
ɡuī fàn xínɡ shì
  • canonical form
  1. 本文将介绍XML规范形式。

    In this article you will learn the XML canonical form .

  2. 为避免任何可能出现的错误,应始终用LSID的规范形式(小写)在RDF中表示它们。

    To avoid any potential for error , you should always represent LSIDs in RDF using their canonical form : lower case .

  3. 因为xml签名代码使用规范形式产生数字签名,所以可以对原始文件进行适当改动而不影响数字签名的有效性。

    Because the XML signature code uses canonicalization to generate digital signatures , you can make certain changes to the original document without affecting the validity of the digital signature .

  4. 将基本的微分方程改写成标准的S系统(synergisticandsaturablesystem)形式,然后采用变阶变步长的泰勒级数法对统一的S系统规范形式进行求解。

    One first recasts fundamental equations into S-system ( synergistic and saturable system ) canonical form and then solves the resulting set of simultaneous first-order differential equations by a variable-order , variable-step Taylor series method .

  5. 利用规范形式理论和中心流形定理,解析确定了该时延系统的周期解的稳定性与Hopf分岔方向。

    The stability of bifurcating periodic solutions and the direction of Hopf bifurcation are determined by applying the normal form theory and the center manifold theorem .

  6. 总线过滤器与继承了Web服务调用框架(WSIF)的特点的总线一致,它对规范形式的信息进行操作,而不对特定于SOAP的形式的数据进行操作,这与当前的Axis处理程序一样。

    Bus filters , consistent with the Web Services Invocation Framework ( WSIF ) heritage of the Bus , operate on a canonical form of information rather than a SOAP-specific form as current Axis handlers do .

  7. DTD是一种基于语法的XML规范形式化定义,在考虑结构完整性约束时,一种基于pattern的XML规范形式化定义XSCs模式可以与其联合使用,使得生成的DTD具有更为丰富的语义。

    DTD is a grammar-based XML schema formalism , considering the structural constraints , a pattern-based schema formalism called XSCs can be combined with it , and the derived DTD provides a more a semantic rich specification .

  8. 转化成规范形式的过程称为规范化(通常缩写为“c14n”)。

    The process of converting to canonical form is known as canonicalization ( popularly abbreviated " c14n ") .

  9. 如果文本已经采用了规范形式NFD或NFKD,那么可以关闭这个属性以便改进性能。

    If the text is already in normalized form NFD or NFKD , then you can set this attribute to off to improve performance .

  10. 同时对于Popov选择路线下的规范形式,给出了辨识结构和参数的递推算法,以及简单易行的实现算法,这些算法可以很方便地在计算机上实现。

    A recursive algorithm for the structure identification and parameter estimation and the realization algorithm of observable canonical form have been proposed . These algorithms are simple and easy to be implemented on computer .

  11. 注重效果,规范形式;

    To pay attention to the results and to standardize the form ;

  12. 向量场奇点的规范形式和微局部的等价变换

    Normal form of singularities of vector fields and the MICRO-LOCALLY equivalent transformation

  13. 文中采用的模型是输入输出差分方程的一种规范形式。

    The model used is canonical input-output description .

  14. 对具有内生、程序、自由特质的英国法治而言,宪法惯例是一种独特的规范形式。

    With endogenous , procedural , free trait of British law , constitutional convention is a unique legal norm .

  15. 第三,通过限制主体,规范形式,确立私了备案制度来规范私了的程序。

    Third , by limiting the main , standard form , compounding the filing system established to regulate the compounding process .

  16. 从会计与企业所得税的理论基础不同,分析论述了会计制度与企业所得税法规的制定目标不同,规范形式不同以及其核算原则的不同。

    Additionally , it analyses the contact of accounting structure and the enterprise income tax system from the social and economic environment in China .

