
mín zú wèn tí
  • Ethnic issues;problem of nationality
  1. 从民族问题视角看西部大开发战略&民族理论界研究西部大开发成果综述

    Problem of Nationality and the West Great Development

  2. 国家哲学社会科学十五研究状况与十一五发展趋势&黑龙江省民族问题研究调研报告

    Investigation on the Research Situation of the Problem of Nationality in Heilongjiang Province during the Tenth Five-year-plan and the Trend during the Eleventh Five-year-plan

  3. 如果政治和民族问题得不到解决,局面可能会失控。

    If political and ethnic problems are not resolved the situation could become uncontrollable .

  4. 对处理民族问题的基本原则的认识;

    The cognition to basic principles of dealing with ethnic issues ;

  5. 社会主义经济体制的选择与民族问题

    The choice Of Socialist Economic System and the problem of Nationalities

  6. 波兰民族问题在马克思主义民族理论中具有极其重要的意义。

    Polish national question in Marxist theory is of great importance .

  7. 对解决我国民族问题基本途径的认识;

    The cognition to basic means of solving national ethnic issues ;

  8. 地缘政治与中亚五国民族问题

    The Geopolitics and the Ethnic Issue of the Five Central Asian States

  9. 论斯大林在民族问题上错误的根源

    On the Origin of Stalin 's Mistakes on Racial Issue

  10. 中俄民族问题比较研究

    National Problem in Russia and China : A Comparative Perspective

  11. 西部大开发战略对中国民族问题的影响

    The Effect of Western Development to the Minorities ' Issues in China

  12. 音乐与民族问题的两种思维方式

    Two ways of thinking on the issues of music and ethnic groups

  13. 当前世界民族问题发展的基本态势及其走向

    Current Situation and Trend of Ethnic Development in the World

  14. 民族问题与社会主义现代化建设密切相关;

    National problem is closely connected with modern socialist construction .

  15. 从冷战后的民族问题看人道主义干预

    View Humanitarianism Intervention from National Problems after the Cold War

  16. 印度的民族问题及与南亚诸国的关系

    India 's Ethnic Problems and Its Relationship with Other South Asian Countries

  17. 在世界上,马列主义是能够解决民族问题的。

    Marxism-Leninism can help solve the problem of nationalities throughout the world .

  18. 斯里兰卡民族问题的特点

    The Ethnic Issue in Sri Lanka : Its Features

  19. 在少数民族问题上,我还是一个小学生。

    On the question of minority nationalities , I am still a pupil .

  20. 北爱尔兰的民族问题是英国殖民时代留下的遗产。

    The problems of the Northern Ireland are the heritage from the British Empire .

  21. 论同源跨国民族问题中的文化因素

    On the Cultural Elements of International Ethnic Conflicts

  22. 跨界民族问题研究:理论与现实

    A study on the problems of the transnational ethnic groups : theory and reality

  23. 中东稳定的潜在威胁&库尔德民族问题

    Potential menace to stability of the middle east & the question of Kurdish minority

  24. 民族问题在这项跨世纪战略的实施中具有特殊的地位。

    In the implementation of this cross-century strategy , ethnic issues merit special attention .

  25. 车臣民族问题论析

    An Analysis on the Ethnic Problem in Chechnya

  26. 土耳其民族问题及其影响下的对外政策

    Ethnic issue of Turkey and its foreign policy

  27. 浅谈城市民族问题

    The Brief Discussion about the City Nationality Problem

  28. 泰南四府民族问题的历史进程

    On the Historic Process of Ethnic Issues in the Four Provinces of South Thailand

  29. 中亚民族问题的文化考察

    Cultural Study on National Problem of Central Asia

  30. 关于《中国图书馆分类法》中的民族问题小议

    On Nation Problems of Chinese Library Classification