
  1. 这种能源系统的分析配置方法和步骤可以推广到BCHP的前期规划设计阶段。

    The way and step for this kind of energy supply system can be extended for the earlier laying and designing stage of BCHP .

  2. 在规划设计阶段提高市政管线项目的可施工性

    Improving Constructibility of Municipal Pipeline Project in Planning and Designing Stage

  3. 论文在在第三章中对项目规划设计阶段做了后评价。

    Chapter III is about project planning and design stage post-evaluation .

  4. 浅谈住宅小区规划设计阶段的造价控制

    Discussion on Cost Controlling of Residential Quarters in the Plan and Design Stage

  5. 汽车规划设计阶段目标成本预测的实用模型

    Practical Mathematical Models for Estimating the Production Costs of Automobiles at the Planning and Design Stages

  6. 据此,讨论了参与式方法在土地整理规划设计阶段的应用潜力和限制因素。

    Applied potential and limiting factors of land revitalization and planning phases which participatory applied in are argued finally .

  7. 在规划设计阶段进行社区声环境预测,作为社区建设项目可行性研究的一个方面及规划设计和防噪措施建设的指导;

    Before construction , surrounding noise analysis as an aspect of project feasibility research can instructs design of noise control measure .

  8. 规划设计阶段,要注意最优化设计过程,合理排布产品户型和准确设计施工图钢筋含量。

    In the planning and design stage , we should optimize the design process , arrange the product size reasonably and design the reinforced content accurately .

  9. 目前,体育场馆通常只是为了单一的体育竞赛活动而建立,而这些建筑的赛后潜在利用在规划设计阶段经常被忽略。

    At present , usually a stadium is built only for some competition event . The potential value after the event is often ignored during the plan stage .

  10. 房地产项目的开发大致分为投资决策阶段、前期阶段、规划设计阶段、施工阶段和销售阶段。

    The development of real estate project can roughly be divided into investment decision-making stages , prophase stage , planning and design stage , construction stage and sales stage .

  11. 该评分标准对住宅区的规划设计阶段、验收与运行管理阶段分别给出了细致的评分标准,贯穿于住宅建筑的整个生命周期。

    The new rate system gives some guides on the stages of designing , approvement and operation management , which passes through for the residential buildings entire life cycle .

  12. 分析了在电网规划设计阶段存在的问题并提出相应的对策,阐述了关于架空输电线路最新的防冰防舞设计标准。

    Analyzes the problems in the power grid planning and design phase , and proposes the corresponding countermeasure , expounded on overhead transmission lines against ice the latest design standards .

  13. 结果证明房地产项目的决策和规划设计阶段是成本管理的关键,应引起中国房地产企业的重视。

    The results prove that the decision-making as well as programming design stage is the key of cost management , which should be taken seriously by China 's real estate enterprises .

  14. 提出在项目的规划设计阶段要进行专业化的管理,开发商要有自己的建筑产品开发研究小组专职对项目进行优化。

    Propose carrying on specialized management on planning design phase of the project , the developer has own full-time " product development research group of the building " to optimize the project .

  15. 其次,本文从建设生态居住区的全过程出发,分析了规划设计阶段、施工阶段应注意的问题,将生态的意识引入规划设计及施工过程的管理,为建设过程提供参考;

    The next , this article analyzed the problems in the planning and design and the construction stages , and leaded the ecological consciousness to the whole process . And it could be a reference for actual work .

  16. 而在居住区声环境规划设计阶段更应该把居民对生活环境的诉求考虑到设计中,从而有效地提高居住区居民的生活质量。

    In the acoustic environment in residential district planning and design stage should be more residents to the living environment of demand taken into account in the design of residential area , thereby effectively improving the quality of life for residents .

  17. 规划设计阶段是住宅小区工程造价控制的关键阶段,提高住宅容积率、合理的住宅层数及景观工程的科学规划设计是控制住宅小区工程造价的有效措施。

    The planning and design is the key stage to control the cost of the residential quarters . Increasing the resident volume rate , defining the reasonable storey and planning and designing the landscape projects scientifically are effective ways to control the cost .

  18. 举世瞩目的南水北调工程历经50年的全面论证于2002年顺利开工,标志着工程由规划设计阶段转入全面实施阶段。

    Attracts worldwide attention the divert water from the south to the north project had been through repeatedly 50 year comprehensive thorough proofs to begin in 2002 , to symbolize smoothly the project changed over to the comprehensive implementation stage by the plan design stage .

  19. 但是农户在规划设计阶段参与的程度比较低,基层组织对农地整理规划设计阶段的管理不到位。2、施工阶段整体潜力较大。

    However , the level of participation by farmers in the planning and design stage is relatively low , grass-roots organizations on the management of agricultural land consolidation planning and design stage is not in place . 2 、 The great potential of the construction phase .

  20. 应用项目可行性研究方法对技术改造项目的启动阶段进行分析;应用工作分解结构(WBS)等技术对该项目规划与设计阶段进行分析;

    There is an analysis of technical project in 3 aspects in this paper-its life cycle , starting stage and planning period through using project life cycle theory , the feasibility studying method of project and Work Breakdown Structure ( WBS ) method respectively .

  21. 规划与设计阶段是控制工程投资的重点。

    The planning and design is a key stage for the control of a project investment .

  22. 水利工程的环境影响评价应在规划设计各阶段作出相应深度的工作。

    The depth of work for environmental assessment should be compatible with stage of planning and design .

  23. 在施工期间,遥感的作用比规划和设计阶段前小得多。

    The role of remote sensing is much smaller during construction than at the preceding planning and design stages .

  24. 在项目的规划和设计阶段,不同的设计估算反映了设计进展的不同阶段。

    In the planning and design stages of a project , various design estimates reflect the progress of the design .

  25. 在国民经济建设和国防建设中,各项工程建设的规划、设计阶段,都需要了解工程建设地区的地形和环境条件等资料,以便使规划、设计符合实际情况。

    The information of local terrain and environment is important in both civilian and military construction , making the design scheme of projects reasonable .

  26. 因此,在风电场规划、设计阶段,就应该充分考虑风力发电工程可能对环境造成的各种不利影响,并采取必要措施将其降至可接受的程度。

    Therefore , it is necessary to estimate various negative influences and take appropriate measures to reduce them to an acceptable level as early as possible in the planning and designing stage .

  27. 在传统工程中,大部分时间和经费用于生产,而用于规划和设计阶段的仅占一小部分。

    In traditional engineering , the bulk of time as well as of the cost is spent in production , while the architecture and design phase only contributes a minor part of time and cost .

  28. 按照规划阶段、设计阶段、实施阶段、运行维护阶段和废弃阶段的风险进行相应的风险评估。

    According to the planning , design , implementation , operation and maintenance stages and abandoned the risk of corresponding stage of risk assessment .

  29. 决策分析是在系统规划或设计等阶段为了解决当前或者预期可能发生的问题,从已有方案中确定出最优解的一种分析过程。

    Decision analysis is an analytical process to determine the optimal solution from existing programs in order to solve the current or expected problems that may occur in the planning or design stage .

  30. 在这方面最重要和最基础的工作就是在小区规划设计的方案阶段就对小区的风热环境进行模拟、预测与评价,以提高小区规划的科学性和生态性。

    The most important and original work on it is to introduce the CFD technique to simulate , predict and evaluate the city or district atmospheric thermal environment in the schematic stage of district planning in order to improve the scientific and ecological characteristics of the planning .