
  • 网络standardized service;Service
  1. 特别建议多项目管理型企业应设立为企业项目管理提供规范化服务的常设组织机构。

    It particularly suggests that multi-project management enterprises should establish permanent organizations to provide standardized service for the enterprise project management .

  2. 量体裁衣服务机制,是成都市残疾人联合会规范化服务组织、为残疾人提供量体裁衣式个性化服务这一整个创新组织行为机制的浓缩与概括。

    The service mechanism " Services according to circumstances ", as a standardized service organization under the Chengdu Federation of Disabled Persons , is the cream and summary for the mechanism of the whole organization behaviors that provides the disabled persons with individualized service according to circumstances .

  3. 引入ISO9000质量管理体系实施图书馆规范化服务

    Importing ISO9000 Quality Control System and Implementing Library Standardization Service

  4. 推行ISO9000,提高电信规范化服务质量水平

    Implementing ISO9000 and Improving Quality of Telecom Service

  5. 本文通过定义偏差率从模拟GPS的规范化服务量角度来设计了基于权值动态调整的具有补偿的公平调度算法CFQ。

    This paper defines deflection ratio and designs fair queueing algorithm CFQ basing on dynamic adjustment of weight and having compensation from the method of simulating normalized service of GPS .

  6. 目的规范化服务礼仪,做好护理服务。

    Objective To standardize etiquette performances in order to imporove nursing service .

  7. 电子政务在成都市规范化服务型政府建设中的应用研究

    The Research of E-Government Applied in the Construction of Chengdu Standardization Service Government

  8. 地方可持续发展与规范化服务型政府建设

    Local Sustainable Development and Construction of Canonical Service Government

  9. 规范化服务型政府建设通过转变政府职能,明确政府角色定位,为地方可持续发展提供良好的主体,从而提升地方可持续发展能力。

    The aim of canonical service government construction is to enhance sustainable development capability by changing government function , clarifying government role and thus providing a sound agent for local sustainable development .

  10. 近年来农村电网的大规模改造和供电企业窗口规范化服务创建活动的开展,供电营业所每日需要处理的各类台账、图表等数据信息越来越多。

    Activities of rural power grid scale transformation and create standardization service window by power supply enterprise are carried out in recent years , more and more works like kinds of books , charts , data information need to deal by the business hall of power supply .

  11. 3H规范化护理服务在神经外科的应用

    Application of 3H standardized nursing in the department of neurosurgery

  12. Web服务通知(WS-N)使用通知或事件,帮助规范化Web服务的交互方式。

    Web Services Notification ( WS-N ) helps standardize the way Web services interact , using notifications or events .

  13. 目的:探讨3H规范化护理服务模式在神经外科的应用。

    Objective : To approach the 3H standard nursing service mode , elev at e the quality of care .

  14. Web服务互操作性基本安全概要(WS-IBSP)帮助规范化Web服务安全标准和技术在可互操作的Web服务开发中的使用。

    Web Services Interoperability Basic Security Profile ( WS-I BSP ) helps standardize the use of Web services security standards and technology in the development of interoperable Web services .

  15. 农业高职教育引入ISO9000质量管理体系,构建全员参与的农业高职教育教学质量保障新体系,实现学校教学质量管理决策科学化、工作规范化、服务自觉化。

    The higher vocational education of agriculture introduces ISO9000 quality controling system , constructs the new teaching quality safeguards system which the whole staff participate , causes the school teaching quality control realize policy-making scientific style , work standardization and serves on own initiative .

  16. 基于本体的战场环境信息规范化目录服务研究

    Research on Standard Catalogue Service for Battlefield Environment Information Based on Ontology

  17. 白皮书在最后还谈到了服务契约规范化以及服务可视化,这通常是通过服务注册实现的。

    Finally , the whitepaper talks about formalizing service contracts and making services visible , typically using service registry .

  18. 目的树立医院护士形象,实施规范化护理服务,全面提升护理服务水平。

    Objectives To set up good nurse image , implement standard nursing service , and promote the level of nursing service .

  19. 旅游酒店应在建立完善规范标准化服务的基础上,为酒店市场提供有针对性的个性化服务,创立服务品牌。

    Based on the establishment of normalization , it should be explored how to provide the characteristic service to promote the market of the hotel .

  20. 做到服务产品标准化,服务人员专业化、服务行为规范化、服务管理现代化,让用户无论在何处都能充分享受我们及时、高效的售后服务!

    Service industry standardization , service attendant specialization and service management modernization make the customers to enjoy our timely and effective after-service no matter where they are .

  21. 新河北省联合网络通信有限公司,由以前经营单一业务的电信企业转向全业务经营的方向发展,这势必要求电信运营环境朝着竞争规范化、服务质量化、业务个性化的方向发展。

    New China Unicom , the former telecommunications company operating a single business moves in the direction of the whole business , which will require that the competitive telecom environment towards standardization , quality of service , the business personal direction .

  22. 开展规范化的药学服务工作,对于慢性病患者具有极其重要的意义。

    It is very important to implement the standardized pharmaceutical service for the patients with chronic diseases .

  23. 进一步健全和完善了岗位职责、操作规范、标准化服务用语、差错分享制度、纠纷处理预案;

    Pharmacists'position and responsibility , the operation norm , standardized service language , error-sharing system and the solution schemes for disputes have been further improved and consummated ;

  24. 发达国家房地产中介发展具有法制化、服务专业化、规范化、中介服务多元化、充分利用现代信息技术尤其是网络技术等特点。

    In the developed countries , the development of real estate agency is legalized service-professionalized , normalized , multi-faceted and with full employment of modern informational technologies especially the internet technology .

  25. 标准化与规范化网络信息共享服务的框架结构设计

    Standardized Web Information Sharing Service : Its Framework and Structure Design

  26. 五是规范人性化关怀的服务语言;

    Fifthly , standardizing language of services with humanity and solicitude .

  27. 结论:使咨询服务规范化,进一步提高服务提供者的咨询技巧,提高育龄群众的避孕知识普及程度。

    Conclusions : More effort should be taken in improving service provider 's counseling skill and standardizing consultation service .

  28. 在这样的环境下,我们可以预计某种程度的规范化,其中各服务由拥有合适专家的更小厂商提供。

    Under this environment we can expect a degree of specialization where the individual services are provided by smaller players with the appropriate expertise .

  29. 系统提供了综合营帐、资源管理、综合结算、专业计费等子系统,用于满足深圳联通公司运营需要,为联通客户提供统一的、综合的、规范化的高质量服务。

    The system includes the integrated business system , resource management , integrated balance , integrated charge and other sub systems , for Shenzhen Unicom provides high performance service .

  30. 学报编辑规范化对提高信息服务质量具有重要意义,同时也是提高刊物总体质量的一项重要的基础性工作。

    The standardization of academic journals is of great significance to the improvement of the quality of information service , as well as one of the important basic work in improving the quality of the journal as a whole .