
  • 网络Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea
  1. 1938年10月,大韩民国临时政府迁至柳州。

    In October of1938 , the provisional government of the Republic of Korea moved to liuzhou .

  2. 本文探讨了二战期间大韩民国临时政府和法国临时政府外交活动的异同。

    This paper discusses the similarities and differences between Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea and Provisional Government of France in their diplomatic policies and activities during the Second World War .

  3. 上海的韩人社会成为大韩民国临时政府和其它独立运动力量赖以存在和展开活动的重要社会基础。

    So the society of Korean in Shanghai could be the social base of provisional government and the exist of independence of movement .

  4. 大韩民国临时政府杭州活动旧址遗存及其旅游开发刍议

    The remains of old activity site of the Korean people nation temporary government in Hangzhou and the discussion on it 's tour exploitation

  5. 建议建立大韩民国临时政府纪念馆,并整合到当前杭州的城市建设和旅游开发中去。

    It advises to constitute the memorial of Korean people nation temporary government , in conformity to Hangzhou 's build of the city and the tour exploitation currently .

  6. 这种局面直到虹口事件发生后才得以改观。虹口事件是大韩民国临时政府下属组织韩人爱国团策划实施的,对日本军政要员的一次暗杀事件。

    This situation did not changed until the " Hongkou events " . " Hongkou events " is an assassination to Japanese military and political officials , which was plotted by the Korean patriotic groups affiliated organizations of Korean Provisional Government .