
yuè shī
  • musician;bandsman;muso;pandit
乐师 [yuè shī]
  • [musicians;bandsman] 以音乐为职业的人

  • 巫医乐师百工之人。--唐. 韩愈《师说》

乐师[yuè shī]
  1. 作为乐师,她演奏艺术精湛。

    As a musician , she is technically accomplished .

  2. 尽管他经过训练,他还是一个蹩脚的乐师。

    He is a poor musician for all his training .

  3. 乐师们很快就静候在了楼梯的两边。

    The musicians stationed themselves quickly on either side of the stairs

  4. 舞台演出时,乐师实际上坐在扬声器后面演奏。

    Onstage , the musicians are actually sitting behind the loudspeakers .

  5. 乐师们在队前和队尾表演。

    Musicians played at the front and rear of the procession

  6. 他演奏了小提琴,把其他所有乐师都比了下去。

    He played the violin , and he stood out from all the other musicians

  7. 乐师们花了两天半的时间为电影录制配乐。

    It took the musicians two and a half days to record their soundtrack for the film

  8. 交响乐乐师未必就能视奏。

    Symphony musicians cannot necessarily sight-read .

  9. 既使是好乐师也需经常练习。

    Even outstanding musicians require constant practice .

  10. 乐师们在音乐会快开始前为乐器调了音。

    The musician keyed their instrument just before the concert began .

  11. 你不是苏骏你是那个乐师,仲满。

    You 're not su-hyun but the musician , jong-mun .

  12. 她曾以某摇滚歌星伴奏乐师的身分巡回演出。

    She had toured as a backing musician for a rock star .

  13. 让乐师为我们弹奏乐曲。

    And have some musicians perform for us on this lovely day .

  14. 25岁的他是个没有工作,前途渺茫的乐师。

    At25 he was an unemployed musician with no prospects .

  15. 有此爵士乐队中的乐师还受过高等教育。

    Some jazz bands have included musicians with university education ;

  16. 今天世界各地都有爵士乐师和乐器。

    Today jazz musicians and instruments come front all parts of the world .

  17. 职业厨师、裁缝、乐师等

    A professional cook , dressmaker , musician , etc

  18. 所有的舞蹈演员和乐师都穿着传统服装。

    All the dancers and musicians wore traditional costume .

  19. 一边努力使自己成为一名乐师。

    While trying to establish himself as a musician .

  20. 乐师在宴会结束前离开我们。

    The musician us before the banquet was over .

  21. 请求跟别的乐师一道为大王演奏。

    He asked for permission to play for the king with other players .

  22. (宫廷乐师,据称因嫉妒而害死莫扎特)天啊,现在连你也比我聪明了。

    Sheldon : Oh God , now even you 're smarter than me .

  23. 许多乐师长期依赖客户,慈善团体和交响乐团租借乐器。

    Many have long relied on loaned pieces from patrons , charities or orchestras .

  24. 齐宣王给予乐师们非常优厚的待遇。

    The king treated his musicians very well .

  25. 乐师们开始收拾乐器。

    The musicians began packing their instruments away .

  26. 滑王宣布,吹竿的乐师必须一个一个地为他演奏。

    King Min proclaimed that the players must perform one by one for him .

  27. 河上许多船只都载有新奥尔良乐师组成的舞蹈伴奏乐队。

    Many of these boats carried dance bands made up of New Orleans musicians .

  28. 他要付钱给乐师们。

    He settled up with the musicians .

  29. 当最后一批跳舞的人渐渐离开舞池时,乐师们开始收拾乐器。

    The musicians began packing their instruments as the last dancers drifted off the floor .

  30. 乐师在宴会前做练习。

    The musicians got before the banquet .