
  • 网络fixation duration;first fixation duration;GAZE TIME
  1. 结果以运动前安静时为基础值,运动后即刻的心率、血乳酸和RPE、眼动指标(除平均注视时间)均达到峰值。

    Results : To pre-exercise based on the value of quiet time , immediately after exercise heart rate , blood lactate and RPE values , eye movement indicators ( except average fixation duration ) reached the peak .

  2. 驾驶员的平均注视时间随车速及标志字体高度的变化不大,基本稳定在260~330ms;

    Drivers ' mean fixation duration ranges basically between 260 ~ 330ms and is effected little by vehicle speed and road sign text height ;

  3. 驾驶员驾驶的过程中对车辆的平均注视时间最长,在200ms以上。

    Drivers ' the average fixation time to vehicle is the longest , in more than 200ms .

  4. 注视时间上,红色最短;

    About the fixation time , the red is shortest .

  5. 注视时间对汉字知觉干扰效应的影响

    The influence of Viewing Time on the Perceptual Interference Effect in Chinese Characters

  6. 另外,之前模糊刺激的注视时间对知觉干扰效应也存在影响。

    Moreover , viewing time of prior cues also influence the Perceptual Interference Effect .

  7. 插图注解的注视时间与次数的主效应显著。

    The main effects of fixation duration and fixation times of pictures caption are significant .

  8. 目的探索不同注视时间后近视的调节反应时间。

    Objective To explore the accommodation reflex time after two prior fixation periods in early-onset myopes .

  9. 广告受众对不同广告代言人、不同功能介绍信息的注视时间存在显著性差异;

    There are significant differences in fixation time for different endorsers and different ways of introducing function information ;

  10. 学习、笔画和线索注视时间对汉字知觉干扰效应的影响

    The Effects of Stroke Number and Viewing Time of Cues on the Perception Interference Effect in Chinese Characters Identification

  11. 词识别时,词频、熟悉度、获得年龄和具体性对三个年级被试注视时间的影响有相同的趋势;

    There were consistent word frequency , familiarity , AOA and concreteness effects of words of inspection duration through three grades ;

  12. 眼动仪记录儿童的反应时、注视时间、注视点数、注视位置等数据。

    Eyelink II was used to record the response time , fixation time , fixation points , and fixation location , et al .

  13. 在不可能图形的辨别中,被试较短的平均注视时间可能反映其较为有效的信息加工眼动特征。

    In the task of impossible figure , the shorter the average fixation time may be more effective to monitor the eye movement patterns .

  14. 结果:538例2个月~36个月正常婴幼儿对重复刺激的注视时间随刺激次数逐渐下降,对新鲜刺激表现出注视时间的恢复;

    The results showed that all infants ' fixation time decreased gradually with the increase of repeated stimuli , but recovered soon for the novel stimulus .

  15. 在此过程中,眼睛运动的总注视时间、跳动次数等参数也同样表现出了与判断时间类似的心理旋转效应。

    During the processing , the total fixation time and the number of saccade etc had also analog mental rotation effect , that was equal with the RT.

  16. 研究人员同时发现,无论照片上实物的熟悉度,狗狗们在狗类照片上的注视时间长于人类照片。

    The researcher also found dogs looked at images of dogs longer than images of humans , regardless of the familiarity of the faces in the images .

  17. 当语音中介词为低频词时,被试对语音中介启动词的总注视时间显著高于控制类型;

    Much more total fixation duration were spent on word pairs as well as on phonological mediation words when the frequency of the mediation words is low ;

  18. 当图形从0度逐渐旋转到180度时,为了完成旋转图形的识别,被试需要更长的注视时间和更多的跳动次数来获得信息,以识别物体。

    Subjects need to cost more fixation time and more number of saccade to identify object , when the scene was rotated from 0 ° to 180 ° .

  19. 表象内容的理解水平越高,平均注视时间越短,平均眼跳距离越大。

    The higher of the visual imagery understanding level , the shorter of the average fixation duration , and the longer of the average saccade amplitude . 4 .

  20. 两种阅读条件下都出现了同音效应,即同音字的首次注视时间、总注视时间都比非同音字短;

    Homophone effects were found under two different reading conditions , that is , first fixation and total fixation of homophone were shorter than those of non - homophone ;

  21. 我学会了去注视时间的一切美好,并试着给予回报,因为我虔诚地笃信美好。

    I learned to look at all the good in the world and try to give some of it back because I believed in it , completely and utterly .

  22. 在语篇阅读的注视时间、注视频率、眼跳距离上,两组被试没有差异,但在注视点和回视次数上实验组表现出显著多于对照组的特点。

    The groups concerned show no dissimilarity in fixation duration , fixation frequency and saccade distance but the experiment group do exhibit a remarkably higher frequency in fixation and regression .

  23. 另外,当图片重复呈现时,存在重复启动效应,除了反应时以外,还可以从总注视时间、注视频次、平均注视时间以及信息区内首次注视时间等眼动指标中得以体现。

    Moreover , the repetition priming effects were found not only from the reaction time but also from the gaze duration , fixation frequency , average fixation duration and first saccade latency etc.

  24. 在注视时间方面,图画的注视时间最短,英文词的注视时间最长,中文词的注视时间居中;

    As for the fixation time , the shortest was on the pictures , English words , the longest was on the English words , and the in-between was on the Chinese characters .

  25. 四种道路环境下的注视时间百分比、平均注视时间、扫视平均速度以及对各个感兴趣区域的平均注视时间的差异都不显著。

    The difference in the percentage of fixation time , the average fixation time , the average saccade speed and the average fixation time of each interested area under four kinds of road environments are not big .

  26. 结果表明:眼动指标的年级差异和组间差异显著,表现为低年级和数困组的注视时间更长、注视点数更多、瞳孔直径更大;

    The results were that there were significant grade and group differences in eye movement performances , indicated by longer response time , more fixation points and larger pupil diameters in the lower-grade and learning disabled groups ;

  27. 指引线引导视线掠过书页的成排点或短划线,如在索引词条中学习、笔画和线索注视时间对汉字知觉干扰效应的影响

    Dots or dashes in a row leading the eye across a page , as in an index entry . The Effects of Stroke Number and Viewing Time of Cues on the Perception Interference Effect in Chinese Characters Identification

  28. 指出:(1)速度伴随效应的机制可能在于补偿反应延迟、维持必需的注视时间、对即时运动信息的利用或时间-准确性权衡;

    The authors suggest : (( 1 ) The ) mechanism of speed coupling effect might be explained in terms of compensating for the delay of response , supplying necessary viewing time , utilizing instantaneous information or speed-accuracy tradeoffs ;

  29. 研究结果表明,视觉搜索存在明显的空间不对称性,它主要体现在左右视野之间的差异上,具体表现在搜索反应时、平均注视时间以及眼睛跳动等方面。

    Significant differences of search time , mean fixation time , and saccadic eye movements between the left and right visual fields were found . These results indicate the asymmetry of visual search between the left and right visual fields .

  30. 被试在观察不同品牌的工程机械驾驶室时,注视时间、注视次数主效应显著,表明不同品牌之间的驾驶室内饰的设计要素的受关注程度不同。

    When Subjects observed different brands of construction machinery cab , the main effect of fixation time and fixation times are significant , it means that the degree of being concerned are different between construction machinery cab with different brand .