
  1. 金灿荣:《美国国会的监督功能》,载《教学与研究》2003年第2期

    Congressional Investigations : Subpoenas and Contempt Power . Report for Congress April 2 , 2003 .

  2. 金灿荣人民大学教授说解决两国之间的分歧的机制已经比以前更为强劲。

    Jin Canrong , a professor at Renmin University of China , said the mechanisms to deal with differences between the two countries are much more stronger than before .

  3. “美国有人期望中国将向阿富汗派遣武装警察,这是中国所不能承受的,”中国人民大学国际关系教授金灿荣表示。

    " The expectations in the US that China will send armed police to Afghanistan , that is too much for China ," says Jin Canrong , professor of international relations at Renmin University of China .