
dú tè xìnɡ
  • uniqueness;peculiarity;specificity;originality;exclusivity
  1. 这位作者强调个人的独特性。

    The author stresses the uniqueness of the individual .

  2. 第三章主要是《c小调第三钢琴协奏曲》中贝多芬音乐独特性的体现及其评价。

    The third chapter basically is the third piano concerto c-minor embodiment of music uniqueness in Beethoven and its assessment .

  3. 大多数艺术家都非常强调个人独特性。

    Most artists are very individualistic

  4. 我们喜欢那个软件的独特性。

    We like the unique nature of that software .

  5. 由于江苏油区CA油田稠油油藏多层状砂泥薄互层的独特性,现场开发难度很大。

    Owing to the unique characteristic of the multi-layered thin sand-shale interbeds in CA oilfield of Jiangsu petroliferous province , it has great difficulty in field exploitation .

  6. 在精密工程测量领域,由于工程项目种类繁多,精度需求变化大,工程规模和观测的目的、条件、方法的多样性,使GPS技术在精密工程测量中应用多具有设计方案上的独特性。

    The application of GPS technology in precise engineering surveying is particular in design scheme because of the various engineering project , engineering scale and diversity of objective , condition and method of observation .

  7. 本文根据独特性-抗独特性免疫网络学说的理论,探讨Graves病发病机理。

    According to the theory of Id - anti - Id immunity network , an approach of the machanism of Graves diease was made .

  8. CNN特派员贝基·安德森:你参与过的建筑物是不是都一定要让人难忘或是充满独特性?

    BECKY ANDERSON , CNN CORRESPONDENT : Does every building that you 're involved with have to be memorable and / or unique ?

  9. 本文介绍了N,N-DMA的主要化学与物理性质,指出其结构性质的独特性;

    In this paper the main chemical and physical property of N , N-DMA are introduced . The structure specialities of it are highlighted .

  10. 描述符性能测试和图像配准实验证明:CSIFT描述符不仅继承了SIFT描述符良好的特征不变性,还具有更好的独特性和稳健性,提高了图像配准的准确度。

    The test of the descriptor and image registration proved that Colored SIFT descriptors succeeded to the SIFT descriptors and had qualities of uniqueness and robustness so as to improve the precision of image registration . 3 .

  11. 表演内容的主题性、表演语汇的独特性、表演场面的宏大性、表演手可段的科学性、表演结构的整体性、表演功能的多元性等是现代大型体育庆典活动表演SZ的基本特征。

    Theme of the content , originality of form , magnificence of spectacle , science of means integrity of structure , diversity of function are the basic features of modern large-scale gymnastic celebration .

  12. 大学学报的出版运行有着自身的独特性。

    Operation and publication of a university journal have its uniqueness .

  13. 解决方案还应体现其区别于同类的功能和独特性。

    The solution should also demonstrate its differentiating capabilities and uniqueness .

  14. 广告文体的独特性主要在于它的语言的说服力和艺术性。

    Its uniqueness lies chiefly in a forceful and artistic language .

  15. 谈学报编辑主创意旨的独特性

    A Discussion on the Unique Creative Intention of School Journal Editors

  16. 花木兰舞台艺术的演变有其独特性。

    The transformation of Mulan Stage Arts has its uniqueness .

  17. 女性立场论强调女性经验的独特性;

    Female standpoint theory emphasizes the special character of woman ;

  18. 探讨了农村初中校本课程开发的必要性以及现实基础,并分析农村初中校本课程开发的独特性。

    We explore its necessity , realistic foundation , and analyze its particularity .

  19. 作为艺术、文化表达形式的创造性和独特性;

    The creativity and distinctive quality as a artistic and cultural expression form ;

  20. 两者都是聪明,快速和自傲的独特性。

    Both are clever , fast , and pride themselves on their uniqueness .

  21. 小说中人物话语的不同表达方式也谈中国小说叙述中转述语的独特性&兼与赵毅衡先生商榷

    Function of different modes of speech in narrative fiction

  22. 结论护士的心理健康状况有一定的独特性,可针对这种独特性进行心理指导,提高护士的心理素质、减轻她们的心理压力。

    Conclusions Nurses have special psychological health characteristics .

  23. 诗人提醒人们记住自己的独特性。

    The poet reminds men of their uniqueness .

  24. 论遗山词的词史地位及其独特性

    The Status of Yuan Haowen 's Ci in Literary History and its Unique Characteristics

  25. 文化独特性与教育现代化的使命

    Cultural Uniqueness and the Mission of Education Modernization

  26. 日本的企业制度有很大的独特性。

    Japan enterprise institution is of great distinctive .

  27. 云南高原湖泊环境的独特性及其研究方向初探

    On Particulars of Plateau Lake and its Research

  28. 而且着重阐述了油轨结构的独特性与其压力控制的灵活性。

    The special common-rail structure & the agility of the high-pressure control are introduced too .

  29. 在这个共同世界中,每个人都在向其他人彰显自身的独特性。

    In the common world , everyone highlights the uniqueness of its own to others .

  30. 实践性、体验方式的独特性、广泛包容性和教学效果的全面性是它的主要特点。

    Part four puts forward the experiential mathematics teaching model and its feature and design .