
wǔ rén xiǎo zǔ
  • quintette;quintuplet
  1. 布里切特是在苹果公司开始自己在移动行业的发展的——2006到2007年期间,他是苹果公司研发新奇技术的五人小组的成员,当时研发的技术是让iPhone的图形硬件和软件得以匹配。

    Mr. Brichter got his start in the mobile industry while at Apple from 2006 to 2007 as part of a five-person group working out early kinks in technology that made the iPhone 's graphics hardware and software communicate .

  2. 在我们设计的游戏里,我们没有采用五人小组模式

    But in our game , instead of just having five people

  3. 他们正按杰克逊五人小组目前畅销名曲的强烈节奏跳舞。

    They were dancing to the driving beat of a current hit by the Jackson five .

  4. 《英雄联盟》和《遗迹保卫战2》都是多人在线竞技游戏,这种动作策略战争游戏通常由五人小组对战。

    League of Legends and DOTA 2 are both Multiplayer Online Battle Arenas or Mobas , action strategy war games typically involving two opposing teams of five individuals .

  5. thespaceshuttleAtlantis10月13日,空间站五人探索小组的这三位成员携同亚特兰提斯号太空梭上的其他六位成员召开了一个新闻发布会。

    The three members of the space station 's Expedition Five team held a joint news conference with the six astronauts from the space shuttle Atlantis on Sunday .

  6. 赛前指定此五人裁判小组成员。

    The five officials will be designated prior to the tournament .

  7. 该管理人员称将建立一个五人工作小组,商讨整合计划。

    A five-member working group will be set up for mulling the merger plan , said the executive .

  8. 上月月底,中国红十字会五人专家小组抵达德黑兰。

    A team comprising five experts from the Red Cross Society of China arrived in Tehran at the end of last month .

  9. 所以,俄罗斯首都的Altufyevo糖果店五人工作小组花了近一周的时间,制作了一个真人大小的巧克力雕塑。

    So a team of five workers from the Russian capital 's Altufyevo Confectionary Shop spent nearly a week making a life-size chocolate sculpture of the striker .

  10. 在听证会上,证人告诉平等就业机会委员会的五人评判小组说,对怀孕女性的歧视包括解雇、强迫停薪留职、拒绝提供哺乳场所和禁止从事部分工作。

    Discrimination against pregnant women includes firing , forced leave without pay , being denied a place to pump breast milk and being barred from some work , witnesses told the five-member EEOC panel at a hearing on the issue .

  11. 学生必须组成五人以下的小组。

    Students are required to work in teams of no more than five .

  12. 学生们在第一节课将被以四或五人分成一个小组进行小组专案。

    Teams of four or five students will be formed in the first class session .