
  • 网络Direction for urban development
  1. 用地评价与城市发展方向选择

    Land using evaluation and the direction of city development

  2. 日照市城市发展方向地质环境研究与建议

    Study and Suggestions on Geological Environment of the Direction in City Urban Development

  3. 区域对城市发展方向和规模的影响主要是城市位置和城市化水平;

    The effect of regions on urban development direction and scale mainly lies in urban location and urbanization level .

  4. 在对世界城市发展方向作了分析之后,提出中国传统城市空间形态继承的思路。

    After analyzing the developing trend of cities around the world , the article put forward the idea on how to inherit Chinese traditional urban space form .

  5. 本文主要以城市发展方向和市民需求为出发点,探讨其主要功能特征和设计要点。

    This paper using the direction of urban development and residents ' needs as a point of departure to discuss the main functional characteristics and design points .

  6. 以吴中区未来城市发展方向及发展目标和要求为导向,通过多角度分析,提出了城乡公交一体化发展战略及政策。

    To the future direction of urban development Wuzhong and development-oriented objectives and requirements , through the multi-angle analysis , the integration of urban and rural transport development strategy and policies .

  7. 在鹤山市行政中心选址及城市发展方向规划中,存在两种意见:跳跃式和渐进式发展模式。

    In the selection of Heshan Administration Center and the planning of direction of urban development , there exist two different opinions , the development pattern of leaping forward and the pattern of going on gradually .

  8. 对于新城型,采取沿城市发展方向、建设具有综合功能的新城区方式,适合于少数具有经济实力的特大城市。

    As university cities of new town type , the stratagem should be in consistency with the predominant direction of city development and have fundamental perfected facilities , which agree with a few large urbans with economical strength .

  9. 在UGB划定的基础上,结合对未来城市空间发展方向的分析,最终确定城市规划区范围。

    The UGB delineated on the basis of combined analysis of the future direction of development of urban space , ultimately determine the scope of the urban planning area .

  10. 略谈市场经济条件下我国城市的发展方向

    On the Direction of Urban Development under Market-Economy System in China

  11. 可持续发展道路是城市以后发展方向的必然选择。

    Sustainable development is the inevitable choice of future urban development .

  12. 多中心合作治理模式与城市管理发展方向

    The model of polycentric-cooperative governance and the developmental direction of urban management

  13. 城市空间发展方向选择的层次分析方法

    An AHP approach of the urban spatial development direction

  14. 城市的发展方向将同时具有中心聚集性和周边环状分布性两个发展方向。

    Central concentration and ring distribution will be the two main characteristics of city development .

  15. 居住的方向从来都是同步于城市发展的方向。

    The trend of living has always been synchronous with the developing trend of the city .

  16. 明确了城市的发展方向,完善了城市布局结构;

    To definite the urban development orientation , and bring the urban layout construction to complete ;

  17. 多目标突变论在城市空间发展方向决策中的应用

    Application of the Theory of Multi-goals Sudden Change Decision in Making the Decision of the City Space Developing Orientation

  18. 为城市发展指明方向、确定道路和有效施政,不仅仅是国家面临的重大课题,也是各地政府当下的重点研究方向。

    For urban development direction , roads and effective policy , is not only an important issue in the country , but also the local government key research direction .

  19. 一个地区的城镇化策略,应该立足该地区的历史与现状,制定指导城镇化的理念和思路,确定城市发展的方向和特色。

    A local urbanized strategy , should base on the local history and the present situation , establish the instruction about urbanized idea and mentality , definite direction and characteristic of urban development .

  20. 在此基础上,结合未来城市化发展方向,给出了解决问题的思路与对策,为合理地制定农村基础教育政策提供了有益的借鉴。

    On the base of which , the idea and policy about solving problem were put forward in combination with the development trend of urbanization in future , which provided a instructive reference for formulating reasonably rural fundamental education policies .

  21. 电缆环网供电将成为城市电网发展的方向,提出了一种全新的智能型环网柜测控保护终端RMU(RingMainUnit)的设计思想和技术实现方案。

    To supply power through hand-in-hand cable ring will become more common in urban power network . The design and its implementation of an intelligent RMU ( Ring Main Unit ) with the functions of control , measuring and protection are presented .

  22. 东北地区城市化的发展方向探析

    An Exploration on the Trend of Urbanization in the Northeast Area

  23. 交通信息化是我国现代城市交通的发展方向,而信息共享平台是交通各个子系统信息整合和协调的技术保障。

    Informationization is the aim of China 's modern urban transportation .

  24. 清洁汽车&未来中国城市车辆发展的方向

    Clean vehicles - the new development trend of future Chinese urban vehicles

  25. 汽车柴油化仍是城市公交的发展方向

    Dieselization - Oriented Development Trend of Urban Mass Transmit System

  26. 论城市电网的发展方向

    On the Development Direction of Urban Power Networks in China E City

  27. 从中关村交通,看城市规划的发展方向

    Look at Development Direction of Urban Planning from Traffic of Zhongguancun Village

  28. 适度集中,提高质量&论我国目前城市化发展的方向

    Appropriate Concentration and High Quality & On the trend of urbanization in China

  29. 城市轨道交通发展方向的技术策略

    Technical Strategy for the Development of Urban Rail Transit

  30. 事业单位体制改革与城市公共图书馆发展方向

    The System Reform of Public Institutions and the Developmental Orientation of Public Libraries