
  • 网络LOVO;Rollei;Love;Lolei
  1. 众议院民主党称如果南卡罗莱那共和党人JoeWilson本周拒绝到众议院进行道歉,将对其进行责难。

    House Democrats plan to censure the South Carolina Republican if he refuses to apologize on the house floor this week .

  2. 他住在南卡罗莱那的一个小镇上。

    He came from a small town in South Carolina .

  3. 又有新的呼声要求南卡罗莱那州长辞职。

    There are new calls for South Carolina 's embattled Governor to quit .

  4. 作为南卡罗莱那州克莱姆森大学的一个本科生,我囊中羞涩,当我父亲告诉我他为我买了辆车时,我甚是激动。

    An impoverished graduate student at Clemson University in South Carolina , I was excited when my father informed me that he had bought me a car .

  5. 我能体会她的痛苦,我也曾有一次在自己的牛棚边为一头夏罗莱小牛犊哭过,要不是兽医没来,它说不定还活着。

    I sympathised with her sadness , having once shed a few tears myself over a Charolais calf still-born for no better reason than the vet being out of reach .

  6. 他成长于南卡罗莱那州的乡下地方,十三岁添加军旅参与独立战争前、就读的是当地的学校。

    The youngest of three sons of Scotch-Irish immigrants , he grew up in rural South Carolina and attended local schools before leaving school to join the Army at age13 during the American Revolution .

  7. 锡兰茶径(四处地址,坐落于卡斯尔雷与哈顿之间,94-11-774-5700,resplendentceylon.com):罗莱夏朵旗下美丽宽敞的平房酒店,坐落在高海拔茶园宁静的中心。

    Ceylon Tea Trails ( four locations between Castlereigh and Hatton , 94-11-774-5700 , resplendentceylon . com ) : Handsome and spacious Relais & Ch â teaux bungalows strewn across the hushed , high-altitude interior of tea country .