
  • 网络redundant bit;redundancy bit
  1. 在电路最后加入数字校正电路,校正了误差和冗余位。

    With the aid of digital calibration circuit , error and redundant bits are removed .

  2. 光纤信道具有比传统电缆信道更高的信号传输速率和更大的带宽,当采用光纤调制解调器进行电光信号转换时,可以使用具有较多冗余位的编码方式来保证信号传输的准确性和可靠性。

    Fiber channel possesses wider bandwidth and higher signal transmission speed than traditional cable channel , which permits the encoder adding more redundant bits in encoding process when the electric signals convert into optical signals by an optic modem to guarantee the reliability and veracity of the communication system .

  3. 该方法应用改进冗余位结构,通过在其子DAC输出端引入伪随机信号测量级间增益,并利用此估计值在后台进行增益误差补偿。

    Using a reformative redundant stage , gain errors are measured by PR ( pseudo-random ) signal being injected at sub-DAC output and compensated in background according to the estimated value .

  4. 设计了简单、易于测试的冗余位数字误差校正算法。

    Design a simple and testable redundancy digital error correction method .

  5. 首先,在代码级,通过资源共享减少逻辑单元的数量;通过剔除多位比较判断语句的冗余位,减少比较逻辑的代价;通过资源复制均衡重负载逻辑,改善了关键路径延时。

    First , in the level of code , we reduced the number of logic units through resource sharing , removed a number of redundant bits of comparative statement by s suitable description which can reduce the cost of comparison logic , and improved the delay by resource replication .

  6. 现有的标志位优化技术是通过标志位分析处理以尽可能避免冗余标志位的定值,从而减少翻译产生的MIPS指令,但是对于非冗余的标志位定值,仍需要大量的指令翻译。

    Existing optimization flag is the flag bits as much as possible to avoid redundancy analysis processing flag value , thereby reducing the MIPS instruction generated translation , but for non-redundant bit flag value , an instruction still requires a large translation .

  7. 结果表明,在给定纠错编码算法和重传方式条件下,可以通过对冗余信息位长度的合理选择实现系统有效吞吐率的最大化。

    The result indicates that proper selecting the length of redundant bit can maximize system effective throughput .

  8. 数据的编码采用了曼彻斯特编码格式,每帧数据包括同步头、有效数据位和冗余校验位三部分。

    Manchester code was used in data coding , each frame of data included synchronous head , valid data bits and cyclic redundancy parity bits .

  9. 柔性冗余度机器人运动规划的新方法&冗余位形法

    New motion planning method of Flexible Redundant Manipulators by optimizing redundant configuration