  17. 会计准则是国际通用会计惯例的一个组成部分,而会计制度的规范形式符合我国广大会计人员的思维方式和习惯。

    The accounting norms are parts of the international common accounting customs and the standard forms of the accounting system conform to the thinking way and habit of our accountants .

  18. 对事件、事件联系和事件序列进行了形式化定义,给出了描述对象复杂行为的规范形式化描述模板及具体描述方法。

    The events , events links and events sequence are expressed by formal language , and a formal description template and specific description methods for complex behavior of objects are presented .

  19. 关于第一个问题,强制性规定意味着国家干预,是国家为了贯彻和实现其特定的政策和目的而采取的规范形式。

    About the first tier question , mandatory provisions mean the state intervention which is the normative format adopted by the State to implement and fulfill its specific policy and purpose .

  20. 从理论上讲,通过坐标轴旋转将二次方程化简为规范形式,从而讨论其曲线的形状,这已是讨论得相当明了的课题。

    Theoretically speaking , it is a rather-clearly discussed subject to standardize the quadratic equation into the normal forms by spinning the coordinate axis so as to approach the shapes of its curves .

  21. 税收征收管理模式是税收征管体系的特殊规范形式,它贯穿于从纳税义务产生到税款入库的全过程,是税收管理的重要组成部分。

    Tax collection and management mode is the special standard form of tax collection and management system , it runs through the whole process from tax obligation generated to the treasury tax as an important part of the tax management .

  22. 在整个运动和发展的过程中,词汇动态变化中的规范形式、发展形式和临时形式,可以体现出词汇的静态、动态两种形式相互联系和互补的依存关系以及共同促进和发展的状况。

    In the process of the whole motion and development , the interrelation between the static and the dynamic forms and the condition of their identical enhancement and development can be displayed in the normative , motive and temporary form of dynamic changes of vocabulary .

  23. 为了保证严谨而科学的模型转换过程,探讨了模型转换中特性的保持及转换规则正确性的证明方法。(5)设计并实现了列控系统需求规范形式化建模与验证软件工具。

    Property preservation of model transformations and the method to prove the correctness of the set of transformation rules are discussed to ensure the reasonable model transformation process . ( 5 ) A tool for modeling and verification for the train control system is developed .

  24. 禁忌是一种最早、最特殊的规范形式,在早期的人类社会中发挥着社会调解的功能,以至于禁忌常常被视为法律的最早源头、人类最古老的无形法律。

    Taboo is an earliest and the most special Canonical form , which played a function of the social mediation in the early human society . It was assumed that taboo is the earliest source of law and one of the oldest human intangible law in the educational world .

  25. 这两个想法的共同点是很明显的,丘奇定义的规范形式,相当于图灵定义的可用机器,而且他们都使用了康托对角线,以产生一个解决不了的问题。

    The correspondence of ideas was quite straightforward , since Church had used a definition ( that of a formula being in normal form ) which corresponded to the Turing definition of ' satisfactory ' machines , and had then used a Cantor diagonal argument to produce an unsolvable problem .

  26. CORBA规范的形式化描述及分析

    Formal Description and Analysis on CORBA Specifications

  27. 六种定序法Walsh变换方阵快速算法的规范化形式的建立

    Standardization of Algorithm of Walsh transform matrices of six ordering

  28. 为了更好的支持契约和代码植入的思想,我们采用XML做为协议规范的形式化描述语言。

    For supporting contract and code instrumentation technology more effectively , we use XML as the formal language to describe protocol Request For Comments ( RFC ) .

  29. CCSE支持客户使用确定的应用程序接口(API),以透明的、规范的形式请求服务器提供服务;

    Client application can request the services , using API of CCSE in a transparant and unified method .

  30. 通过放宽平均权利分配的假设,给出了多Agent系统中社会规范的形式定义,将规范的设计归结为约束满足问题。

    The assumption of average rights allocation in Coleman 's theory is relaxed , a formal definition for social norms in multi agent system is given , and the design of a norm as a constraint satisfaction problem is derived .