
  • 网络Universal health care;universal coverage
  1. 既然目前大部分医保都与就业绑定,那么实现全民医保就将是达到上述目的的最佳方式之一。

    Since much healthcare is currently tied to employment , achieving universal coverage would be one of the best ways of doing that .

  2. 在本月31日日本全民医保50周年之际,柳叶刀将推出日本医疗及医疗体制的系列报道。

    On the31st of August on the occasion of the50th anniversary of Japan 's universal coverage , The Lancet is producing a special Series on Japan 's health and health system .

  3. 美国还有未完成的宏伟目标,比如经济和环境正义,比如全民医保,在这些目标上,大多数人达成了一致。

    And on the big unfinished goals in this country , like economic and environmental justice and health care for everybody , broad majorities agree on the ends .

  4. 巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)昨日介入有关美国医改的辩论,并就此发表了他迄今为止最慷慨激昂的演讲,支持将全民医保扩大到4700万尚无医保的美国民众。

    Barack Obama yesterday weighed into the debate over healthcare reform by making his most impassioned case so far to extend universal healthcare coverage to the 47m US citizens who lack it .

  5. 但西奥多•罗斯福是首位支持全民医保的美国总统,而曾任犹他州州长的洪博培在共和党初选期间却曾主张废除奥巴马医改(Obamacare)。

    But that same Teddy Roosevelt was the first president to espouse national healthcare , while Mr Huntsman , a former Utah governor , advocated repeal of ObamaCare during the Republican primaries .

  6. 美国没有全民医保方案,这在西方国家里并不常见。

    America is the rare western country without a universal insurance scheme .

  7. 医改推动者担心,这可能使得接近全民医保的目标难以实现。

    Health campaigners fear this could make it difficult to achieve near-universal coverage .

  8. 从全民医保看病案书写内涵的重要性

    The Importance of the Connotation of Medical Records from Health Insurance Point of View

  9. 医疗保障的制度创新与全民医保相关措施探讨(上)

    The Institutional Innovation of Social Medical Security System and a Discussion for Universal Coverage ;

  10. 全民医保目标下医疗保障制度底线公平研究

    Study on the Baseline Equality of Medical Security System on the Goal of Universal Coverage

  11. 全民医保制度下的家庭医生计划研究

    A Research on the " Family Doctor " Scheme of the Universal Health Care System

  12. 巴黎一直因时尚、美食和全民医保制度而闻名于世。

    Paris has long been known for stylish people , delicious cuisine and universal health care .

  13. 构建社会主义初级阶段医疗保障体系,根本目的是实现全民医保;

    The ultimate objective to construct health security system is to make health insurance cover all people .

  14. 在覆盖全民医保的前提下,卫生主管部门对医疗活动的行政干预能力得以增强。

    In the premise of medical insurance coverage the administrative could enhance the capacity to medical activities .

  15. 全民医保模式下免费提供部分基本医疗服务可行性分析:以珠海市为例

    The feasibility analysis on free provision of some basic medical services under universal health insurance scheme in Zhuhai City

  16. 此外,本文还探讨了我国实现“全民医保”与制度和人群的“全覆盖”的发展策略。

    This paper also discusses the developmental trend of achieving universal medical insurance and universal coverage in the future .

  17. 全民医保模式主要有两种,一种是以英国为代表的税收筹资体制,第二种则是以德国为代表的社会保险体制。

    There are two universal coverage of healthcare insurance mode . One is tax-based system represented by the United Kingdom .

  18. 本部分主要采用公平和效率两个指标对厦门市全民医保运行现状进行评估。

    This part mainly applies the two indexes for the evaluation of the performance of universal health care of Xiamen .

  19. 全民医保基本实现,城乡基本医疗卫生制度初步建立。

    The whole population is now basically covered by medical insurance ; the basic urban and rural healthcare systems are taking shape .

  20. 完全取消税收减免,所产生的收入足以为全民医保埋单,剩余部分还可抵减长期财政赤字。

    Ending the tax break altogether would pay for universal coverage , with revenue left over to set against the long-term budget deficit .

  21. 目前的全民医保体系和卫生筹资水平对住院服务的使用并没有起到根本性的改善。

    Current universal health coverage and health financing system did not make a fundamental improvement in the use of hospital services . 5 .

  22. 但对于一些美国企业而言,努力尝试将全民医保覆盖范围延伸至其它地方比如中国可能会更有成效。

    But for some US businesses it could be more productive to focus on an attempt to universalise medical coverage elsewhere - in China .

  23. 在一些富裕国家,全民医保仍然遥不可及,而墨西哥将在今年大体实现这一目标。

    In some rich countries it remains a distant hope , but in Mexico free universal health care became more or less a reality this year .

  24. 这项计划的好的一面是,他们确立了全民医保的目标,中国社科院的唐钧表示。

    The good thing about this plan is they have established the aim of covering all people , says Mr Tang at the social sciences academy .

  25. 自全民医保项目开始覆盖儿童急性白血病的治疗费后,患儿治愈率从3/10提高至7/10。

    When the programme started to pay for treatment of acute leukaemia in children , the survival rate improved from three in ten to seven in ten .

  26. 从国际经验看,国际上医保制度的建设,其目标是全民医保,过程是制度融合,路径是化繁为简。

    Based on international experience , building medical insurance system to provide universal health care , the key is system integration , and the path is simplification .

  27. 所谓全民医保,是指全体公民按照收入能力进行支付,按照疾病需要进行治疗。

    The so-called universal coverage of healthcare insurance refers to all citizens in accordance with the payment of income , according to the diseases need for treatment .

  28. 通过平衡预算和可持续性研究论证了我国目前完全有条件和有能力实行全民医保。

    Through a balanced budget and sustainable research , it is argued that in China it will be reasonable and feasible to implement universal coverage of healthcare insurance .

  29. 有人批评说,这一庞大的全民医保体系存在种种问题,包括在非紧急情况下,看病求医要等很长的时间,医院不够整洁,等等。

    It 's a huge national health care scheme that has been criticized for issues such as long waiting lists for non critical procedures and the cleanliness of hospitals .

  30. 底线公平有三个层次的要求,其中第一个层级,即是机会公平,这是实现全民医保的门槛和基本要求。

    There are three levels of equality of baseline , the first level , named equal opportunity , which is the threshold of universal health care and basic requirements .