
  • 网络Lowie
  1. 突然,小姑娘抓起了李武的一只胳膊,猛地咬了上去。

    Suddenly , the little girl grabbed one arm of the Li Wu , suddenly bitten up .

  2. 空降兵某团一级士官李武和战友一面阻拦她进入,一面安抚她。

    Airborne Regiment and his comrade-Li Wu a non-commissioned officers stopped her into the side of one hand to placate her .

  3. 但李武就像没有感觉一样,继续安慰着小姑娘,脚下还是一步不退。

    However , there is no feeling like the Wu-like and continue to comfort the little girl , feet , or step reclaim .

  4. 约三厘米长的胸针一下子全扎入了李武的手臂,霎时间,鲜血顺着肘部滴淌下来。

    About three centimeters long brooch once the whole bundle into the Wu-arm , All of a sudden drop of blood along the elbow Tangxia come .

  5. 小姑娘见李武没有反应,就拔出衣服上一枚胸针,对着他的胳膊狠狠扎了下去。

    Li Wu , see the little girl did not respond , they pull out the clothes a brooch , into his arm severely tie it down .

  6. 本文通过对赵红兵与李武借款纠纷案中焦点问题的法律分析,反映出当前关于民间借贷法律规范的缺失,阐述了完善我国民间借贷立法的必要性。

    This article through to the Zhao Hong Bing and Li Wu loan dispute focus problem in legal analysis , which reflects the legal norms on folk debit and credit lack of perfect our country , elaborated the necessity of the legislation of private lending .