
  • 网络Redundancy check;CRC;LRC;Longitudinal Redundancy Check
  1. 通过硬件上奇偶校验与软件上循环冗余校验(CRC)的实现,完成了系统的智能纠错功能;

    The realization of intelligent correction is based on odd or even in hardware and CRC in software .

  2. 文章设计了AVR单片机主从式的数据传输协议及其数据纠错方式,利用了循环冗余校验和汉明码校验技术,保证数据传输的可靠性,提高系统的抗干扰能力。

    The thesis designs AVR singlechip principal and subordinate transmission protocol and data corrected way , uses the technology of CRC check and Hamming code check in order to guarantee the data transmission reliability and improve the system antijamming ability .

  3. 基于字节的循环冗余校验算法及FPGA实现

    Implementation of CRC Calculation Based on Bytes Using FPGA

  4. 基于FPGA的循环冗余校验并行实现

    Implementation of parallel CRC based on FPGA

  5. 设计完成循环冗余校验(CRC)系统。

    Designing CRC ( Cyclic Redundancy Check ) system .

  6. 循环冗余校验CRC在文件保护中的研究

    Research of File Protection with Cyclic Redundancy Check

  7. 循环冗余校验(CRC)就是一种被广泛采用的错误检验编码。

    The cyclic redundancy check ( CRC ) is an error inspection code widely applied .

  8. 在数据传输的过程中通常使用循环冗余校验(CRC),以检查数据传送过程中是否发生了错误。

    Cyclic Redundancy Check ( CRC ) is often employed to detect errors incurred during transmission .

  9. 详细介绍了循环冗余校验CRC(CyclicRedundancyCheck)差错控制原理、算法实现及其在文件保护中的应用。

    This paper has a detailed explanation for implementations and algorithm of " Cyclic Redundancy Check ", and it 's application in file protection .

  10. 循环冗余校验码(CRC)的硬件并行实现适用于单片机的循环冗余校验码的快速算法

    The Hardware Implementation for Cyclic Redundancy Code A quick Algorithm of CRC suitable for Single Chip Microcomputers

  11. 通过对循环冗余校验CRC算法的研究及软件实现,完成了系统的智能纠错功能;

    The realization of CRC algorithm in software , which achieve the function of intelligent correction is given .

  12. 另外,在所有的数据通信中均加入CRC循环冗余校验,保证数据传输过程中的准确性。

    Additionally , Cyclic Redundancy Check is added to all data communication , which ensure the veracity of transmission .

  13. 第五章介绍了系统中硬件部分所采取的安全性措施以及软件中的循环冗余校验(CRC)算法。

    The fifth chapter introduces the security measurements taked in hardware and arithmetic of Cyclic Redundancy Check in software .

  14. 当网络接口层从它的上一层收到一个数据包时,它就加上一个前同步信号以及循环冗余校验(CRC)。

    When the network interface receives a packet from the layer above , it adds a preamble and CRC .

  15. 循环冗余校验(简称CRC)是一种可靠性很高且实现方式简单的串行数据校验方法,在通信及计算机数据存储中得到了广泛应用。

    Cyclic redundancy check is widely used in communication and data storage because of high dependability and easy of realization .

  16. 本文剖析了在数据通讯中校验和(CheckSum)及循环冗余校验(CRC)两种差错控制的原理及C++实现。

    Two principles of error control are analyzed such as Checksum and CRC in the communication and realization .

  17. 介绍了循环冗余校验码的基本原理,重点分析了其硬件电路的实现方法,并在此基础上用VHDL语言设计了编码程序。

    This paper not only introduces basic principle and calculating method of CRC , but also presents a hardware implementation of CRC based on VHDL .

  18. 本文针对GPS数据通讯中目前常用的校验和校验以及循环冗余校验(CRC校验),从校验原理入手,具体给出其计算方法和C语言实现。

    Some error checking method commonly used in GPS data communication are analyzed in this paper such as sum check and Cyclic Redundancy Check , detailed calculation realization is also given in C language .

  19. 循环冗余校验CRC由于编码简单、误判概率低,在通信系统中得到了广泛的应用。

    For its simple coding and low rate of error identification , the Cyclic Redundancy Check ( CRC ) is widely used in digital communication system .

  20. 这个函数负责为RAM磁盘分配空间,并计算循环冗余校验码(CRC),然后对RAM磁盘映像进行解压,并将其加载到内存中。

    This function allocates space for the RAM disk , calculates the cyclic redundancy check ( CRC ), and then uncompresses and loads the RAM disk image into memory .

  21. 介绍了该芯片的主要性能,以及以太网帧结构、CRC(循环冗余校验)-32的实现和载波侦听协议。

    This chip is of low power consumption and has high performance . This paper also introduces the structure of Ethernet , CRC-32 and CSMA / CD .

  22. 循环冗余校验CRC码是常用的检测错误的循环码,通过在每个传输帧中加入冗余信息,而检出其中的错误。

    Cyclic redundancy check ( CRC ) js a cyclic code often used Redundancy information is added to every transport frame to detect the errors in it .

  23. 在循环冗余校验方面,对现有的串行CRC方法进行改进,提出了一种并行CRC校验方法并加以实现。

    In the Cyclic Redundancy Check module , the author improved the existing serial CRC circuit , proposed a parallel CRC check method , and realized it .

  24. 文中主要描述了三个方面的问题并深入分析了它们与具体芯片上汇编语言的实现结合:1.循环冗余校验CRC(CyclicRedundancyCheck)的差错控制原理及其算法实现。

    Three general problems are described , with their implement at special chip are introduced . The three general problems are : 1 . CRC ( Cyclic Redundancy Check ) general algorithm theory and implement .

  25. 分析城市轨道交通安全信息传输中常用的循环冗余校验(CRC)的编码和检纠错原理。

    Cyclic Redundancy Check ( CRC ) code and the principle of error checking / correction commonly used for safe information transmission in urban mass transit are analyzed .

  26. 针对编码协作中采用循环冗余校验(CRC)方案会降低系统传输速率的问题,提出了一种改进的门限选择中继方案。

    For the rate reduction induced by using cyclic redundancy check ( CRC ) in coded cooperation , an improved threshold selection relaying scheme is proposed for coded cooperation .

  27. 而在链路层,则运用循环冗余校验码(CRC)串联率兼容穿孔卷积码(RCPC)提供数据包内保护。

    In addition , rate-compatible punctured convolutional ( RCPC ) coding is used at the link layer to provide unequal intra-packet protection .

  28. 讨论了并行计算循环冗余校验码(CRC)的原理,并以USB协议使用的两种CRC的计算为例给出了硬件并行实现CRC的设计方法。

    The parallel generation method for Cyclic Redundancy Code ( CRC ) is discussed in this paper . The hardware implementations for 2 kinds of CRC used in USB protocol are presented .

  29. WEP通过在RC4密码系统内部设置CRC32循环冗余校验的方式来实现报文完整性验证。

    WEP uses CRC32 checking code inside the RC4 encipher system to provide message integrity check .

  30. 另外,为了保证通信中数据的准确性和完整性,本文还提出了一种使用CRC循环冗余校验法的无阻塞通信方法。

    In addition , so as to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the data communication , this paper also raises a Cyclic Redundancy Check ( CRC ) method of non-blocking communication .