piano , electronic keyboard technique , film composition technique , and related subjects .

  14. 本文通过对莫扎特钢琴协奏曲的解析,使我们清晰地感觉到了西方古典时期钢琴作品乐观、明朗、流畅、优美等风格特征。

    This article let us feel the characters like positive , lightness , liquidity and elegance of the piano work in the classic time in the west by analyzing Mozart 's piano concerto .

  15. 在艺术文化上,古典吉他与钢琴、小提琴并称为世界三大乐器。

    In art and culture , the classical guitar with the piano 、 the violin and called the world three instruments .

  16. 2007年,牛牛签约EMI(百代唱片公司),成为全球最年轻的签约国际古典品牌专属古典钢琴艺术家。

    In2007 , Niu Niu joined EMI family and thus became the world 's youngest classic pianist signed by international classic music brands .

  17. 古典乐派时期的钢琴演奏艺术

    The Art of Piano Playing in The Classical Era

  18. 配器:二胡,民谣钢弦吉他,古典尼龙吉他,钢琴,爵士低音贝斯,爵士鼓组。

    Instruments : Erhu 、 Stell Guitar 、 Nylon Guitar 、 Piano 、 Dub . Bass 、 Jazz Drum .

  19. 在古典时期,由于钢琴的诞生和天才作曲家莫扎特与姐姐的双钢琴二重奏的演出,把双钢琴这种演奏形式展现给了世人。

    In the classical period , piano duo was presented to the audience by W.A.Mozart and his sister and this kind of style became well-known and flourishing .

  20. 沪江英乐讯世界最年轻的签约国际古典品牌专属古典钢琴艺术家&牛牛即将在2008年12月23日在国家大剧院举行钢琴独奏会。

    One of the world 's youngest professional pianists Niu Niu is going to give his solo recital at the National Center for the Performing Arts on December . 23,2008 .

  21. 同时,村上春树有很高的音乐修养,不仅喜欢欧美的现代流行音乐和古典音乐,而且钢琴协奏曲、小提琴协奏曲也都是他所喜欢的。

    At the same time , Haruki Murakami has a high musicianship , his like not only Europe and America music like a modern pop music and classical music , but also Piano Concerto , Violin Concerto .