
  1. 城内发现的大型宫庙和廊庑式建筑基址,在同期龙山文化城址中也是十分罕见的。

    The large scale foundation sites such as palaces , temples and corridors were found here .

  2. 城中发现了大型宫殿基址和大型廊庑式建筑,在中原地区龙山时代城址中都十分罕见。

    The large-sized palace foundation and the construction surrounded with porches are very few in the walled sites of that time .

  3. 我国古代建筑中的廊庑、副阶比较常见,它虽然不是主要的单体建筑,但在某种场合下又不可少,成为一种较为特殊的建筑。

    Corridor and assistant stairs of China ancient buildings are fairly common , they are not main single building , but they are indispensable in an occasion , they are a kind of special buildings .