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  • 网络Five Cities;Pentapolis
五城 [wǔ chéng]
  • [officials of five districts in capital city] 指五城御史。清时京城内分东西南北中五个地区

  • 京兆五城不敢专决。--清. 方苞《狱中杂记》

  1. 接下来,分析了镇江市服务外包产业的发展现状,在进行苏南五城市发展模式比较的基础上,运用SWOT分析方法对镇江市软件服务外包产业发展的优劣势进行了定性分析。

    And then , it analyses the present state of Zhenjiang service outsourcing industry development , and provides a qualitative analysis on the advantages and disadvantages of Zhenjiang software outsourcing industry development using SWOT method .

  2. 苏南五城市服务外包发展模式比较研究

    Comparative Study on Modes of Service Outsourcing in Southern Jiangsu

  3. 由于经济状况、篮球传统等方面的差异,导致了河南省五城市间群众篮球运动发展不平衡。

    Leading to the imbalanced development of masses basketball sports in inter-city of Henan Province .

  4. 五城会重视经济效益和社会效益的运作模式;

    Holding a belief of all winning by benefiting a tie between society and economic .

  5. 成都市五城区健康成人神经心理测试及其影响因素研究

    Neuropsychological Tests and Influencing Factors for the Healthy Adults in Five Urban Districts , Chengdu City

  6. 二是五城市与全区总体水平的对比分析;

    Second is the analysis of comparison with the whole district overall level of five cities ;

  7. 举办五城会推动了长沙市城市建设,提高了长沙城的城市形象;

    Holding the 5th Intercity Games in Changsha has greatly developed Changsha 's city construction and form .

  8. 谁动了我的水晶鞋&五城市准新娘择鞋经

    Who moved my crystal shoes

  9. 2003年五城会对推动长沙城市建设现代化水平及市场化运作的分析

    Analysis on the Preparation of the Holding 2003 5th Intercity Games In Changsha in Elevating the Modernization Progression and Market-based Operation

  10. 目的通过对西部五城市吸引外资的业绩和潜力分析,有助于各城市正确定位,以便其今后更好地发展。

    Intention : Aids for correct orientation to develop smoothly by analysis as to five system 's achievement of five western city ;

  11. 西北地区五城市大型水源地地下水流模型若干问题研究

    A research for some questions of the ground water flow model of the large water supply field of 5 cities in northwest area

  12. 研究结论:(1)政府主导,市场运作是五城会圆满成功的运作理念;

    The conclusion was that ( 1 )" Government Guiding and Market Operation " should be the principle of the 5th Intercity Games in Changsha .

  13. 深入开展“五城联创”,市区成功创建国家卫生城市,获得全国创建文明城市工作先进城市称号。

    Carry out the " five cities together create " urban successfully created the National Health City , won the national advanced city to create a civilized city title .

  14. 2009年,《武汉新港空间发展规划》布局了一区、两港、五城、十二园,其中一区即为杨泗港口商务区。

    2009 ," Xingang Wuhan spatial development planning " layout " area harbor , two , five , twelve Park ", which " district " is the port Yang Si business district .

  15. 采用目前较为常用的神经心理测验工具对26名网络成瘾中学生和26名非成瘾中学生进行测验。目的:对成都市五城区健康成人进行神经心理测试,探讨五城区健康成人神经心理特点。

    Objectives To explore the neuropsychological characteristics of healthy adults in five urban districts in Chengdu city by using neuropsychological tests , and set up the range of normal values of neuropsychological tests in these areas .

  16. 以参加2003年全国蹦床冠军赛和五城会蹦床比赛1决赛运动员为主要对象,对蹦床比赛的特点、动作难度、类型、落地技术与动作的稳定性等做了研究。

    Through the study on the athletes participating in the 5th City Games and 2003 all Country Trampoline Championships , the paper reveals the characters of trampoline competitions and the relationship between difficulty , type , landing techniques and stability .

  17. 当那日埃及地必有五城的人说迦南的方言,又指着万军之耶和华起誓。有一城,必称为灭亡城。

    In that day there will be five towns in the land of Egypt using the language of canaan , and making oaths to the Lord of armies ; and one of them will be named , the town of the sun .

  18. 去年夏天,为庆祝与安踏成功续约,汤普森开展了一次七天五城中国行。“我当然可以办次美国行,波特兰也好,芝加哥也罢,但我绝对不会得到这样的欢迎人群。”

    Thompson saw that last summer as he celebrated his new extension with Anta with a five-city , seven-day tour of China . " I can do a USA tour , whether it 's Portland , Chicago or wherever , and I 'm not getting these crowds , "