
  • 网络Forest Resource Management
  1. 该文介绍了GIS在森林资源管理、社会林业和野生动物保护方面的应用。

    Its applications on forest resources management , social forestry and wild animal protection are presented in the thesis .

  2. 基于3S技术的森林资源管理信息系统建设

    Construction of Forest Resources Management Information System Based on 3S Technologies

  3. 基于GIS的陕西省森林资源管理信息系统的建立

    Establishment of GIS-Based Forest Resources Information System of Shaanxi

  4. 优化的PackedR-树空间索引在森林资源管理中的应用

    Application of the Optimized Packed R-tree Spatial Index in Forest Resource Management

  5. 组件GIS式森林资源管理系统中地形三维显示及图形数据管理的研究

    Study on 3D Terrain Model Visualization and Management of Graphical Data in Forest Resource Management System Based on GIS Component

  6. 森林资源管理的基于HLA的通用分布仿真环境的研究

    Research of General Distributed Simulation Environment Based on HLA of Forest Resource Management

  7. 文中应用遗传算法优化了闽北地区森林资源管理的Logistic模型。

    In this paper , the genetic algorithms is used to optimize Logistic model of forest resource management to the north of Fujian province .

  8. 现在,GIS在林业上的应用越来越广泛,如森林资源管理、森林防火、退耕还林等。

    GIS is be extensively used in the forestry , such as the management of forest resources , forest fire prevention , returning farmland to forest and so on .

  9. MichaelGeisen学习森林资源管理,并以优异的成绩毕业于华盛顿大学。

    Michael Geisen studied forest resource management and graduated with high honors from the University of Washington .

  10. 计算机技术的发展与3S技术在森林资源管理中的应用日益成熟,正不断推进数字林业进程。

    With the development of computer technology and gradual mature usage of 3S technology in forest resources management , digital forestry is gradually on the way .

  11. 利用森林资源管理与监测地理信息系统,实现伐区设计、伐区生产管理与地理信息系统及GPS定位相结合,实现图形库与档案库的互查联动,全面掌握伐区情况。

    Using forest resources management and monitoring geographic information system , cut area design and cut area yield management with geographic information system and GPS orientation were combined the interactive query of graphics and file bank were actualized , and the cutting area conditions were hold .

  12. 基于“3S”技术的动态监测理论和方法不仅能满足森林资源管理科学化、现代化的要求,且具有多目的的监测功能,可作为建立更高层次专家决策系统的基础。

    The dynamic monitoring theory and method based on " 3S " technology can meet the demands not only for modern and scientific management of forest resources , for multi-purpose monitoring function , but can also be applied as the foundation for building up higher level expert decision making system .

  13. 林业局级森林资源管理信息系统设想

    An Idea of Forest Resource Management Information System in Forestry Bureau

  14. 中国森林资源管理政策的演变及启示

    Evolvement and Revelation on Policy of Forest Resources Management in China

  15. 切实加强森林资源管理提高凭证采伐率

    Practically Strengthening Management of Forestry Resources and Enhancing Evidence Felling Rate

  16. 广州市森林资源管理信息系统建设可行性研究

    Feasibility Research of Building the Guangzhou Forest Resource Management Information System

  17. 四是森林资源管理体制滞后。

    Fourth , the management system of forest resources falls behind .

  18. 森林资源管理信息系统中数据处理的解决方案研究

    The Study on Data-processing Solutions of Forest Resources Management Information System

  19. 自然保护区管理属于森林资源管理的内容。

    And the nature reserve management belongs to the forestry resources management .

  20. 建立乡村级森林资源管理信息系统的探讨

    Probing Into Establishing Village-level Management Information System of Forest Resources

  21. 建立我国森林资源管理网络化信息系统的架构设计

    The Architectural Design on Establishing the Network Management System of Forestry Resources

  22. 最后提出了加强森林资源管理的对策及建议。

    Suitable suggestions are also given aiming at enhancing forest resource management .

  23. 森林资源管理数学模型的优化及应用

    Optimizing and Application of Mathematical Model of Forest Resource Management

  24. 闽北森林资源管理的数学模型

    Mathematical Model of Forest Resource Management in Northern Fujian Province

  25. 村社林业活动与自然保护区森林资源管理

    Community Forestry Activities and Forest Resources Management of Nature Reserve

  26. 县级森林资源管理系统的建立

    Setting up of Forest Reserves Management System at County Level

  27. 改革国有森林资源管理持续发展林业

    A new way for sustainable development of forestry-public forest under private management

  28. 防护林森林资源管理信息系统开发与实现

    Developing and Realizing the Protective Forest Resources Management Information System

  29. 森林资源管理的遥感技术应用研究

    Studies on the Application of Remote Sensing Techniques to Forest Resource Management

  30. 建立森林资源管理信息化网络平台方法的研究

    The Method Study on Establishing Network of Forest Resouces Management