
  • 网络music genre
  1. 第三、第四章是本文的核心部分。第三章论述了20世纪初期&1949年两大乐种在上海的发展态势。

    The third and the forth chapter are the core parts .

  2. 古老乐种阿斯尔的传播与传承

    Dissemination and Inheritance of the Ancient Music , Asi'er

  3. 主奏乐器对乐种风格的影响

    On Styles Presided Instruments ' Influence to Music Genres

  4. 清末,扬琴作为独立的乐种逐渐发展起来。

    In the late Qing dynasty , music for the yangqin as an independent instrument gradually emerged .

  5. 论土家族音乐之美&乐种、传播、线的艺术

    On The Beauty of Tujia Music Music types , Dissemination and the Artistic Beauty of Thread Abstract

  6. 中国文人作为劳动人民的一部分,在民间歌舞、说唱音乐、戏曲音乐、器乐及综合性乐种等传统音乐的传承与发展中起着积极的、不可替代的作用。

    And Chinese intellectuals played an important role in the folk dance , music , drama and music instruments .

  7. 乐师是这一乐种的载体,没有乐师,这一乐种就失去了它赖以生存的基础。

    Musicians are carrier of this music , without musicians , this music will lose its basis for survival .

  8. 丝竹音乐的地方色彩浓郁,各乐种大多有能体现地方特色的主奏乐器。民乐片段混响感主观偏爱度的初步实验

    It is the music with Chinese characteristic . Preliminary test on the preferred reverberation time for the Chinese instrumental music motifs

  9. 河北吹歌是流传于河北省的著名乐种,从形成到发展成熟已有四百多年的历史。

    Hebei blow song is spread in hebei province , the famous music from formation to development mature 400 years of history .

  10. 在土家族音乐演变衍化的历史长河中,土家族音乐表现出各个不同的乐种美及其功能性;

    Tujia music displays the beauty of varied types and their functional property in the long history of its change and development .

  11. 她们各自作为两大丝竹乐种的主奏乐器,通过特殊的演奏技法来呈现其鲜明的地方音乐风格。

    Being the dominant instruments separately in the two types of silk-and-bamboo music , they represent the unique styles of local music through their special performing techniques .

  12. 对乐种学的研究,有利于对中国传统文化艺术的总体认识,有利于对文化源流体系的梳理和理论探索,有利于中国传统音乐学的建设。

    And it is good for the research of theory and arrangement of cultural system ; And also it is helpful to the building of traditional Chinese musicology .

  13. 文章以纳格拉鼓乐的结构为研究对象,用实例找出此乐种构成形式,并对与此相关内容进行了考证式的研究。

    With Nagra music as object of research , this article aims to find out medley construction of the music and makes textual research on the content related .

  14. 中国民间乐种是分布在各个地区的雅集性的艺术会社,它们的分布一定程度上与中国封建时代宫廷管理乐籍的制度有关。

    The distribution of the artistic groups which played the various types of Chinese folk music was connected with the system of managing music of the feudal imperial court .

  15. 江南丝竹作为流行于环太湖地区独具地方音乐风格的民间乐种,它的艺术感染力离不开它的主奏乐器二胡。

    Stringed and woodwind music of Jiangnan as a popular unique local folk music in ring Taihu River region , Its artistic appeal depends on its main musical instrument Erhu .

  16. 对于这一传统乐种的研究,不仅要关注它的音乐本体,乐师的研究也极其重要。

    For the study of this traditional music , we will not only pay attention to its musical identity , but aslo the research of the musicians that is important .

  17. 通过对不同的主奏乐器的特点以及各种乐器在演奏中所处的地位、不同乐器的演奏方法,阐述主奏乐器对乐种风格的影响。

    Presided instruments ' influence to music genres is discussed in this article by the illustration of different presided instruments ' features , roles of different instruments in playing and methods of playing .

  18. 本文以其中的戏曲音乐和民族器乐中的代表乐种和乐器&昆曲和古琴为特色教学,以小见大,看大学生对本土音乐的领悟和理解。

    This paper takes the teaching of the last two sorts of music and their representatives Kuqu and Guqin as an example to survey the college student 's comprehension and understanding to our native music .

  19. 卫藏、康、安多三大方言区的民间音乐在风格上有明显的差别,乐种亦不尽相同。

    The folk music popular in the U-Tsang dialect area , Kham dialect area , and Amdo dialect area differ clearly in style and music genres within the three areas also are not completely the same .

  20. 三种七声音阶之内涵、属性,完全取决于乐种、地域、风格、旋法表现以及内在听觉等音乐文化本质的东西,而非调式基因所能复制、组合。

    The connotations and properties of the three different types of Seven-tone scales are determined only by different music type , region , style , expression of melody and inner listening , etc , but never by the duplication or combination of Genes of Keys .

  21. 随着戏剧的成熟和士大夫化,它亦成为乐之一种进入园林。

    As this drama form matured , the Garden drama accordingly became a form of amusement .

  22. 包括黑社火中歌、舞、乐三种表演形式的艺术形态。

    Tt are including the night fire songs , dance , music of three forms of artistic performances .

  23. 摇滚乐作为一种艺术形式,它的发展是矛盾的。

    The development of rock as an artistic form has been contradictory .

  24. 那样,Frito-Lay(Doritos,TostitosandWalkers)就不会再拖累百事,嘉德乐(一种运动饮料)和Tropicana(一家果汁饮料制造商).

    That way , Frito-Lay ( Doritos , Tostitos and Walkers ) would no longer subsidise Pepsi , Gatorade ( a sports drink ) and Tropicana ( a maker of fruit juice ) .

  25. 所以,六诗本是歌乐的六种表述方式。

    So , originally , there were six forms of performances .

  26. 农家乐是一种正在迅速发展的旅游产品。

    The farmhouse resort is a tourist product in rapid development .

  27. 因此礼、乐这两种艺是与人们的日常实践相关的,不是什么单纯的感性的享乐。

    Connecting with daily practical life , rites and music , therefore , are not some pure arts for only sensible enjoyment .

  28. 摇摆舞曲是流行乐的一种,最早出现在上世纪二十世纪早期的美国西南西部弦乐乐队。

    Western swing is a style of popular music that evolved in the1920s in the American Southwest among the region 's popular Western string bands .

  29. 吹打乐,两种最闹的乐器组合,在同一个演出场合中合作,往往可以营照出锣鼓喧天与震人心绯的气势。

    The concoction of the two most dynamic instruments-wind and percussion , never fails to create a roaring and captivating ambience when collaborated at the same staging .

  30. 你会意识到,嘻哈乐是一种都市民间艺术,它像上个世纪30年代的布鲁斯歌手罗伯特•约翰逊演唱的哀歌一样,对贫困地区的环境和条件具有强烈的暗示作用。

    You realize that hip-hop is urban folk art , and as much an indication of the conditions in impoverished areas as bluesman Robert Johnson 's laments in the1930s .