
  • 网络rajin;Paul Rozin
  1. 中方则视罗津港为进入日本海的一个机会。

    The Chinese see Rajin as an opportunity to gain access to the sea of Japan .

  2. 俄罗斯政府希望将罗津的不冻港与西伯利亚铁路连接起来,从而在东亚和欧洲之间开辟一条新的陆路运输线。

    Moscow hopes the project will open a new land transport route between east Asia and Europe , by linking Rajin 's warm-water port with the Trans-Siberian Railway .

  3. 清津,坐落在朝鲜中部,日本海沿岸,往北是罗津。

    Clear tianjin , located in korea , along the sea of japan , is Luo Jin to the north .

  4. 报道了阿罗津在稻苗、土壤和田水中的消解动态以及在稻秆、稻壳、糙米及土壤中最终残留状况。

    This study was conducted in Beijing to determine dissipation dynamics and residues of anilofos in rice plant , grain , soil and water .

  5. 但朝鲜难民近来谈到,在一些靠近中国的地区,特别是北部城市罗津和会宁以及中朝边境南端的新义州,求生的需求正推动着变革。

    But recent escapees tell of the changes that are being driven by necessity in areas near China , especially in the cities of Rajin and hoeryong in the north and Sinuiju at the southern end of the border .