
wàn zhàng shēn yuān
  • abyss;a bottomless chasm;an abyss of 100,000 feet
万丈深渊[wàn zhàng shēn yuān]
  1. 路窄坡陡,两边是万丈深渊。

    The path was very steep and narrow suspending over formidable abyss .

  2. 眼里放着红光,如同万丈深渊里的两颗宝石。

    Eyes glowing red , jewels from the pit of hell itself .

  3. 只是我最近恍如跌进了万丈深渊,心情糟糕的不能说了。

    I am in a bad mood recently . I miss him also .

  4. 然而这种自我救赎并没有成功,反而把他们推向了一个更痛苦的万丈深渊。

    On the contrary , they fail and put themselves into a painful situation .

  5. 明明知道是万丈深渊,我还是笑着看你往下跳。

    Clearly know is the abyss , I still smiling to see you jump down .

  6. 我们深知,一旦偏离这条道路,就会坠入万丈深渊。

    Should China deviate from the path of peaceful development , it will step into an abyss of unredeemable depth .

  7. 福尔摩斯最后选择了跟他同归于尽,一起掉到了瀑布下,坠入了万丈深渊。

    Holmes finally chose to die together with him , along with a waterfall and fell , plunged into the abyss .

  8. 巴尔扎克英语名人名言:“苦难对于天才是一块垫脚石,对能干的人是一笔财富,对弱者是一个万丈深渊。”的翻译。

    Genius is suffering for a stepping stone capable person , is a wealth of the weak , is an unfathomable abyss .

  9. 如果你的眼前是千峰突兀、万丈深渊,你会联想到人情的险恶、世事的艰难。

    If your eyes are Shiqianfeng unexpected , into an abyss , you will think of human evil , the world is difficult .

  10. 我坚信即使是万丈深渊,勇敢地跳下去也会是前途似锦。

    Yet I have a faith that I will cherish a bright future if jump in boldly , even if it is abyss .

  11. 如果我们不对发展进行价值审视和伦理规约,任由发展将会把人类引向万丈深渊和带来灭顶之灾。

    If we do not develop the value of examining and ethical protocol , leaving the development will lead mankind into the abyss and bring disaster .

  12. 在这座山上一失足便会跌入万丈深渊。于是傲慢、自满而痴笑的堂堂诗人跌进了怀疑的万丈深渊。

    One slip on this mountain and you will fall into the abyss . And then the proud and smirking Poet and Maker falls ten thousand feet ito dubiety .

  13. 我绝望地感到自己就要向前直冲出那不堪一击的护栏,然后下坠,再下坠,坠入万丈深渊。

    I was absolutely certain that I was going to plunge straight ahead , through the flimsy barrier , then down , down , down through an endless drop .

  14. 舌背和上腭的后部接触。我绝望地感到自己就要向前直冲出那不堪一击的护栏,然后下坠,再下坠,坠入万丈深渊。

    The back of the tongue makes contact with the back part of the palate . I was absolutely certain that I was going to plunge straight ahead , through the flimsy barrier , then down , down , down through an endless drop .