
  • 网络nong khai;NongKhai;Nongkai
  1. 她于2月17日在邻国泰国寻求医疗,目前在廊开公立医院,她目前病情稳定。

    She sought medical care in neighbouring Thailand on17 February and is currently in Nongkhai public hospital where she remains in stable condition .

  2. 拟议中由中国出资建设的铁路线将自南向北,从泰国在罗勇(Rayong)的主要深水港通至泰国和老挝边境线上的廊开(NongKhai),并有一条支线连接到曼谷。

    The planned Chinese-backed railway will run north-south from Thailand 's main deep seaport in Rayong to the Laos border at Nong Khai , with a separate spur that connects to Bangkok .

  3. 减少绿色廊道的断开区,增加网络连通性;

    The disconnection of the network should be decreased and the connectivity should be increased .